
called to the ministry session twelve 天命与你,第十二讲


第二部分,什么是上帝对传道的呼召。What is God’s calling to the ministry? chapter three第三章,distinctive calling独特的呼召。

We have considered Christian calling;我们讨论过基督徒的呼召,what now of the call to the ministry?那么蒙召传道又如何呢?just what is “the ministry”?传道究竟是什么呢?

A部分:distinctive in authority 传道的呼召有着独特的权威。

To answer that question we must begin with Jesus Christ.要回答这个问题,什么是传道,我们要从耶稣基督开始。A minister is a servant;一位牧师是一个仆人,Christ is the one Lord,基督乃是独一的主宰。Who must rule until all his enemies are put under his feet(1Cor.15:25;Col.3:1)祂必作王,直到祂所有的仇敌,都压在祂的脚下。哥林多前书15:25,还有歌罗西书3:1。

No one is called to Lord it over the flock of Christ(1Pet.5:3);上帝没有呼召任何人,是去基督的群羊之上,压制他们。no throne is set in the church but the one at God’s right hand.教会里没有设立宝座,除了在父神右边的、那唯一的宝座。

on the other hand,他是从另外一个角度来看。every Christian,每一位基督徒,called by Christ’s name,是藉着或者奉基督的名蒙召的。is united to Christ in glory.他是在荣耀中,与基督联合的。He sits with Christ in the heavenly places,他与基督同坐在天上。你注意这个是现在时,基督徒现在与基督一同坐在天上。and is called a king,基督徒被称为是一个君王,a son of God in him(Eph.2:6, 1John3:1). 是在神的儿子里面,一个神的儿子。以弗所书2:6,约壹3:1。

Spiritual dominion by princes of the church is doubly impossible:若说教会里面有一些的君王,做属灵的统治,是双重的不可能的。Christ the king is with his people;基督是君王,祂与祂的子民同在。his people are kings with Christ.祂的子民与基督是同作王的,所以在教会里面有教皇,是双重不可能的。

Can any officer outrank an “ordinary” Christian who shares Christ’s throne and

judge angels?(1Cor.6:3).教会里面有任何的认知的人员,有可能比一个平凡的基督徒更高贵吗?一个平凡的基督徒,是与基督同享基督的宝座,也要审判天使的。哥林多前书6:3。

Chris’s total rule基督政权的全面的统治,obliterates all hierarchy.排除任何教会的官僚的等次。The Mediator does not need mediators(1Tim.2:5).中保不需要另外的中保的。提摩太前书2:5。No, the minister is not a prince, not even a master— Matthew23:8-12不是的,牧师不是君王。甚至不是主人,马太23:8-12。

He is a servant.牧师是一个仆人,But Chris is a Servant, too.但是基督也是仆人。那这个仆人在这里,是大写的。The Lord became the Servant;主成为那一位仆人,he came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.– Matthew20:28基督来不是要受人的服侍,乃是要服侍人,还要舍命,作为多人的赎价。—马太福音20:28。

His service fulfilled all the ministry to which the people of God are called,基督的服侍就已经成就了实现了,上帝的子民蒙召,要从事的所有的服侍,


Just as his sufferings bore all the judgment their rebellion deserved.正如基督的受苦,就承担了所有基督徒的反叛、所配受的审判一样。The church has one Minister,教会就只有一位牧者,或者牧师或者仆人。 one Apostle只有一位使徒,and High Priest of our confession(Heb.3:1)我们所承认的也只有一位大祭司。希伯来书3:1

To the fellowship of his ministry Christ calls every Christian.耶稣基督呼召每一位基督徒进入到他的服侍的团契,在祂的服侍上得份。When the apostles argued about rank in the kingdom,当使徒们在争辩,在天国里怎么分等级,谁大谁小的时候,he offered his cup of suffering(Matt.20:22).基督所给他们的是祂受苦的杯。Matthew20:22马太20:22。

For patterns of ministry那么,为要提供服侍的样式,he gave them a basin and a towel(John13:4-14).耶稣给他们一个盆子和一条毛巾。John13:4-14约翰福音13:4-14。Every Christian, then, is called to share both the ministry of the cross and the dominion of the crown.所以。基督呼召每一位基督徒,来在基督的十字架的服侍有份,也在基督作王的冠冕上又有份。我们来做仆人,来做君王。

Because Christ has fulfilled all ministry,因为基督已经成就了所有的服侍。He is the final prophet, priest, and king of the people of God.因此祂是最后的,也是至高的神的子民的先知,神的子民的祭司,神的子民的君王。

On the Mount of transfiguration,在登山变像的山上,from the glory of the cloud,从荣耀的云彩中,God’s voice spoke one great commandement:上帝的声音,说出一个伟大的吩咐,就是,”This is my beloved Son, hear him!”(Luke9:35).这是我的爱子,听祂。路加福音9:35  Luke9:35

Moses and Elijah,摩西和以利亚,the greatest prophetic figures of the Old Testament,这两位是旧约里面最伟大的两位的先知人物。were with Jesus on the mount,他们在山上与基督在一起。but their typical and mediatorial role was no longer needed.可是摩西和以利亚,作为预表作为中保的角色已经不再需要了。希伯来书1:1-2:”God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son…”(Heb.1:1,2).上帝既在古时借着众先知,多次多方地晓谕列祖。就在这末世,借着他儿子晓谕我们。又早已立他为承受万有的,也曾借着他创造诸世界。

Christ is the great High Priest as well as the final Prophet,耶稣基督是那个最伟大的大祭司,他也是最后的先知。for his was the real sacrifice,因为基督献上的,是那个最真实的献祭。to which the shadowy rituals of slain animals dimly pointed.旧约那些被杀的祭牲的仪式,的献祭仪式是影子,只不过是暗暗的指向基督的真正的献祭。

He ascended God’s holy hill基督登上帝的圣山。to sprinkle the eternal mercy-seat with his own blood在永恒的施恩座前,洒了祂自己的宝血,and to make undying intercession for his people(Heb.7:25;9:24).也不断的为祂的子民代求,希伯来书7:25,9:24。He is a royal priesthood:基督为祭司,是做君尊的祭司的。having himself purged our sins,既然祂已经洗净我们的罪,he sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high(Heb.1:3).祂就坐在全能者的右边。希伯来书1:3。


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From the riches of his perfect ministry Christ gives every grace to his people.耶稣基督,从祂的完完全全的服侍的丰富中,赐不同的恩典,各项的恩典给祂的子民。The “universal priesthood of believers”人人皆祭司,这个概念,is not a religious application of democracy.不是一个民主的概念应用在宗教范围,不是的。

Every Christian has access to the heavenly holy place每一位基督徒都能够来到天上的圣所,only because Christ is there among the lampstands,唯独因为基督在那里,在金灯台中间。his priestly garment girded with royal gold(Rev.1:13).祂穿上带有金子的,金色的祭司的衣裳。启示录1:13 revelation1:13

The believer has no rights as prophet, priest, or king in his own name,一个信徒,就他自己的名字来说,是没有先知、祭司、君王的名分和权利的。but in Christ’s calling 因为有了基督徒的呼召,his rights exceed those of every prophet, priest, or king of the Old Testament.基督徒的权利,超过了旧约里面每任何一个先知、祭司或者君王的。there was no greater prophet than John the Baptist,先知中没有比施洗约翰更伟大的,but he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he: greater, that is,但是在天国里面最小的也比施洗约翰更大。not in obedience or service,不是说在顺服、在服侍上,比施洗约翰更大,but in position,乃是在位置上比施洗约翰更大,in calling(Matt.11:9-11).在呼召上比施洗约翰更大,马太11:9-11。意思就是说施洗约翰那是旧约里面的先知,我们都是新约的。

After Christ’s outpouring of his Spirit at Pentecost当基督在五旬节浇灌祂的灵之后,浇灌祂的灵在祂的子民的身上的之后。all the people of God are as prophets,所有子民都是像先知一般,sharing with Simon Peter in that confession of faith which is revealed not by flesh and blood, but by the Father in heaven(Matt.16:18).每一位神的子民都像先知,与西门彼得一样,有了这个信心的承认。这个认信不是由血气血肉来显示的,乃是由天上的天父所启示的。马太16:18。

In that same Spirit they are sanctified,他们也是受同一个灵成圣。offer themselves as living sacrifices,同一个灵感动他们,把自己献上,当做活祭。praise God,同一个灵使他们赞美上帝。and make intercession for men as a kingdom of priests(1Pet.2:9)同一个灵使他们为人代求,做君尊的祭司,或者是祭司的王国。彼得前书2:9。

Through the power the risen Christ他们靠着复活的基督的大能,they have dominion over the hosts of darkness他们统治黑暗的一切的权势。and will rule with Christ at his appearing(1Cor.4:8;6:2,2;Rom. 16:20)当基督显现的时候,与基督一同要作王的。哥林多前书4:8、6:2  ;罗马书16:20。

All office in the New Testament church centers in Christ.新约教会所有的职分,都是以基督为中心的。He is the one Mediator,基督是唯一的中保,the Lord基督是主。and the Servant.基督是那仆人。Because there is one Master,因为只有一位主人。all Christians are brethren(Matt.23:8).所以,所有基督徒都是弟兄。马太23:8,Matthew23:8

None can stand above the others.没有人可以站在别人之上。Advancement in the kingdom is not by climbing 在天国里,更上一层楼不是透过攀登,but by kneeling是透过跪下。

Since the Lord has become Servant of all,主既然做了众人的仆人。any special calling in the his name must be a calling to humility, to service.所以奉基督的名领受特殊的呼召,都是蒙召做谦卑,做服侍的人。The stairway to the ministry is not a grand staircase爬到服侍的楼阶,不是一个宏伟的楼阶,but a back stairwell that leads down to the servants’ quarters.乃是后面的一条的小小的阶级,带你到仆人的房间里。

To be sure, some servants are granted greater responsibilities than others,不错,某些仆人所领受的责任,可能会大过其他的仆人,but only the unfaithful servant sees such a charge as a license to abuse his fellow-servants(Luke 12: 45-46).但是唯有不忠心的仆人,才会看到他的责任,他的更大的责任,是给他放纵去虐待其他的基督的仆人的。路加福音12:45-46。

The true steward understands that greater responsibility means deeper service:真正的管家了解到,越有更大的责任,就有更深的服侍。to whom much is given, much shall be required(Luke 12:48).多给谁的,就要向谁多取。路加Luke 12:48。

Only in this way can we receive the New Testament teaching about the glory of the ministry of the gospel.只有这样,我们才能够领受,新约《圣经》告诉我们,福音侍事工的荣耀这方面的教导。Let a man choose the ministry for professional dignity, easy income, personal prestige, or public praise,若有人选择做传道人,为了专业的尊严,容易的收入,个人的地位,或者群众的称赞的话,and he has rejected the  ministry of Christ.他岂是完全没有领受到基督的事工,他是拒绝了基督的事工。

Paul shows us what to expect:保罗告诉我们,我们在传道事工上,可以期待会领受什么。ridicule, humiliation, persecution, heartache,别人的嗤笑,羞辱,逼迫,心的破碎。while we borrow other people’s troubles to make them the burdens of a pastor’s love.我们把别人的灾难借过来,成为一个牧者爱心,在爱心中要负的重担。

You will not be called to all the shame that Paul endured.上帝没有呼召你,要承受保罗所忍受、所有的羞辱。The ministry to which he was called as an apostle was a greater stewardship than yours,上帝呼召保罗所从事的事工,是做使徒这方面的管家,是比你的更大的,and the humiliation was greater, too(Cor.4:9-14; 2Cor.11:23-30).所以羞辱也更大。歌罗西书4:9-14,哥林多后书11:23-30。

Perhaps we are now ready to think about authority.我们现在可以来思考到服侍里的权威了。As there are differing gifts and differing degrees of stewardship,正如恩赐有不同,做管家要管理的也有不同。so there are differing measures of authority granted to the ministry of Christ.同样的,基督的仆人所领受的权柄,大小也有所不同。This is particularly clear in the case of the apostles.在使徒这方面就特别清楚了。

Paul spoke of the authority given him by Christ保罗说基督赐给他权柄,for the up building of the church(2Cor.13:10).是为了造就教会的。哥林多后书13:10,2 corinthians13:10, he knew that he had been called as a wise master builder他知道,基督呼召他做一个聪明的工头,to build up the church upon the one Foundation, Jesus Christ(1Cor.3:10,11).在唯一的根基,耶稣基督的根基上建立教会。哥林多前书3:10-11。

The stewardship of the apostles was unique.交托给使徒们的,是独特的,they were called to be witnesses to the words and deeds of Christ,他们蒙召,是要见证基督的话语和基督的作为。and particularly of his resurrection.特别见证基督的复活的。

The exacting requirements of an apostle’s witness are specified in connection with the choice of Matthias to take the place of Judas(Acts1:21-22).当使徒们选出马提亚取代犹大的时候,我们就看到,做一个使徒见证人,那个严谨的要求是什么。使徒行传1:21-22。Acts1:21-22

Peter speaks of God’s selection of chosen witnesses in describing his own calling–Acts10:41-42当彼得描述他自己的呼召的时候,他说到上帝亲自拣选祂的见证人的。Acts10:41-42使徒行传10:41-42。

Even Paul defends his own apostleship as extraordinary甚至乎当保罗维护他自己的使徒职分的时候,也说他那个是不寻常的。because he was not a disciple of Christ during His earthly ministry.因为他不是在基督传道的地上的时候。一位基督的门徒,Paul was an apostle ”born out of due time”保罗是一个比较晚出生的使徒。but called by the risen Christ Himself(1Cor.15:8).可是由复活的基督亲自呼召他的。哥林多前书15:8。

The ministry of the apostles brought the word of Christ to the church and the world;使徒们的服侍,把基督的话语传给教会,也传给世界,they testified to the things they had seen and heard as the Spirit of Christ brought them to their remembrance —John14:26当基督的灵使他们记得,关于基督的事的时候。使徒们见证了他们所看见的,他们所听到的。约翰福音14:26。

Their calling could not be continued in later generations,他们的呼召不可能在以后的世世代代继续的,for the simple reason that it was a calling of eyewitness.原因很简单,因为上帝给他们的呼召是要做见证人,亲眼看过的事情的见证人。Christ’s own authority is shown in this.我们可以看到基督祂自己的权柄。

The apostles are not independent sources of heavenly wisdom.使徒们不是他们独立的、有着从天上来的智慧,他们不是天上的智慧的泉源。The word they declare is the world of Christ.他们所宣讲的话是基督的话,they are not legislator but reporters and interpreters.他们不是立法者,他们是报道员,他们是翻译员。

They become foundation stones of the church使徒们成为教会的房角石,或者是立基石,only because they became foundation stones of the church使徒们是成为教会的根基,Only because Christ is the chief cornerstone(Eph.2:20).唯独是因为基督是那个房角石。Ephesus2:20以弗所书2:20


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