
Called the ministry session seven 天命与你,第七讲





nor is it the sufficient for individual Christians to find their calling in such forms of service仅仅是个别的基督徒,在这一类的事奉中找到他们的呼召,还是不足够,Christians have collective responsibility to manifest in specifically Christian enterprises what the gospel means in contemporary life基督徒有身为基督徒群体的集体的责任,要在现今的社会生活中,透过特别有基督教特质的企业,来表达福音的意义。


the full Christian witness in education cannot be brought by the courageous efforts of isolated teachers laboring under the increasing restrictions of a secularized public school system若要有一个完整的,充分的基督教,在教育界的见证,那仅仅是几个孤立的老师,在一个世俗的功利学校的制度里面,这个制度又越来越多的限制,他们孤独的在那里劳苦,勇敢的劳苦,是不能够完全彰显,就是不能够完全彰显一个完整的基督教教育的见证的。


There must be christian schools必须要有基督教的学校设立,to provide education with the heart left in,提供一些教育,是把人的心灵的因素考虑进去的。Where techniques do not become technology在基督教的学校,教学法不会流落与科技,nor the humanities humanism文科,人文学科,也不至于流落到人文主义。

in the other areas, too, groups of Christians must bear distinctive witness,在社会生活其他的层面了,一组一组的基督徒,也需要做有基督教独特性的、好的见证。Christian book publishing基督教的出版事业,and journalism还有新闻界,基督教的新闻界,radio电台广播,television电视,professional and labor associations专业的协会,劳工的团体。

Are all opportunities that can be developed only by joint fulfillment of kingdom calling这些都是一些的机会,必须要由基督徒,联手的来发展,才能够实现天国的呼召。


to be sure,there are dangers当然,这样作肯定有他的冒险,because Christ alone is Lord,因为唯独基督是主,and because he has not come in judgement而基督第一次来,并不是来执行审判。he does not now put a sword in the hands of his servants to bring in his kingdom by force因此,耶稣基督也没有把刀剑放在祂的仆人的手中,用暴力来引进祂的国度。no holy wars may be fought to bring in his kingdom不可以从事圣战,把基督的国度带入人间。

it is not a kingdom of this world for which his servants may fight—Jonh18:36基督的仆人,可以从事的战争,并不是为了这个世界上的国度的。约翰福音18:36,主耶稣说我的国不属这世界。Neither may economic force or political pressure be used as a means of fulfilling the prayer,” thy kingdom come!”不可以用经济的压力或者政治的压力,来成全“愿你的国降临”的祈求。

A further danger of corporate Christian action,基督徒集体的行动,又有另外一种的危险。is that the program of the kingdom may be forgotten就是遗忘了天国的计划,或者项目,and the “go” of Christ’s calling ignored,就忽略了基督的“你们要去”这方面的呼召。

Christian villages, towns,基督教的小镇乡村,retirement communities,基督教的退休的社区,year-round conference centers,一年12个月的退休营地,and the like,等等,may serve to demonstrate Christian solutions to social problems,这些可能能够展示出基督教如何解决社会的问题,but they cannot long flourish,因为这些不可能兴旺的太久,for they are the centers of withdrawal,因为这些是退缩的中心。

Christ did not pray that his disciples should be taken from the world基督并没有祈求,让祂的门徒从世界中,抽离出来,but that they should be kept from evil基督的祈求,是求神让门徒们脱离罪恶,或者从邪恶中被保守。约翰福音17:15,我不求你叫他们离开世界,只求你保守他们脱离那恶者。

we are not now called to build the kingdom of glory我们在目前的阶段的呼召,并不是要建立荣耀的国度,but to carry a cross,乃是要背起十字架,in the kingdom of grace在恩典的国度里,要背起十字架。To forget the cause of missions is to forget the purpose of Christ in a world still spared from destruction若遗忘了宣教的事业,就是忘记在这个世界中,上帝还没有毁灭的世界中,基督的目的是什么。the purpose of your life must be the purpose of Christ’s death你一生的目的必须是基督为什么要舍命的目的。

What your hands make,what your money buys,你的手所做的功,你的钱可以买的物品,what your heart desire,你的心所愿望的东西,in these you live,你是生活在这种的事物中的,in these Christ calls you to gather with him those for whom he died,就是在这些物品里的工作、你的愿望,这个世界里面,基督呼召你去把那些、祂舍命的对象聚集起来。

because his name is written on all that you are and have,因为一切你所有的,都有基督的名字写在其上,all must serve his purpose因此一切都要为祂的目的效劳。measure your discipleship by the things you have time for,你怎么衡量你的门徒生活,你算一算,你能够播出时间做的,是哪些事?这个就给你看到,你真正的门徒生活的优先次序在哪里?

Gehazi,the man of God, was a disciple to Elisha基哈西是一位神人,他是以利沙的门徒,he loved the good things of life他喜爱人生中的美物,money,clothes,  property, servants金钱,衣服,财产,仆人。when the prophet refused an honorarium  from Naaman the healed leper当先知以利沙拒绝接受乃缦,就是他的大麻疯被医好的乃缦,所送的礼金的时候,it was too much for Gehazi对基哈西来说是受不了的事。

he followed the departing Gentile他跟着这个要离去的外邦人走,and gave him opportunity to express his gratitude by a gift for theological education—2 kings5:21f.他就给了乃缦一个机会,来表达他的感恩,赠送了一个为神学教育所做的奉献。列王记下5:21-22。Gehazi receive Naaman’s gift,基哈西接受了乃缦的礼物,and his leprosy也领受了他的大麻疯病。

but have not God promised blessing to his people?但是,难道上帝没有应许赐福给祂的子民吗?vineyards葡萄园,oliveyards橄榄园,sheep and oxen牛,羊,the very things Gehazi desired?就是基哈西所喜爱的东西吗?


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Has not God promised that grateful Gentiles would bring their tribute to the people of God?上帝岂不没有应许过,感恩的外邦人会将他们的礼物,带到上帝的子民中进贡吗?could not sons of the prophets,as workmen worthy of their hire, share in such largess?先知的儿子,就是先知的门徒们,工人得工价是应该的,岂不应该在这些慷慨的奉献中有份吗?

hear Elisha’s rebuke:请听以利沙的责备,2Kings5:26,王下5:26,就不读英文了,“……这岂是受银子、衣裳、买橄榄园、葡萄园、牛羊、仆婢的时候呢”?

Gehazi thought there was no time like the present基哈西认为,目前就是大好的机会的时刻,the urgency of God’s kingdom meant nothing to him,而上帝的国度是多么的迫切,对他毫无意义。

if the service of Elisha was so urgent那么,假如以利沙的事奉是那么的迫切,what of the service of Christ那事奉基督呢?有没有,或者是更加的迫切呢?

B部分, calling from the throne,来自基督宝座的呼召。中文是36页,英文26页。

Faced with the calling of the cross当我们面对十字架的呼召的时候,the demand of seeking first the kingdom,先求祂的国的要求、命令的时候,every Christian must cry基督徒必须喊叫说,”who is sufficient for these things?” –2 Cor.2:16这事,谁能当得起呢?

The answer Paul gives we must also claim保罗对这个问题的回答,我们也要接受的。”Our sufficiency is from God” –2 Cor.3:5,哥林多后书3:5,我们所能承担的,乃是出于上帝。

Christ who calls us to take up the cross has ascended into heaven,耶稣基督,就是那位呼召我们,背起十字架的耶稣基督,已经升到天上。and from his glory as Lord,祂现在是主,从祂的荣耀,祂差派,he sends forth the royal gift of his Holy Spirit祂差派圣灵,圣灵就是君王基督,所赐给所赐下的恩赐。

Our service is shaped not only by the perspective of his kingdom我们不单单必须有天国的观点角度,来塑造我们的事奉,but also by the richness of his gift,我们也必须有圣灵丰富的恩赐,来塑造我们的事奉的。

1 .enduement shapes service,神所赐的恩赐,塑造我们的服侍

In the Epistle to the Ephesians 在以弗所书,Paul reflects with inspired wisdom on the calling of Christ保罗有圣灵默示的智慧,讲出基督的呼召。

In the fourth chapter 以弗所书第4 章,he deals again with a theme he had discussed in writing to the Corinthians他再次讨论一个在哥林多书里讨论过的主题,the unity and diversity of the work of the Spirit in the church,就是圣灵在教会里的工作,是合一的,也是多元的。

To walk worthily of the calling with which they are called 基督徒若要行事为人,与蒙召的恩相称的话,Christians must keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace那么基督徒,就必须要竭力保守圣灵所赐的合而为一的心。there is one body,身体只有一个,one Spirit圣灵只有一位,and one hope of our calling,我们呼召的盼望也是一个。Ephesians4:7-8以弗所书4:7-8,但是我们各人蒙恩,都是照基督所量给各人的恩赐,所以经上说,祂升上高天的时候,掳掠了仇敌,将各样的恩赐,赏给人。

the one ascended Lord,那位升到高天的主,through the one Spirit,这唯独的升到高天的主,透过唯一的圣灵,sent from heaven透过这位从天上被差遣下来的、唯一的圣灵,bestows many gifts on men,赐多样的恩赐给人。

这里所说的是,基督是一位,圣灵是一位,恩赐是多样的。The variety of these gifts does not divide,but unites the church of Christ恩赐的多样,不是分裂基督的教会,乃是使基督的教会合一。

Indeed,Paul can speak of them not only as “gifts” but as “measures”,诚然的,保罗称这些,不单是称为恩赐,也说是神所量的人的。varying amounts of the one gift of the Spirit就是说,圣灵所赐的一个的恩赐的、不同的量度。

Paul sees Christ’s ascension in the beautiful imagery of Psalms 68,保罗是透过诗篇第68篇,那个美丽的形象,来看基督的升天的。the Lord marches from the wilderness at the head of his redeemed people主走在祂的赎民的前面,从旷野前进,and ascends into the holy hill of his dwelling and rule,一直走上祂的居所,祂的统治之所在,就是祂的圣山。

As the triumphant king祂身为得胜的君王,he receives the fruits of his victory祂接受祂的战利品,and distributes his largess among his people,慷慨地把这些分给祂的子民。

The gift of the Spirit at Pentecost,圣灵,就是五旬节所赐下的恩赐,圣灵自己就是五旬节所赐下的恩赐,fill Christ’s church with the power of his kingdom,这位五旬节赐下的恩赐—圣灵,以国度的大能充满了基督的教会。

this presence of the Spirit both empowers and shapes the service of the church圣灵的降临就使教会的服侍有能力,圣灵的降临也是让教会的服侍成型,或者说塑造教会的服侍的。

The one body grows”according to the working in measure of each several part” —Eph.4:16,以弗所书4:16告诉我们。这一个的基督的身体是如何成长的,是照着所量给各体的功用。

the grace given in measure– verse 7,所量给各人的恩赐,第7节,produces a  working in measure– verse 16,就带出所量给各体的功用。16节。

that is, the calling of an individual in the church of Christ is determined by the gifts Christ has giving him, by the ”measure” of the Spirit he has received,也就是说,一个个别的基督徒,在基督的教会里的呼召,就是由基督所给他的恩赐所决定的。也就是说他所领受的圣灵的量度,决定他的呼召是什么。


在这里,我们来看基督上升了,是应验了诗篇第68篇,而基督赐给教会圣灵,圣灵就是恩赐,圣灵同时也是赐恩赐者。The Holy Spirit is the gift圣灵就是那个最伟大的恩赐,The Holy Spirit is the gift giver圣灵也是赐恩赐给不同的肢体的那位。



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