
Called to the ministry session eight,天命与你,第八讲



The equivalence of “calling” and “grace given” appears especially in the way Paul speaks of his own apostleship特别在保罗讲论到的,他自己的使徒的职分的时候,他就把呼召,从神而来的呼召和所赐给他的恩典是等同的。

他在罗马书第15:15-16这样说,he says,15-16节,我们一起来读,来,“但我稍微放胆写信给你们……特因 神所给我的恩典,使我为外邦人作基督耶稣的仆役……”

again and again he describes his office and authority with this phrase,一次再次的,他用这个呼召,或者“所赐给我的恩典”,来描述他的职分和这个职分里面的权威。


Paul knew that he was unworthy to be an apostle,保罗知道他不配做使徒,having persecuted the church,因为他曾经迫害教会,yet his reply to his critics was,但是他对那些批评他的人的回答,乃是哥林多前书15:10。

我们一起来读哥林多前书15:10,来,“然而我今日成了何等人,是蒙 神的恩才成的;并且他所赐我的恩不是徒然的。我比众使徒格外劳苦,这原不是我,乃是 神的恩与我同在。”


the presence of the gifts for this work attested Christ’s calling to the work,当这个恩赐,为了这个工作的恩赐,临到保罗的时候,当这个恩赐临在的时候,恩赐见证着基督呼召保罗,从事这项的事工。for the one Spirit “wrought for Peter unto the apostleship of the circumcision” and for Paul the apostleship to the Gentiles因为是同一位圣灵,在彼得身上成就了未割礼的人做使徒的职分,也在保罗身上成就了向外邦人作使徒的职分。

同一位圣灵,all Christian calling is by the inward gift of God’s grace as well as by the outward summons of his revealed will,上帝对所有基督徒的呼召,同时都是两方面的。第一方面,是上帝恩典在我们里面所赐的恩赐,inward gift在我们里面所成就的,所运行的恩典。二,他这个呼召,同时是上帝所启示的旨意的外在的呼唤,里面的呼召,外在的呼召。

Paul, called to be an apostle by the grace given him, writes to the Corinthians, called to be saints,保罗因为赐给他的恩典,而蒙召作使徒的保罗,向哥林多人写信,哥林多的教会是蒙召作圣徒的。And thanks God “for the grace of God which was given you in Christ Jesus”–1Cor.1:4,哥林多前书1:4,保罗为了这方面感恩,因为上帝的恩典,就是在基督耶稣里赐给你的恩典,保罗感谢上帝。

God’s sanctifying grace brings us to the realization of our calling上帝所赐的、使我们成圣的恩典,就领我们去实现,去辨别实现我们的呼召的。1 thessalonians5:24,帖撒罗尼迦前书5:24,”faithful is he that calleth you, who will also do it”,那呼召你的是信实的,祂也必定成全它。”God is faithful, through whom ye were called into the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord”上帝是信实的,藉着上帝,你们蒙召进入到与祂的儿子耶稣基督,我们的主(之)相交里面。


Your personal calling as a Christian is the outworking of the measure of the gift of God’s grace that has been given to you,上帝对你个人基督徒的呼召,就是上帝赐给你的恩典所成就的。


a man ought not to think of himself too highly,一个人不可以看自己太高,but should “think soberly,”必须要警醒的、谨慎的看自己,”soberly , according as God hath dealt to each man a measure of faith”,就是按照上帝所分给各人信心的量度,或者是大小。罗马书12:3。

我们再来看前面这句话,Your personal calling as a Christian is the outworking of the measure of the gift of God’s grace that has been given to you,上帝开恩所赐给你的恩赐的大小,当它彰显出来的时候,就是你基督徒个人的呼召,再不可以看自己过高。

as the one Spirit divided into tongues of flame to rest upon the disciples at Pentecost, so now the Lord deals(divided) to each man a measure of faith,这里,我的院长,我们的作者,有一个字,divide “分”字用了两次。

正如同一位圣灵,把火焰的舌头分在门徒们的头上,五旬节那一天。同样的,现在主耶稣,分给每一个人,一个量度的信心。these gifts must be exercised,这些恩赐必须使用。and in their exercise the calling of the Christian is determined当基督徒使用这些恩赐的时候,这就决定他的呼召。

我再读一次,this gifts must be exercised,主所赐的恩赐必须要用出,and in the exercise当我们操练使用恩赐的时候,the calling of the Christian is determined这就决定他的呼召。

Paul goes on to describe the gifts that differ “according to the grace that was given to us” and their corresponding function —Romans 12:6-8,保罗继续来形容这些的恩赐,按照所赐给我们个人的恩典,恩赐是有所不同的。因此这些恩赐所带来的工作的功能也是不同的。


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the man who has the gift of prophecy,有说预言恩赐的人,is to exercise it according to his measure of faith (or grace),就按照赐给他的信心的大小,或赐给他的恩典的大小,就要操练用说预言的恩赐,the gift of cheerfulness喜乐的服侍,给予的这个恩赐。finds expression in the work of benevolence彰显出来,就是慈惠、怜悯的事工。

The measure of gift also determines the measure of ministry恩赐的大小也决定事工的大小。


Paul would not glory beyond his measure in asserting his apostolic authority,保罗在声称他的使徒的权柄了之后,他不会超越了赐给他的大小的恩赐而夸耀,but “according to the measure of the province which God apportioned to us as a measure, to reach even unto you” — 2 corinthians10:13,保罗说,只是照上帝所量给我们的界限,够到你们那里去。

your sphere of action,你要在一个怎么的范围里面,行动工作。your ministry in the service of Christ,你服侍基督的事工,is marked out by the gifts Christ has given you,是由基督所赐给你的恩赐,勾画出来的。

the gifts of Christ’s grace are like a majestic stained glass window in his church基督开恩所赐的恩赐,就好像在祂的教会里面,荣美的这些玻璃窗,就是有花纹的玻璃窗。Each Christian is set in place like a piece of jeweled glass每一位基督徒,都好像一片玻璃,恰恰好地放在那个位置上。

So that the radiance of God’s grace may shine through him to add a beam of crimson or emerald or azure to the orchestration of color blazing within这样子就让上帝的恩典之光,能够透过它来照耀,又多加了一点的红色或者绿色,在整个的七彩的火焰中。

“according as each hath received a gift, ministering it among yourselves, as good stewards of the manifold (many-colored) grace of God “–1 Peter4:10,彼得前书4:10,个人要照所得的恩赐彼此服侍,做神百般,就是各种的色彩的、上帝的恩典的好管家,彼得前书4:10。

Paul uses the figure of the body to stress the great diversity of these individual ministries,保罗强调个别的事工各有不同,是多元的。他用的是人的身体的比喻,seeing is quite different from smelling,“看见”和“闻”是不同的,hearing form walking“听”和“走路”也是不同。

Clearly the member serves best who does heartily what he is given to do as a good steward of the grace committed to him诚然的,当一个肢体,他就按照上帝交托给他的恩典,做一个好管家的时候,也特别是从心底里去服侍之后,这个服侍是最好的服侍。

there are no useless gifts of grace恩典的恩赐,基督开恩所赐的恩赐,没有一个是无用的,there is no Christian without a ministry,没有一位基督徒是没有事工的,the capacity to serve Christ and the opportunity to do it,没有一个基督徒没有能力去服侍基督,没有一个基督徒没有机会去服侍基督。

To be sure, there are groupings of gifts,当然恩赐,有不同的类别,不同的组别,some Christians may be described as pastors or teachers,有些基督徒,被描述是牧者或者是教师,some as governors or rulers有些是做治理的,some as minister of mercy,有些是怜悯事工的仆人。

Paul gives several lists of gifts and functions in the church,保罗在圣经里面,曾经给过我们,恩赐,和教会里的功能的、不同的列单,1 Cor.12:8-10,28-30哥林多前书12:8-10,还有28-30节;Rom.12:6-8罗马书12:6-8;Eph.4:11以弗所书4:11。

there is particular need for grouping functions in the church which require public recognition for their proper exercise.教会里面有一个特别的需要,需要一些的功能,是组织在一起的。若要发挥这些的功能的时候,必须有教会公开的承认,让这些的恩赐或者职分,能够正确地执行。

Such functions这些的功能,就是一组的功能,are sometimes called “offices”.有的时候这些功能被称为职分,就是因为有不同的恩赐,这些恩赐组织起来,有特别的功能,这些功能是需要教会公开承认的,这些叫做职分。

yet even within such groupings the individual characteristics of each servant of Christ remain.就算是这些组织起来的,一个综合的功能,有了这些功能,每一位基督的仆人的、个人的特点,还是存留的。

Samson was one of many judges of Israel,参孙是以色列众多的士师之一,with other judges he was given gifts of leadership for the deliverance of the people of God form their enemies,正如其他的士师一样,上帝赐给参孙领袖的恩赐,为了要搭救上帝的子民,脱离他们的仇敌。

but his distinctive calling as judge was marked out by the Spirit’s gift of invincible physical strength可是参孙作为士师的独特的呼召,有圣灵的恩赐给他,特别划分出来,就是无敌的身体上的力量。This gift was not arbitrarily or uselessly granted,上帝赐这个身体上的力量给参孙,这个恩赐不是随意的赐下的,也不是无用的赐下的。

Samson was called in a time when disunity, fear, and hopelessness made the divided tribes of Israel ready prey to the power of the Philistine invaders,上帝呼召参孙的时候,以色列是在一个分裂、恐惧、无望中,所以以色列这些被分裂的支派,就很自然地成为非利士人侵略的受害者。

Samson’s gift demonstrated that,参孙的恩赐就展示出,God was able to deliver not only by a few warriors(Gideon’s 300), but even but one.上帝不单单可以用几位战士,比如说基甸的300人,上帝不但可以用几位的战士来搭救,甚至乎用一个人也能搭救。

That lesson was of supreme value for the future这一项的功课,对以色列的未来是极度的重要的。for the final Savior and Judge of Israel must be One.因为以色列最后的救主,最后的搭救者士师,必须是一位,那一位。

When Samson, bound by his people and delivered up to the will of his enemies当参孙被他自己的子民捆绑,然后,送到他的仇敌的手中的时候,triumphed at Lehi –Judg.15,却在利希这个地方得胜,士师记的15章。His unique calling became apparent在那个时候,他的独特的呼召就明显了。

Not even David’s conquest of Goliath pictured more vividly the role of the Christ as the Champion and Mighty one,就算大卫胜过歌利亚,也没有参孙那么的活泼生动地表达出,耶稣基督就是那位至高的得胜者,大能者—这个耶稣基督的角色。



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