
called to the ministry session ten 天命与你,第十讲



That means that you cannot grow without ministering to others and receiving the ministry of others.意思就是说你若不服侍别人,也同时接受别人的服侍的话,你不可能成长的。

try to recall the people who have stimulated your own Christian growth试想一下,哪些人是帮助你,刺激你,在基督的道路上成长呢?in five minutes time,用五分钟,you might name scores of people whose influence was of critical help in winning you to Christ and helping you to grow as a Christian你大概可以写下好几十个人的名字,他们都影响过你,都在关键性的方面,帮助过你信主做基督徒成长的。


if you have been growing, however, you have also been serving可是只要你在成长的话,你肯定也正在服侍的。you do not know all those you have served,你大概不会知道,你所服侍的都是哪些人,just as you do not know all who have served you,就正如你也不知道,那些服侍过你的都是哪些人。But can you name some of them?但是,你可以想出某一些人吗?

failure to recognize that Christians grow together as they minister to one another can lead to painful symptoms in the body of Christ.我们若不承认基督徒是彼此服侍、这样子一起成长,若不承认这一点的话,就会带来基督的身体里面,一些很痛苦的病征。

Paul pictures the absurdity of both envy and pride among the members of the one body,保罗描述了在一个身体里面,不同肢体的妒忌和骄傲,是多么的荒谬。a foot cannot resign from the body because it is not the hand,一只脚,只因为它不是手,不可以从整个身体上辞职的,neither can the head say to the feet,” I have no need of you”—1Cor.12:15,21头也不能跟脚说我不需要你。哥林多前书12:15、21。

How ready Christians have been to divide the church into Seeing Eye or Hearing Ear societies,基督徒是多么的快,愿意把基督的身体,分裂成为专门是视角的团契,或者是专门听觉的团契,judging the usefulness of all Christian graces by the measure of their own!按照他们自己的恩赐的亮度来判断,所有其他基督徒恩赐的有用性。

fortunately for sectarian Christian, their own bodies are not dismembered by such strife,对这些党派主义的基督徒,有幸的是,他们这样子的争辩,并没有让他们的教会瓦解,not only has God “tempered the body together” for harmonious functioning,上帝不单单的,让整个身体和谐的运作,but men support this harmony in the attention and honor they give to the less necessary parts of the body.这种的和谐,人也可以支持它、促进它。

当我们注意到,也尊荣那些身体上好像没有那么必须的,那些的肢体,hair, for example,must be placed almost last in functional ranking of the parts of the body,头发,譬如说,大概是在身体各种的肢体里面,它的功能,是排到最后的。事实上头发就是死掉的细胞,对不对?but it is an all-time winner in awarded honors.可是那头发却往往令人得奖,这个发型嘛,对不对?

retiring kidneys and glamorous fingernails are joined in the one body,不论是隐藏的胰脏,或者炫耀的指甲,都是在同一个身体里,都是连接起来的。what the hidden organs lack in splendor they gain in importance,那些隐藏的器官所缺乏的荣美,它们在重要性上,就越发的增多。

apply this spiritual physiology to the uses of Christian fellowship你用这个属灵的生理学来应用它,来看基督徒都传递生活的有用性,and you can only rejoice that Jack Shoals was made chairman of the campaign committee.那你会喜乐,某某弟兄被选上做某某项目,事工项目的委员会主席。perhaps his talents are the most models,可能他的恩赐是最不突出的,he needs a little more honor for that very reason,就是为了这个缘故,他需要更多一点点的尊荣。

By the same analogy, you may need rather different Christian friends besides those you have cultivated.同理的,你可能需要一些不同的基督徒的朋友,不单单是那些你已经建立好的友谊。who are the members of your group?你的小组是哪些成员呢?are ages and interests similar?是不是年龄、兴趣都很相似呢?do you find genuine fellowship with elderly people?你有没有与老人家,有真正的团契生活呢?are you moppet friends in short supply?小朋友中间,你的朋友是否很少呢?

there is a disturbing possibility that you may need most the spiritual gifts of Christians least like yourself in age, social background, race—even denominational affiliation.有一个可能,是可能会令你不安的,就是可能你最需要的,是那些与你最不一样的、基督徒的属灵恩赐。年龄不一样,社会背景跟你不一样,种族跟你不一样,甚至乎宗派跟你不一样。

you cannot bring your gifts to much to function apart from the musical ministry of question若与教会里面彼此的服侍,分离的话,你不可能让你的属灵恩赐,成熟和成熟的运行。therefore no Christian can determine his calling in isolation from the throbbing organism in which he is called.因此,没有一个基督徒可以从整个身体生命体的,好像心跳这样子的一个生命中隔离,因为基督徒是在整个生命体里面蒙召的,没有一个基督徒可以与这个身体隔离,来决定他的呼召是什么。

no doubt a Christian who is joined to Christ can exist outside the fellowship of the church,毫无疑问的,一个基督徒与基督联合,可以在教会的团契生活以外生存。almost as a surgically removed bodily organ may be kept alive if the links of arteries and nerves are unserved.就好像一个身体,里面一个器官仍然可以活着,只要那些的血脉神经等等,没有完全隔断。

But a living brain on a laboratory stand is a monstrosity.但是一个活着的大脑,放在实验室的桌上是个怪兽,there are emergencies which may required surgery是的,有的时候有紧急的情况,需要外科的手术,Christians may be forced to separation ,有的时候,基督徒是被逼要分开的。

And Christ himself warned of the necessity of cutting off an offending member of the body,主耶稣基督,自己也警告,教会有所必需,要让一个犯罪的肢体,被隔离的。马太福音18:7-9,马太福音18:17。

But the Christian is endued of his Lord for corporate life.可是,总原则是,上帝赐恩赐给基督徒,是为了整体的团体的生活。his freedom and growth are found in fellowship.基督徒的自由,基督徒的成长,都是要在团契活里面找到的。

no Spiritual Inventory Test can measure your gifts and capacities in Christ’s service.要衡量你在服侍基督的事工里,所需要的恩赐,没有一个所谓属灵恩赐,测试表可以衡量。such a test may help you not to think of yourself more highly than you ought to think,这种的测试,可能帮助你,不要看自己过于应当所看的,it may reveal unsuspected abilities and strengths.它可能会显示出一些,你没有想过的、你可能有的才干和强项。


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But Christ’s own test is not the S.I.T.但是基督所给的测试,不是属灵恩赐、调查此事,it is administered only in action.基督所给的测试,是要在行动中执行的。We might call it the Service In Fellowship Test我们可以叫这做在团契生活中服侍的测试。As you labor with other Christians,当你与其他基督徒一起,劳苦侍奉的时候,hidden gifts are brought to light一些隐藏的恩赐,就显露出来。and new gifts are received.你会领受新的恩赐的。

3,第三部分:opportunity shapes service机会也会让我们的事奉成型,机会也会塑造我们的服侍的。

William Carey had his own gifts of the Holy Spirit克理威廉有他自己的圣灵的恩赐的。威廉·克理就是在1792年,讲过一篇的信息,写成小册子,说上帝也不用方法,使万国万民听了福音。就是,他是呼吁西方的教会,从事海外宣教事工的那一位。he exercised them in a fellowship of prayer and service as pastor of a little church in Moulton.克理在使用他的恩赐的,透过祷告和传道服侍,他牧养一个,Moulton,这个地方的狭小的教会。

Had there been no other factor若没有其他的因素的介入,we may suppose that you would not have heard the name of this self-educated village preacher,你可能没有听过,这一位自学的小乡村的传道人。he was a fine Christian and a poor shoemaker.他是一个很好的基督徒,贫穷的,修理或者是做鞋子的鞋匠。

The other factor was the vision by which Carey discerned a vast opportunity.这个另外的因素就是,克理所看到的异象。他看到一个庞大的机会。

you may recall that he loved the world of God’s creation and that he was a naturalist,你可能记得他是很喜爱上帝所创造的世界的,你可以说他是一个生物学家。Self-taught in field observation,透过在田野的观察,是自学的。

to such a man the appeal of Captain Cook’s voyages was irresistible,对这种的好像克理这种的基督徒,当时好像,Captain Cook’s就是说,好像一直跑到,跑到澳洲纽西兰这种的探险家的航海生活,是具有很大的吸引力的。somewhat to the detriment of his cobbling, he read avidly the accounts of Cook’s exploration.他很热烈的去阅读,Cook这些的探险的记录,可能让他的皮鞋生意受到影响。

many other Englishmen did the same thing,当时还有很多期待,英格兰人,英国人也是做同样的事,they saw new worlds for commerce,他们看到新的世界可以从商,new horizons for adventure or escape.新的,新大陆,可以去探险,或者逃避现实。

Carey saw what they missed,克理看到他们所没有看到的,for his perspective was that of the kingdom of God.因为克理的观点角度,是上帝国度的观点角度。He saw people,他看到的是人群。Countless thousands of tribes and tongues around the world who had no knowledge of the gospel.成千上万的,族类语言群体,分布在世界各地,都还没有认识福音。

that vision of opportunity shaped Carey’s life,这个大好机会的异象,就塑造了克理的一生。and through him the mission of the church in a global age.透过他,上帝塑造了,在全球性的历史阶段里面,教会的宣教使命。

Perhaps “vision” is a misleading term to describe Carey’s perception可能描述克理的理解,用异象这个词可能会误导。Not that it is too grand or sweeping or inclusive不是说异象这个词,太宏伟太过的涵盖一切,but just that it sounds too easy.因为那听起来,异象好像太容易了。

Carey fought for it克理为这个事,挣扎过的,first in his own mind,先在他自己的思想里面。Then among his Christian friends,然后与他的基督徒的朋友争辩,whose sincerely mistaken theology saw missions as a Divine act but not a Divine calling.这些基督徒的朋友,很诚恳的,持有一个错误的神学:他们看宣教是上帝的作为,而不是上帝的呼召。

every conceivable obstacle seemed to block Carey’s obedience:克理面对的拦阻是各式各样,你想到的都有可能发生,拦阻他的顺服。Objections from his friends,朋友们反对;the reluctance of his wife,他的妻子的迟疑不决,her long illness and death,她长期的患病,最后去世的;the powerful and planned opposition of the East India company,东印度公司,他们大有权势,也有计划的反对宣教事工;the interest of those whom he sought at such vast sacrifice to reach.他付出这么大的牺牲的代价,去服侍的对象,又好像漠不关心。

Carey’s opportunity rather resembled Samson’s as he was delivered克理的机会,就好像参孙一样,bound to the Philistines at Lehi.就好像参孙在利希,被捆绑、被交给非利士人一样。but he had the same source of strength但是克理的能力的来源,是从一个and drank form the same spring of refreshment.也隐约同一个苏醒的泉源。The opportunity was there机会来到,and Carey grasped it .克理抓住了这个机会。

Seizing God-given opportunity counts for much in the fulfillment of your calling.抓住上帝所赐的机会,在实现你的呼召,是很重要的,是占有很重要的地位的。Paul exhorts us to redeem the time for the days are evil. —Eph.5:16保罗劝告我们,要赎回时间,因为日子是邪恶的,以弗所书5:16,“抓住机会”是中文翻译的,原本意思是“把它赎回来”。

God is a the Lord of time,神是时间的主宰,and Christ the King of the ages,耶稣基督是万世万代的君王。God does not appoint a meaningless succession as the structure of our lives.上帝为我们,指定的生命的整个计划,不是一个毫无意义的、先后的次序。不是的,watching the clock is poor stewardship on many counts.光是看着钟,这样子,1秒1秒地前进,从各种意义上来说,都是做了一个很差劲的管家。

The monotonous ticking of a clock, or the steady whir of its electric motor,不论是你在听钟1秒1秒的在拍,或者是你听这个摩托在发响,gives a most misleading understanding of the time of our lives.让我们完全误解我们生命的时间,这该如何去理解。The rhythms of our bodies serve the purpose far better.我们身体里面的节奏,让我们了解时间的,是更有用的。our time is measured by our waking and sleeping,我们如何,衡量我们的人生的时间呢?由我们的睡觉而醒过来。our breathing in rest or our gasping in struggle,我们安息时候的呼吸,或者是透不过气来的时候的呼吸,the measured beating or the rapid pounding of our living hearts.我们这个活的心脏,不论是平稳的在跳,或者快快的在跳,

God appoints our time in seasons.上帝指定我们人生的时间,是有祂不同的季节的。

he gives the rain in season祂按着季节,赐下雨水。and sets the bow of his sovereign promise in the clouds.然后,把祂主权应许的彩虹,安置在天上,安置在云中。the seasons are set in his own power,上帝按照祂的大能,定好四季。not only in the circling times of a spinning planet,不单单是藉着一个正在转动的地球的循环,but in his purposes of redemption.季节是按照上帝救赎的计划而转动的。

we have already noted the provisions of God’s law for a sacred calendar with its sabbatical seasons,我们上文已经注意到,上帝的律法预备了一个的神圣的行事历。有祂的安息的季节,安息日,安息年,等等,and at the climax of all the fiftieth  the year of jubilee.整个的高峰就是第50年—-禧年。

Like the sacrifices and feasts it prescribed, this system carried in its own structure a witness to a better time,这整个的行事历的系统,就正如祂所指定的献祭和筵席,本身就见证着一个更美的时候,the time of the fulfillment of God’s salvation.就是上帝救赎实现成全的时候。

When Isaiah used the year of Jubilee to describe the time of God’s deliverance,当以赛亚用禧年,来描述上帝亲自要来施行拯救的时候,he expressed the inner meaning of this symbolism—Isa.61:1-2他就表达出这个禧年的、内在的、真正的意义了。以赛亚书61:1-2。



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