
Called to the ministry session to for ten天命与你第24讲



Only such dedication proves God’s will in the Christian’s life.唯有这样子一种的奉献的人生,才能够察验上帝在基督徒身上的旨意是什么。But what determines the form of his service?可是,是由什么来决定,这个基督徒用怎么样的形式来服侍呢?Paul goes on to deal with that question.保罗就继续来讨论这个问题。

The particular service a man is called to give is determined by the gifts he has received(Rom.12:3-8).上帝呼召一个人。从事怎样一种的特殊的服侍,那个要由他领受了什么恩赐来决定。

我们来读罗马书12:3-8,在118页,罗马书12:3-8,来,“我凭着所赐我的恩,对你们各人说:不要看自己过于所当看的,要照着 神所分给各人信心的大小,看得合乎中道。正如我们一个身子上有好些肢体,肢体也不都是一样的用处。我们这许多人,在基督里成为一身,互相联络作肢体,也是如此。按我们所得的恩赐,各有不同。或说预言,就当照着信心的程度说预言;或作执事,就当专一执事;或作教导的,就当专一教导;或作劝化的,就当专一劝化;施舍的,就当诚实;治理的,就当殷勤;怜悯人的,就当甘心。”

The man who would prove God’s will有人想要察验上帝的旨意,must learn to think soberly about his own gifts.他必须警醒谨慎的来思考,他自己的恩赐。he must not think too highly of himself他不可以看自己过于当看的。but understand the measure of the spiritual gifts of faith that have been granted him.但是他必须了解,所赐给他的那个信心的、属灵恩赐的大小是什么。The greater his gifts, the greater his responsibility.他的恩赐越是大,他的责任就越大。

This principle of stewardship in Christ’s kingdom这个原则就是在基督的国度里,管家,做管家的原则,leads us to an unavoidable conclusion:使我们达到一个不可避免的结论,就是,the call of the Word of God to the gospel ministry comes to ALL those who have the gifts for such a ministry.上帝呼召人,上帝的话语呼召人从事福音传道事工了,这个呼召是临到所有这个事工的恩赐的人的。

These gifts are bestowed by the risen Christ这些是复活的基督所赐给人的恩赐,for the building of his church,为了造就祂的教会的,the ingathering of the nations to his name.也是为了造就万国万民,来招聚到祂的名下。No man dare wrap such gifts in a napkin.没有人敢把他的恩赐包在一张餐巾里面。In possessing this rich enduement of the Spirit a man is himself possessed.当人拥有圣灵这么丰富的赐予的时候,这个人已经是被基督拥有了,he is made debtor to all those who may hear the gospel from his lips.他已经成为一个负债者、欠债者,就是像那些将会从他的口中听到福音的人的债。

They cannot hear without a preacher,没有传道者,他们不能听,he cannot except he be sent.除非他被差遣,他也不能讲道。But if he has such gifts from Christ可是他从基督里领受了这些恩赐,he is sent.他是已经被差遣了。Shall a man who is “apt to teach” be silent when the Lord commands his church to teach all nations?当主命令祂的教会,教导万国万民的时候,那个能教导的人,岂可沉默呢?

There is no new principal here.这里的原则,没有什么崭新的,a man must do all he can to serve his Saviour.每一个人都必须尽他所能的服侍救主,the servant is not great than his Lord:仆人不比他的主人更大。If Jesus Christ came to seek and to save that which was lost,耶稣基督若来,是为了寻找拯救失丧的人,those who are sent in his name must seek what he sought—and seeks.那么基督奉祂的名差遣的人了,就必须寻找基督曾经寻找的人,也寻找那些基督正在寻找的人。

Not all are gifted as teachers.不是每一个人都有恩赐做教师的,Many are called to work with their hands有很多信徒,主呼召他们用他们手工作。That they may provide for their families,而且他们能够养家,give to the needy,向有需要的人施舍。and support with temporal blessings those who have labored to bring them spiritual blessings(2Thess.3:10-12;1Thess.4:11;Eph.4:28;Tit.3:8,14marg.)还有,用他们今生的福份,就是他们的金钱等等,来支持那些用属灵的恩赐,赐福给他们的人。就是说,来支持那些传道者。

我们来读一些的经文。2 thessalonians3:10-12,帖后3:10-12,来,“我们在你们那里的时候,曾吩咐你们说,若有人不肯作工,就不可吃饭。因我们听说,在你们中间有人不按规矩而行,什么工都不作,反倒专管闲事。我们靠主耶稣基督,吩咐、劝戒这样的人,要安静作工,吃自己的饭。”

1 thessalonians帖撒罗尼迦前书4:11“又要立志作安静人,办自己的事,亲手作工,正如我们从前所吩咐你们的,”


Titus3:8、14,提多书3:8、14,“这话是可信的。我也愿你把这些事切切实实地讲明,使那些已信 神的人留心作正经事业(或作“留心行善”)。这都是美事,并且与人有益。并且我们的人要学习正经事业(或作“要学习行善”),预备所需用的,免得不结果子。”

Such “laymen” confess Christ before men,这些所谓的平信徒,在人面前承认基督的,give a reason for the faith that is in them,他们为他们心中信仰的缘由,能够说出来,能够分享。and by their godly lives appear as lights in the world.透过他们敬虔的生活在世界上,如明光照耀一样。

But every Christian must use to the full the gifts Christ has given him for the great task of the church in the world.但是每一位基督徒,必须完完全全地使用基督所给他的恩赐(“恩赐”这里是复数的),为了完成教会在世界上的任务。

The man with the cheerfulness of the Spirit must visit the afflicted;有圣灵所赐喜乐的恩赐的人,必须要探访那些困苦中的人;the man with executive gifts若有人有行政的恩赐,must advance the order of the church;必须从事促进教会的秩序,就是让教会的事工井井有条,有好的合乎神的心意的组织的,

The man who is qualified of God to be a minister and teacher in the church若有人有上帝给他资格做牧师,在教会里面做牧师,或者教师,must labor in the Word就必须在神的道上劳苦,and feed the flock of Christ(Rom.12:6-8).喂养基督的羊群的。



The fruitfulness of the greater gifts makes their unwearied use the more necessary.因为那些比较大的恩赐,会结出更多的果子来,所以人要不厌倦地使用这些恩赐,这个就更加是必须的喽。


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The preacher must be urgent in season and out of season(2Tim.4:2).提摩太后书4:2告诉我们,讲道者不论是得时不得时,都必须有迫切的心来传讲。The zeal of God’s house consumes him(John2:17).因为他为上帝的家大发热心,这个热心,占有了他的一切。约翰2:17。

His discipline as a man of God is severe.他有着属神的人的严厉的操练,he is a soldier on service他是一位从军的士兵,who cannot be entangled with the affairs of this life(2Tim.4:2).不能够让今生的事情缠绕着他。提摩太后书2:4。

The experience of a man with the gifts for preaching is like that of the prophets of old.一个有讲道的恩赐的人的经验,就有点像古时候的先知。

接下来这两节经文都是我最心爱的,都是因为我读了《天命与你》的缘故。God’s Word becomes fire in his bones(Jer.20:9).上帝的道上帝的话,他骨中如同火。燃烧着。耶利米20:9,这里是耶利米,差不多想要辞职不再干了,不再做先知了。



阿摩司3:8,”The lion hath roared; who will not fear? The Lord Jehovah hath spoken ; who can but prophesy? “–Amos3:8.

Men with the gifts for the ministry have the capacity for success in other fields,那些有传道的事工的恩赐的人了,他们一般都有,在其他的行业让他们成功的才干的。but they are not free to choose them.可是,他们没有自由去选择那些的行业。God’s first command still stands:是的,上帝最起初的命令仍然是有效的,man is to replenish the earth and subdue it;是的,人还是必须要修理管理大地。

But the Great Commission takes priority over it.可是大使命,就比这个文化使命,就更加的优先了。the Christian is a citizen of heaven,基督徒是天国的国民,given the Word of life in a world of death.在一个谁死的世界里面,基督徒领受了生命之道。

Peter left his fishing boat,彼得撇下他的渔船,Matthew left the tax business,马太放下他收税的生意,and you must leave any calling that keeps you from exercising the gifts of the herald of Christ, if these gifts are yours.那么你,假如这些讲道的恩赐是你的话,那么你也必须放下,任何拦阻你使用基督的传言人,基督的先锋的、恩赐的那些的行业,你必须也放下。

Martin Luther,马丁路德,就正如很多福音的使者传道人一样,like many ministers of the gospel, might have had a brilliant career in law,可能会成为一个非常的卓越的律师,but the fire in his bones prevented it.可是他心里面,骨中之火,就拦住了他当律师了。

A young man was driving down a forest road in Georgia.一位年轻人在美国东南角的乔治亚州,那里最大的城市是亚特兰大。在乔治亚州,正在开车,在森林里面的一条路,正在开车。This woodland,这个森林,hundreds of thousands of acres of it,几十万亩的树木,was under his supervision.是由他来督察的。

His rapid rise in a large paper company他在一家很大的造纸的公司里面,很快的,一步一步的升职。had carried him from the work of a forester to a responsible position in management.他从一个管园林的工人了,已经,他成为一个很有责任的高级的管理员。he was on his way from his new dream home to a company meeting.他拥有一个梦里一样的美好的家,他正在开车从家去参加一个公司的会议。

He was thinking.他在想,with a sense of shock it came to him what he was

thinking about.当他再想一下他在想什么东西的时候,就吓一跳,not the production of pulpwood; not the problems of management.他不是在想那些造纸所用的木材,也不是在想管理的那些的问题,he was thinking about Robert,他在想罗伯这个人,这个同工。a forester是一个园林的工人,and fire-control man in his employ.是在他手下一个,管理火灾的同工。

Was Robert a Christian?罗伯是基督徒吗?How could he reach him with the gospel?我又怎么样能够跟他传福音呢?The young manager was alarmed.这个年轻的管理员,有点吃惊,what was happening to him since his conversion?自从他归正信主之后,究竟发生了什么事。

His fears were well-grounded.他这种的惧怕,是大有理由的,today he is a minister of the gospel.今天他已经是一位牧师了。

When he resigned his position to enter a seminary,当他辞职要进神学院的时候,higher management could scarcely believe that his professed reason was his real one.他的上司,差不多不能相信他所讲的理由,是他真正的辞职理由。How could a man turn his back on such success to become a preacher?一个人怎么可能这么成功,转而做一个牧师?The lion had roared.因为狮子嚎叫了吗?

Most often the presence of such gifts of the Spirit creates a desire for their exercise.最常见的是,若有这些圣灵的恩赐在一个生命里面,就造成这个人了,渴望使用这些恩赐的。By then a man is drawn to the Word, to Christ, to men.借助这些生命的恩赐,一个人会越来越靠近倾听神的话,越来越亲近基督,越来越小,在人们的中间。

For this reason a deep and sincere desire to enter the ministry is the commonest evidence of the Lord’s calling.为了这个缘故,最普通的主的呼召的证据就是,心里面有着深深的诚恳的意愿,要做传道人。it is no sure criterion, however,可是,这个并不是一个最确定的一个的准则。for gifts and desire are not always joined.因为每一个人,同时有恩赐和愿望,有人有愿望没有恩赐,有的人有恩赐没有愿望,有的人两者都有。

A man may seek to quench the Spirit,有些人想要消灭圣灵的感动,refusing to recognize or use the gifts he has received from God(1Thess.5:19).有些人了,拒绝承认使用,从神领受的恩赐的。

帖撒罗尼迦前书5:19,在1022页,不要消灭圣灵的感动。Samson was endued with strength for the deliverance of Israel,参孙有体力的恩赐,为要搭救以色列民,but he squandered his gifts但是他糟蹋了他的恩赐,and fought the Philistines他与非利士人打仗,only in the petty intrigues of his personal pleasure-seeking.都是因为他要欢乐的缘故,在缠绕着这些的小事中间。by God’s grace his tragedy ended in triumph,因为上帝的恩典的缘故,他的悲剧反而以胜利结束。

but Samson’s desire to serve God did not match his gifts for service.可是,参孙服侍神的愿望了,与他所领受的服侍的恩赐,是不相称的。就是说虽然他有了这个恩赐,但他并没有这种的迫切的愿望,来服侍神。



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