
called to the ministry session nine,天命与你,第九讲。




sadly Samson’s history traced the progressive quenching of the gifts of the Spirit rather than a faithful stewardship of them很不幸的,参孙一生的历史,是勾画出他逐渐的消灭圣灵的恩赐,而不是作圣灵的诸般恩赐的好管家。only in his death was he restored again as the deliverer and judge of his people唯有等到他的死,他再一次的恢复,作祂的子民的搭救者和士师。

Good stewardship做一个好的管家,requires a man to stir up the gift of God that is in him —-2Tim.1:6,基督徒就必须要挑旺,在他里面上帝所赐的恩赐的。提摩太后书1:6。

as Paul charged Timothy,正如保罗吩咐提摩太一样,only in that way will he fulfill his ministry—2Tim.4:5唯独这样,就是唯独挑旺这些恩赐,他才能够成就他的事工,



An unfulfilled ministry is an indebtedness若不实现,若不成全,一个人的事工,就等于欠债,to God,欠上帝的债,and to those whom it might serve,也是欠那些本来能够服侍的那些人们的债。

because of the grace given him as Apostle to the Gentiles,因为上帝给保罗恩典,作外邦人的使徒,Paul regarded himself as a “debtor both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to the wise and the foolish”—Rom.1:14因此保罗看他自己,不论是对希腊人,或者是化外人,不论是对聪明人或者愚拙的,他说他都欠了他们的债。Romans1:14罗马书1:14。


his preaching of the gospel was out of the necessity laid upon him by that very stewardship of grace —1Cor.9:16-17,保罗传福音是必须的,这个必须性,是因为恩典。而这个恩典,就带来做好管家的任务,因此这个必须性就在他的身上了。哥林多前书9:16-17。





我的意思就是说,既然恩典之约,一方面是恩典,一方面是诫命。所以,一方面我们甘心乐意的,回报上帝的恩典。另外一方面,诫命就是要遵从的,不论你,喜乐还是不喜乐,甘心还是不甘心。 诫命给了,我们就要遵守,恩典给了,就要做好管家。






every gift you have received,then,is a calling of the Spirit那么你领受的每一个恩赐,都是圣灵的呼召,you dare not ignore your gifts你不敢忽略你的恩赐的,neglect them,or wrap them in a napkin,或者把这个恩赐忽略,而包起来,用一个布餐巾包起来,to be presented unused to Christ on his return—Luke19:20,等到主耶稣基督再来时候,你就把这个恩赐,没有用过的恩赐,交还呈现给祂。

Indeed you ought not even to be content with the gifts that you have,不但如此。连你目前已经有的恩赐,你也应该不满足,but covet more而渴慕更多的恩赐,这个不是贪心,不是不满足,不,没有这个,contented没有心满意足。乃是说,你愿意更多的恩赐,是好的。

God’s giving and calling are dynamically related,上帝赐恩,上帝呼召,这两件事情,有着动力的相互关系。when he gives, he calls ; when he calls, he gives祂赐恩赐的时候,祂就在呼召;当祂呼召的时候,祂赐恩赐。

Timothy was called by prophecy to the work of the ministry,提摩太有上帝先知的话,预言的话,呼召他从事传道的事工,and granted further gifts at the time of his ordination,在他被按手的时候,他又领受了更多的恩赐的,提摩太前书4:14,还有提摩太后书1:6。


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your desire to serve God more fully,你若愿意,更多的更完全的服侍神,may be the foretaste of richer gifts equipping you for that service,你这个的愿望了,可能就这个预尝,预先尝到上帝要给更丰富的恩赐给你,装备你去做那个更大的事工。

It is quite possible to overestimate the gifts you have,是的,很可能你会高估你所有的恩赐,这个是我们今天常常犯的错误,以为我们有很多很多的恩赐,因为我们性格有所缺欠,那些恩赐了就算是也不能够很完善的使用。

It is quite impossible to over-supplicate the gifts you need,可是,不可能,有一天不可能是,就是你求你所需要的恩赐,求得太多。你可以求,不会求的太多了,上帝给不给,是祂的主权。但是高估自己已经有的恩赐了,那个是常会发生的事。

your heavenly Father will not give a stone for bread我们的天父,若求饼,不会给石头的,or a serpent for fish若求鱼,不会赐下蛇的,he will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him— Luke11:13,那些求祂的,祂给圣灵给他们,路加11:13。

our spiritual poverty can be remedied我们属灵的贫穷,是可以补救的。we have not because we ask not —James4:2我们没有,因为我们不求,雅各书4:2.

At the same time our petitions must seek God’s kingdom and not our glory,同时我们的祈求,必须要求神的国,而不是求我们自己的荣耀。not those gifts that most distinguish us as individuals, but those which most distinguish us as Christians must be our constant desire,我们不断渴慕的恩赐,不是那些让我们个人更突出的那些恩赐,乃是更加突出我们是基督徒的那些的恩赐。

The Corinthians preferred the more showy gifts哥林多基督徒,他们喜欢那些更加在人面前,能见到、能够炫耀的恩赐,notably the gift of tongues特别是说方言的恩赐。Paul taught them to value the gifts of the Spirit in spiritual terms,保罗教导他们,要从属灵的角度来估价圣灵的恩赐。

gifts that built the church of Christ were the gifts Paul wanted,保罗渴慕的是那些,造就基督教会的那些恩赐。

better five words of solid teaching than ten thousand of fruitless exhibition —1Cor.14:19,哥林多前书14:19,宁愿讲五句造就人的扎实的话,好过一万句没有果效的炫耀的话。the greater gifts of teaching are less spectacular,教导的恩赐,没有那么的轰动,但是,是更大的恩赐。

But they build up the church,但是,教导是造就教会的,and they are to be desired earnestly—1Cor.12:31;14:1.应该切切的渴慕这个恩赐。哥林多前书12:31,哥林多前书14:1.

still more important are the abiding gifts on which all others rest比这个更重要的,乃是那些长存的恩赐。所有其他的恩赐,都建立在这三个恩赐的基础上,faith,hope and love信,望和爱。These are not the gifts in which Christians different,这三样的恩赐,基督徒每一位都不会两样的,都会一样的。

but they are those in which they should seek to excell。可是这些恩赐,基督徒应该祈求,能够非常好地把它发挥出来,most excellent of all is the gift of love而最美最好的恩赐,就是爱的恩赐,without which any other gift is useless,没有爱的话,所有其他的恩赐是无用的。哥林多前书13章。

diversities of gifts, for all of their distinctiveness and individual character, cannot lead to pride,恩赐各有不同,恩赐每一样都是独特的,都有它的个别的性格。 可是,恩赐不同,不可以带来骄傲。

哥林多前书4:7,1 corinthians4:7 —for who maketh thee to differ? And what hast thou that didst not receive?but if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory as if thou hadst not received it哥林多前书4:7,使你与人不同的是谁呢?你有什么不是领受的呢?若是领受的,为何自夸,仿佛不是领受的呢?

To whom much is given, of him shall much be required—Luke12:48,路加12章48节,多给谁,就向谁多取。the understanding that Peter received,彼得所领受的理解,not through flesh and blood,不是血肉教导他的,but by the revelation of the Father,乃是父神,向他启示的。这个的理解,made him the more responsible as a steward of the kingdom,就让彼得更加的负重大的责任,做天国的管家。

NO.2,第二方面,第44页,fellowship shapes service在教会里服侍的交通,就塑造我们的事奉。

some athletic skills can be developed in solo practice,有些体育运动的技巧,是可以个别的操练去发展的。There are gifts of the Spirit, too, that can be exercised by one man in the presence of God,同样的,有一些是圣灵的恩赐,也是可以由一个人在上帝的面前,操练的。

but God does not call many key kicking specialists to sit on the bench until the try for an extra point,那这里的,是一个体育的一个,特别的一个情况,一个例子。上帝并不是呼召,许多射门好手,轮番上阵踢球,踢球门的球,进行一场PK大赛。

his players stay in the game上帝的选手,一直都在场上比赛,and they must work together他们必须要并肩合作的。

your service of God is shaped not only by the gifts you have,你在上帝面前,为祂的服侍,不单单是由你所有的恩赐所塑造。but by the fellowship in which those gifts are used,还有,你的恩赐是在怎么样的一个教会交通、团契生活里面使用的。

the word fellowship has become a little battered,团契交通,fellowship这个字用到陈旧了,like the furniture in the Fellowship Hall where the Men’s fellowship  holds Fellowship Suppers.就好像教会副堂,或者教义厅的家一样,已经因为多次的聚餐,用旧了。

in the bible it means more than camaraderie,《圣经》里团结的意思,不仅仅是彼此的友谊,or even comradeship,甚至乎同工。most often it has an active sense of sharing together,交通、团契这个字,比较常有的意思就是一起的分享sharing。

Furthermore,it is our fellowship with God that is of first importance,不但如此,最重要的是我们与神的交通。The gifts of the Spirit are ours through the presence of the Spirit,因为圣灵的临在,圣灵的恩赐,是属于我们的。to share the gift,分享着圣灵的恩赐,is the share the Giver in the delight of personal communion分享圣灵的恩赐,就是在个人的交通里面,喜乐的分享,赐恩赐者,分享圣灵。

every gift becomes a means of worship每一样圣灵的恩赐,都成为敬拜的途径,as well as a cause for thanksgiving也成为感恩的原因,the cheerfulness God gives  for the service of christian mercy is first joy before God。上帝赐下,甘心乐意,欢喜从事基督徒怜悯的事工。这个的乐意侍奉,首先是在上帝面前的喜乐,然后才是乐意侍奉。

Yet it cannot be fully rendered back to God until it has been directed to men,可是,首先这个喜乐,要向人表达,乐意的服侍。这样子才能够完全的回报,还给神。God loves a cheerful giver,那个捐的、给予的乐意的,是神所喜悦的。

Matt.25:40马太25:40 inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me。这些事你们既作在我这弟兄中一个最小的身上,就是做在我身上了。

Within the church of Christ,the mutual ministry of gifts moves constantly to the pulse-beat of the life of the Spirit,在基督的教会里,恩赐的彼此的服侍,都是跟着圣灵生命的脉搏,而前进的。The body grows through the organic interdependence of each part,身体里面,不同的肢体,相互的依靠,这种生命的关系,这让整个身体成长着。

from the one Head,Christ, all the body fitly framed and knit together through that which every joint supplieth,according to the working in due measure of each several part,builds itself up in love—Eph.4:16,我们是连于一个元首的,就是基督。以弗所书4:16,全身都靠祂联络的合适,百节各按各肢,照着各体的功用,彼此相助,便叫身体渐渐增长,在爱中建立自己。以弗所书4:16。

我们下一堂继续来讲,Fellowship Shapes Service,团契生活就让我们的服侍成型,塑造我们服侍的形状。

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