
Called to the ministry session six 天命与你,第六讲,中文第27页。


上一讲我们讲过自由派的宣教观,就是教会和世界要混为一谈,成为一体,教会变成世界—-这样子就等于毁掉,基督向教会所发出的宣教的呼召。the kingdom of light and the power of darkness,光明的国度和黑暗的权势,Christ and Belial基督和巴力,have nothing in common,是互不相干的。

Salvation means being delivered from the power of darkness得救的意思就是从黑暗的权势被搭救出来。And being brought into the kingdom of the Son of God’s love,被带进到上帝的爱子的国度里。歌罗西书1:13。

Christians are called to be “children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation; among whom ye are seen as lights in the world, holding forth the word of life— Phili.2:15-16。基督徒蒙照是要在这个弯曲背谬的世代,作上帝无瑕疵的儿女,并且显在这世代中,好像明光照耀,将生命的道表明出来,腓立比书2:15-16。

The calling of the church is not just to service in the world教会的呼召不单单是要在世界里服侍,it is to fellowship with God, and before God上帝呼召教会与上帝交通,在上帝面前和祂相交。as a kingdom of priests and holy nation教会作为一个祭司的国度,一个圣洁的国度,it declares the praises of him who called it from darkness to his marvelous light —1 Peter2:9,教会宣告那位呼召她出黑暗入光明者的美德,彼得前书2:9。

the calling of the kingdom, then, is the power of God that brings us from darkness into light and sets us as lights in the darkness所以,天国的呼召,就是上帝的大能带领我们出黑暗入光明,设立我们在黑暗中做明灯。

to seek first the kingdom of God先求上帝的国的意思,means to seek first the purpose of God’s saving rule in Christ意思就是,首先追求上帝在基督里拯救性的统治,先追求这个目的,上帝在基督里拯救统治人。

Seeking the kingdom is not pious attitude that can link with any activity whatever,求祂的国,不仅仅是一个虔诚的心态,可以和任何的活动都连接起来,不是的。it is selective,求祂的国是选择性的,restrictive有限制的,focused action,是有焦点的行为。

Paul likens it to military service这个行动,保罗与从军的服侍来比较,the soldier on service,当兵的军队,may not become involved in other pursuits不可以参与其他的任务,he is under orders,他是要服从命令的人。Seeking the kingdom contrasts with seeking the objectives of the world,求神的国,与求世界上的目标,是相反的。

Food, clothing, shelter世界上的人所寻求的是食物,衣服,居住。our heavenly Father knows our needs and will supply them,我们的天父知道我们所需要的,祂会为我们供应。But building bigger barns to store surplus crops for our own ease但是若要建造更大的仓库,来存我们的五谷,为了我们能够过舒服,有安全感的生活,and security is not seeking the kingdom of God这个不是寻求上帝的国,it is worldly folly这个是属世的愚蠢,the service of mammon这个就是服侍玛门。

the distinction commonly made between secular pursuits and christian service comes dangerously close to the commonly between what the Gentiles seek and what the children of the kingdom seek很多时候,基督徒做出一个很清楚的划分:世界上所追求的事和基督徒的服侍,划分得很清楚,这个就太危险,太像外邦人所求的和天国之子所求的之区分。

Christian calling cannot be secular,基督徒的呼召,不可以是世俗的呼召,the man who hesitates between a moneymaking career and the ministry is not merely in doubt about his calling to the pastorate,he is questioning his commitment to Christ假如有人,因为要在赚很多钱的事业,和传道之间迟疑的话,他不单单是怀疑他是否蒙召作牧师,他根本在质疑他是否委身于基督。

Kingdom service may include agrictulture,industry,or art是的,在天国里为了天国服侍,可以包含农业、工业、艺术,but only as such labor is done with a view to the  purposes of the kingdom,但是做这些,从事这些工作的,必须同时要重视天国的目的,again,the calling of God is decisive是的,上帝的呼召是具决定性的。

since the program of God’s kingdom requires a period of time between the first and second coming of Christ,既然上帝天国的整个的计划,在基督第一次来,和第二次来之间,必须有一段的时间。The expectation of the kingdom to come does not call for the abandonment of God’s command to subdue the earth当我们等待天国再来的时候,并不是说我们要放弃,上帝的命令要我们治理大地,就是文化使命。

When certain thessalonians quit work await Christ’s return,当某一些帖撒罗尼迦人离开了他们的工作,来等候基督的再来,Paul commanded them in Christ’s name保罗奉基督的名,吩咐他们,to work with quietness and eat their own bread要安静的工作,赚取他们自己的粮食。帖撒罗尼迦后书3:12。

only in this way can they fulfill their kingdom calling not to be weary in welldoing(V.13)唯有他们这样子的勤劳工作,才能够完成他们天国的呼召。天国的呼召,就是要他们行善而不至于灰心,13节,就是唯有他们好好的勤劳工作,才能够有足够的金钱粮食等等,来行善。

the “welldoing” of which Paul speaks is described more fully in Galatians6:9-10,这个的行善,保罗所说到的行善,在加拉太书6:9-10,就讲得更加详细。it refers particularly to supporting the work of the gospel financially这里特别是指经济上支持福音的事工,and providing for those in need both within the church and outside of it同时供应那些在教会里面,好像外面的人的需要。

kingdom service,then, includes cultural development in Christ’s name那么天国的服侍,包含了奉基督之名,发展文化。but always in the perspective of the kingdom但是完全是从天国的角度,来从事文化。every calling becomes a calling of service,每一项的呼召或者职业,就是一项的服侍的呼召。

Service to Christ服侍基督,even when a slave toils for a heathen master—Col. 3:22-24就算一个奴隶是为了一个异教徒的主人,劳碌的时候,歌罗西书3:22-24。service to men in Christ’s name both in the work we do and the money we earn—Eph. 4:28奉基督的名服侍别人,一方面是通过我们所从事的工作,另外一方面是透过我们所赚来的金钱。以弗所书4:28。

The Lordship of Christ over all things,基督是主,在万物之上的主,means that every calling that serves men’s needs can be Christ’s calling就意味着,所有服侍人的需要的职业或者呼召,都可能是基督的呼召。Conversion to Christ need not mean an  immediate change of jobs or social status归正,信靠耶稣基督,不一定就意味着马上要转行,或者在社会的地位上有所转移。

The path of obedience begins where the christian stands,顺服基督的道路的起点,就是基督徒原来的岗位,and Paul exhorts the corinthians to stick to the position in which God called them and glorify Christ there—1Cor. 7:17-24保罗劝告哥林多人,要维持上帝呼召他们的时候、他们的位置,就在那个岗位上荣耀基督。哥林多前书7:17-24。

any “calling”任何的呼召,in slavery无论是做奴隶,or freedom或者做自由人,circumcision or uncircumcision行了割礼的,或者没有行割礼的,marriage or bachelorhood结了婚的或者单身,任何的呼召,is transformed by Christ’s Lordship。因为基督是主,任何呼召都改变,and becomes his calling to daily service就成为基督呼召我们每天去服侍。

on the other hand从另外一个角度来看,Christ’s Lordship directs the lives of his disciples基督是主,基督的主权,指导祂的门徒的生活。

And the way of cross requires the willing abandonment of any vocation for the sake of the Lord十字架的道路就要求我们,愿意为了主的缘故,随时放弃任何的职业。

in the background of New Testament history,we catch repeated glimpses of Christian who were serving Christ as “fellow-workers”当我们看到新约圣经的历史背景的时候,我们可以有一撮一撮的看到基督徒,他们作为同工们来服侍基督的。


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Mary Magdalene抹大拉的马利亚,Joanna约亚拿,and Susanna与苏撒拿,provided for the needs of Christ and his disciples—Luke8:2-3他们都供给基督,和祂的门徒们的需要的,路加福音8:2-3。

Dorcas sewed for the poor—Acts9:39,多加为穷人缝衣服的,使徒行传9:39,Aquila and Priscilla亚居拉和百基拉,provided hospitality for the Apostle Paul and other Christian teachers他们款待使徒保罗和其他基督徒的教师们,and joined in both tent-making and evangelism他们有的时候织帐篷,也传福音。

unnumbered and unnamed Christians ministered to those in prison,无数的基督徒,匿名的基督徒,服侍那些在监狱里的人,cared for the sick照顾病人,fed the hungry服侍饥饿的人,instructed the young教导少年人,or interrupted business trips to imitate the Good Samaritan toward some victim of disaster或者,他们在做生意的道路上停下来,好像好撒玛利亚人这样子,来服侍一些灾难的受害者。

through such vocations no less than through the apostolic preaching, the gossip was carried beyond the bounds of the Roman Empire in the first Christian century,在第一世纪,基督徒透过这一种的呼召,这一种的职业,不单单是藉着使徒们的讲道,通过这种的呼召,福音传到罗马帝国的疆界以外。

what are the demands of service in Christ’s kingdom today?那么今天,在基督的国度里的服侍,又要求什么呢?

the kingdom perspective has not changed天国的观点角度,没有改变,Christ is Lord at the Father’s right hand基督在父神的右边,祂是主,The present and future King祂现在是君王,将来是君王。

the world has not changed,either世界也没有改变。in its revolutionary ferment or in its hostility to the kingdom of God,不论是在酝酿着革命。或者他们敌意的,抵挡上帝的国度,yet the opportunities have changed可是,机会在今天却不一样。

technology has halved the time necessary to earn one’s daily bread,科技让我们,要赚得我们有两三餐饭的时间,减半了。leisure time is kingdom time,休闲的时间是天国的时间。

and it is possible for a man’s fullest vocation to be his avocation那么有可能,一个人真正的呼召,是他的副业。the weariness we are spared by labor-saving devices,今天我们有很多机器,为我们效劳,我们可以省掉很多的劳动,must be earned in welldoing ,我们要学会使用这些的时间、精神,来行善。

if a fully equipped kitchen makes entertaining easier,假如你的厨房有各种的机器,让你款待客人容易很多,Christians hospitality can be expanded你就会扩大你款待的服侍。

Mobility is another result of modern technology,行动方便是现代科技带来另外一个结果,freedom to move is freedom to serve行动自由就是服侍的自由。

in what residence can your service be most effective?你若要最有效的服侍,该住在哪里呢?what about employment我该从事怎样的工作呢?American society is unique in the flexibility of job opportunities美国的社会是独特的,因为旧约的工作,具有弹性。the job you take is under Christ’s Lordship你要接受的工作,是在基督的主权之下的,in what way does it honor him你从事的工作在怎么意义上,是尊荣基督的呢?

automation has not yet removed drudgery and monotony from industrial processds虽然很多机器是工业自动化,但是还是有很多的乏味的循例的,工业的过程需要劳动。useful work is often mechanical是的,有用的工作,往往是很机械性的,it is not therefore secular但是这样并不等于它是世俗的工作。

a Christian girl work as an inspector of rubber products譬如说一个基督徒的少女,她的工作是检查一些橡胶的产品,she spent hours at a table with other women rapidly picking up surgical gloves她一天不知道多少小时,坐在桌上,桌前,与其他妇女一起,很快的捡起一些,外科医生用的手套,spinning them from the wrist to inflate them把它套在手套上,这样子让它充气。And then squeezing each finger to reveal flaws or punctures然后,每一个手指都要压一下,看看有没有任何的缺欠,或者是刺破的洞。

The work was necessary这个工作是必须的,flawed gloves若有瑕疵的手套。could mean infection in surgical use,在外科手术的时候,可能让病人发炎。But it was also monotonous但是同时也是很单调。

She found that her real job was more challenging这位少女发觉,她发觉她的真正的工作,就更具挑战性了。to participate as a Christian in the endless conversation of the women kept at the table by their weary task,就是作为一位基督徒,参与这些妇女的谈话,他们工作是乏味的,他们必须坐在桌前工作。这个少女,参与他们的谈话。

there are jobs that a Christian ought not to take because they serve purposes opposed to the kingdom有些工作,基督徒不应该从事的,因为他们的目的是与天国相反的。

there are jobs that he ought not to keep when positions affording greater kingdom service are open to him有些工作,他不应该停留在这里工作。当有一些更能够让他天国服侍的工作,向他展开的时候,他就不应该留在他现今的工作。

there are jobs that he ought to seek又有第三种的工作,他应该追求,where his skills can render particular service to the kingdom,因为这些工作让他的技巧,他的能干,能够为天国做出服侍。


An able layout artist一位能干的美术设计师,had a remunerative position with an advertising agency and contacts for free-lance work in his area他在一个广告公司工作,受薪的。然后他又可以在旁边赚外快。he resigned his job他辞职了,and he moved to another city to work for the publishing house of his church他搬到另外一个城市,为他的教会的出版社,来服侍,his income is lower他的收入减低了。

but his layout now attract readers to the message of the gospel可是,他现在所设计的,吸引读者们,来听来读,福音的信息,he doesn’t speak of sacrifice他不会谈到什么牺牲不牺牲的。

An illustrator was art director of a large art agency有一位是画插图的,他是在一个大的美术的公司里面,做艺术总监,his income was good收入非常可观,his talents seemed well used,他的才干好像是善用了,yet he was dissatisfied可是他并不满足,He completed further graduate study他再去研究院那里深造。

and took a teaching position on a university faculty那么,他就进到大学当讲师去了。His concern for other people can now find direct expression他现在可以直接地表达他对别人的关心,his teaching can probe the philosophy of art他现在在教会的时候,可以探索艺术的哲学,就是审美学,and point to the realities of faith,指出信仰的真实。

in the perspective of the kingdom,从天国的观念角度来看,his choice was in the direction of fulfilling his calling,他这样的选择,就是朝向成全他的呼召,这个方向去走了。

in the greater job choice possible in our society,more jobs appear with special implications for the kingdom在我们的社会上,有越来越多的工作上的选择。这样子就有更多的工作,是对天国有特别的含义的。

Mass media of communication大众传播媒体,education教育,government政府,social service社会服务,public relations公关。These expanding areas indicate a  shift in Western economy from the production of goods to the offering of services,这些新的工作的范围,就指出西方社会的经济,从制造转到服务型的社会,或者经济。from making things to helping people从制造物品到服侍帮助人们。

Christian alertness to the kingdom imperatives,当基督徒,敏感与天国的吩咐的时候。Must respond to these opportunities他就必须要回应这些的机会。and demonstrate transforming power of the gospel in human relations,在人际关系中间,他要展示出福音改变生命的大能。


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