

Called to the ministry session fifteen,天命与你,第15讲。



The pastor must be able to show mercy in Christ’s name,牧师必须奉基督之名,表达怜悯,to manifest the compassion of the Saviour toward the poor, the sick, the suffering.彰显出救主基督,对贫穷的人、有病的人、受苦的人的怜悯。Yet no Christian lacks either gifts or responsibility for showing mercy in the name of Christ可是,没有一个基督徒是没有这种的恩赐、没有这种责任,奉主的名表达怜悯。

Indeed, the one who has never given a cup of cold water in Christ’s name, or visited the sick and imprisoned,诚然地,若有基督徒从来没有奉主的名,给我小子一杯凉水的,或是从来没有探访过病人,或者监狱的人的,or clothed the friendless,或者给没有朋友的人衣服穿的,or lodged the stranger,或者给陌生人居住的。

That one has neither served Christ nor known him(Matt.25:31-46).这个人,从来没有服侍过基督,其实从来不认识耶稣基督。我们就不读这段了,马太福音25:31-46。

There is however a significant difference in the degree of the gifts given by Christ,可是基督所赐的恩赐,在程度上有重要的区分。as well as in the degree of faithfulness with which the gifts have been exercised.另外就是,人有多么的忠诚使用这些的恩赐,在程度上也有区分。

Every Israelite had the gift of physical strength from God in some measure.每一位以色列的人,在某个程度上都从上帝领受了体力,这个恩赐,but not every Israelite had that degree of strength given to Samson.可是不是每一个以色列人了,都有好像上帝给参孙那种在程度上的体力。With strength in that degree went a calling to service that others could not render.有这个程度上的体力,就同时有了呼召,从事一些别人做不出的服侍。

So with the ministry of God’s Work.传递上帝的话的侍工,也是一样。God does call workmen in the Word with deepened insights to perceive the outlines of sound words and with anointed lips to declare them.上帝就是呼召一些传递的话语的工人,因为他们有更深的看见,察看到上帝话语的规模,上帝膏他们的口,使他们能够宣讲真理。

There are men made “ mighty in the Scriptures”(Acts18:24)这些人,是能讲解《圣经》的,使徒行传18:24.,英文是说他们在《圣经》上是大有能力的,中文是说最能讲解《圣经》,使徒行传18:24。

A stewardship of the gospel is committed to such men.上帝,把做福音的管家的职分,交托给这些在神的话语上,大有能力的人。They have no choice:他们是没有选择的,woe is them if they preach not the gospel!他们不传福音就有祸了。


歌罗西书1:25,我们一起来读歌罗西书1:25,来,“我照 神为你们所赐我的职分作了教会的执事,要把 神的道理传得全备,”

As they are obliged to preach, so others are obliged to hear.正如,这些人有责任要宣讲,同样地,别的人有责任听。their message must be received as the word of God(1Thess.2:13),他们必须领受信息,以上帝的话来领受。帖前2:13节,“……不以为是人的道,乃以为是 神的道……”

Those who by faith receive their witness will rejoice in the day of Christ’s return,那些用信心领受他们的见证的人,当基督回来的时候会欢喜快乐,while those that obey not the gospel 可是那些不顺服福音的人,will know the judgment of God’s vengeance(2Thess.1:8-10).有一天会体会到,上帝报应的审判。帖后1:8-10

The congregation must respect the authority of ministers of the Word as those “over them in the Lord”(1Thess5:12)会众必须尊重,传上帝的道的牧师们的权威,因为他们是治理会众的。

Over them in the Lord在主里面说着他们以上帝的,直接翻译,帖撒罗尼迦前书5:12,to be esteemed highly in love for their work’s sake.为了他们的侍奉,他们的工作的缘故,会众应该是在爱中,特别尊敬他们的。希伯来书13:17。


Men are placed in this office by the Holy Spirit (Acts 20:28)是圣灵,把这些人安置在这个职分上的,使徒行传20:28,圣灵立你们作全群的监督。Christ’s gifts of the Spirit and his calling in the Spirit must be recognized by the church.耶稣基督赐下圣灵的恩赐,耶稣基督在圣灵里也呼召。

这个圣灵的恩赐和藉着圣灵的呼召,都必须有教会来承认。When the church calls a man to the gospel ministry当教会呼召一个信徒,做传道,it is recognizing and expressing the call of Christ.教会就是在承认,就是在表达出基督的呼召。the church must seek out those who are “full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom”教会必须要寻找,选出那些有圣灵充满、蛮有智慧的,for the particular work to be committed to them(Acts6:3).让他们从事,所交托给他们的事奉的工作。例如这些,使徒行传6:3那些的雏形的执事们。

Since the scope of a man’s ministry is determined by the riches of his spiritual gifts,既然,一个人的属灵恩赐多么的丰富,就决定他侍奉的范围。The recognition of a man’s field of service is dependents on recognition of the gifts granted him by the spirit for that area of ministry(Gal.2:7-9)既然,一个人的属灵恩赐决定他的侍奉的范围,那么,教会承认圣灵给他的恩赐,来从事这个范围的工作,就决定了教会承认这个人的服侍的范围。


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承认恩赐,然后承认侍奉的工作。other ministers or the church as a whole cannot delegate authority to him who is to be a minister of Christ.一个将要做基督的传道人的人,其他的牧师,甚至乎教会全体,不能够把权威授予给他的,不是这样子的。

They can only give orderly recognition to the fact that Christ has called this man.他们只能够很有秩序的承认,基督已经呼召这个人。所以不是说使徒的权柄,传授传授,一直传授到按立的一个人做牧师,不是的。在教会承认这个人的恩赐。

The evidence they recognize is the fruitfulness of the gifts of Christ in the life of his minister.那他们承认的证据是什么呢?就是在这个基督的仆人的身上,他的生命中,基督的恩赐如何结出果子来。

就是说承认他已经有恩赐,而且结出果子来,有某一个程度上的服侍的果子。Public recognition is necessary,公开的承认,是必须的。for the reason that the stewardship of Christ’s Word must be exercised with authority.原因很简单,只因为作为基督的道的管家,这个必须是有权威的工作。

Those who declare the way of life and use the keys of the kingdom那些宣告生命之道,那些使用天国的钥匙的人了,must be heard and heeded,人们必须要听他们,服从他们。and this means that their gifts must be openly acknowledged所以,他们的恩赐必须公开的被承认。and their stewardship responsibly discharged而且,他们的管家的工作必须很有责任的。

而差遣他们,in fellowship with the whole church as well as with those who share their special gifts for rule and teaching是与整个教会,将团契这样子来承认,来差遣,同时也是那些与他们一起有着教导,或者治理恩赐的人,一起的交通团契,承认和差遣。

  1. distinctive in function B、方式的功能有所不同,或者独特的功能。


The New Testament teaches that,新约《圣经》教导我们说,Christ calls some men to a particular ministry of the Word基督呼召某些的弟兄,特别作传道的事工。and that these men exercise authority in the faithful stewardship of their office.这些人,当他们忠诚地做他们的职分的、好管家的时候,他们是使用着权威的,the church must acknowledge this authority as the gifts of Christ.教会必须承认这个权威是基督所赐的恩赐。

Reflection on the authority of the office of the minister of the gospel should be sobering and even alarming.当我们思考着,传福音的传道人、牧师的职分的权威的时候,是让我们更加的谨慎、警醒,甚至乎恐惧。

No man can take up such responsibility as a mere profession没有一个人可以把它当作一份职业,来从事这个任务的。Authority alone does not define the work of the minister, however.可是,一个牧师的工作的定义。不仅仅在于他的权威。Others beside the preacher are called to publicly recognized ministries in the church.还有其他的,除了讲道者以外,上帝也呼召他们,做一些教会里面公开承认的侍工的。

What precisely is the calling of the minister of the Word?那么,传神的道,就是牧师传道的呼召。精准地来说是什么呢?What particular gifts does he need to do his work?牧师、传道,需要有哪些的特别的恩赐,才能够从事他的工作呢?

When we turn to the New Testament to discover how the calling of the minister of the gospel is related to other callings in the church we find an abundance of information but no one brief summary.当我们翻开新约《圣经》,去发现,究竟传福音的牧师的呼召和教会其他的呼召,之间的关系是什么时候呢?我们找到很多的资料,但是并没有扼要的总结。The New Testament contains no manual of church order,新约《圣经》并没有把它分的教会治理的制度的手册。to the secret despair of some tidy organization men.有些人呢,很有组织心态的人了,暗地里可能是很绝望、很失望,没有这份的手册。

God’s Word records the history of redemption to the last.上帝的话所记录的。是一直到末了的救赎历史。The truth at it is in Christ continues to unfold through the final chapter of Revelation在基督里的真理,一直到启示录最后一章,不断地在展开,and Christ’s ordering of his church unfolds with it.与真理的展开之同时,基督如何设立祂教会的秩序也同时展开。

To realize what the New Testament is not we have only to compare it with the Manual of Discipline of the Dead Sea sect.我们知道若要了解究竟新约《圣经》不是什么,怎么不是一份的手册,我们只需要把《圣经》与死海的群体的纪律守则比较一下,就知道了。

But what the New Testament appears to lose in legal crispness it gains in both richness and spiritual applicability.新约《圣经》好像没有那种法律上的精准性,但是,它是很丰富的,而且在属灵上,多方面是可应用的。Manuals of order must constantly be revised:教会的治会手册,必须常常修改的。the specific answers their users require have a way of changing with the times.提出问题的使用手册的人,所问的问题的答案,常常与时代的变迁有所改变。

God’s Word provides us with the principles of church order in a setting that widens their applicability.但是上帝的话,给我们治理教会制度的原则。这个治理教会的原则,整个的架构,是让《圣经》有很广泛的应用性。

The establishment and development of Christ’s church is revealed in a history that traces the purpose and work of the Lord.基督的教会如何设立,如何发展,是在一个历史的过程中,被启示出来的。而这个历史,在勾画出主耶稣的目的,主耶稣的工作。

What we are shown in the New Testament is新约《圣经》所展示给我们的是,the  dividing of the tongues of flame as the gifts of Christ filled his church.就是给我们看到的是,当基督的恩赐充满祂的教会的时候,这个火焰的舌头,怎么样的分开。

The downward rush of the Spirit’s fullness equipped apostles for the establishment of the church当圣灵充满,如风一下的下来的时候,圣灵就装备使徒们设立教会。and surrounded them with prophets and miracle-workers ,healers and rulers ,preachers and counselors ,prudent administrators of relief funds and cheerful visitors of the afflicted.不但如此,圣灵让很多人围绕着使徒们,就是先知们,行神异能的、医病的、治理的、讲道的、辅导的,谨慎执行管理,救济金钱的,还有欢喜快乐去探访那些苦难中的人的人。

Among the teeming variety of spiritual gifts were some that had special significance for the beginning of the Christian church.属灵的恩赐有这么多种的不同,但是有一些,对于基督教会的开始,是很重要性的。As we have seen,正如我们已经看见的,the inspiration of the Spirit圣灵的默示,was needed 是必须的。to express in words given of the Spirit the revelation of the Lord to his people.圣灵的默示是必须的,为要用语言来表达,圣灵所赐的、主对祂的子民的启示,就是圣灵默示就把主的启示,就表达,用言语表达出来。参考哥林多前书2:13。

Signs of the new heavens and earth were also given to mark the truth of the inspired apostolic witness新天新地的记号,也是给了使徒们,来印记他们受圣灵默示的见证的真理的真实性。什么叫新天新地的记号呢?就是病得医治、赶鬼等等。and to reveal the character of the kingdom they preached.这些神迹,也展示出他们所宣讲的国度的性质。那这里都是在讲使徒时期那一些的恩赐。当然与今天的恩赐是不一样的,我们下次继续讲下去。

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