Redemption Accomplished and Applied part1-section 13《再思救赎奇恩》第一部分第13讲(ii) Sin.


我们来到REDEMPTION,就是在顺服下面的第四个概念,救赎。那是从什么就说出来呢?第一方面从律法,律法的咒诅等等救赎出来。现在我们来到从罪救赎出来。Redeemed from sin.That Christ redeemed his people from sin follows from what has been said respecting law.我们上面讲过救赎与律法的关系之后,很自然的我们就看到耶稣基督是救赎祂的子民从罪中救赎出来 The strength of sin is the law 罪的力度在于上帝的律法,and where no law is  there is no transgression哪里没有律法,哪里就没有罪。(I Cor.15:56;Rom.4:15林前15:56,罗4:15). 死的毒钩就是罪,罪的权势就是律法The strength of sin is the law,罗马书第四章15节,“因为律法是惹动忿怒的,哪里没有律法,哪里就没有过犯where no law is  there is no transgression。”我在这里打一个叉,解释一下慕理在他的罗马书注释里面,他解释了第五章的第十三节“没有律法之先罪已经在世上,但没有律法罪也不算罪。”

慕理的解释是:从来就没有这种情况,这是一个原则。但是从来没有一个地方、没有一个有段时间是没有律法的。因为从亚当到摩西还是有道德律;若没有律法,罪过犯就没有归算。我们继续回到本文。But the Scripture also brings redemption into direct relation to sin. 但是圣经也将救赎和罪之间建立一个直接的关系的It is in this connection that the blood of Christ is clearly indicated to be the means whereby such redemption is secured. 就是在罪和救赎之间这个关联,我们就很清楚看到圣经指出:基督的血就是保障这方面的救赎的方法,Redemption from sin embraces the several aspects from which sin may be viewed.我们可以从不同的角度来看罪,不论哪一个角度,从罪中被救赎都涉及包含了这不同的角度。It is redemption from sin in all it aspects and consequences. 基督救我们脱离罪的每一个层面,和脱离罪所带来的每一种的后果,

This is particularly apparent in such passages 在下面这几段经文就特别的明显了,as Hebrews 9:12 ; Revelation 5:9. 就是希伯来书第九章第12节和启示录第五章第节。第一段经文十希伯来书第九章第12节,“并且不用山羊和牛犊的血,乃用自己的血只一次进入圣所,成了永远赎罪的事。” 第二段经文是启示录第五章第9节:“他们唱新歌说,你配拿书卷,配解开七印,因为你曾被杀,用自己的血从各族、各方、各民、各国中买了人来,叫他们归于上帝,启示录第五章第9节。

The inclusive character of redemption as it affects sin and its accompanying evils is shown perhaps most clearly by the fact that the eschatological consummation of the whole redemptive process is referred to as the redemption 整个救赎的过程,成全的时候,完全实现的那个末世的高峰呢,圣经称它为救赎the redemption.这个是最清楚指出,救赎是包含罪的每一个层面的,救赎影响到罪的每个层面和伴随着罪的每一种的邪恶, eschatological consummation of the whole redemptive process整个救赎过程的那个末世的巅峰的完成的那点,圣经称它做the redemption救赎。经文(cf.Luke 21:28;Rom.8:23;Eph. 1:14;4:30; and possibly 1 Cro. 1:30). 这里我们来看这些的经文,第一段是路加福音第21章第28节:“一有这些事你们就当挺身昂首,因为你们得赎的日子近了,得赎的日子近了。” 罗马书第八章第23节:“不但如此,就是我们这有灵初结果子的,也是自己心里叹息,等候得着儿子的名分,乃是我们的身体得赎。”redemption,得赎。 以弗所书第一章第14节:“这圣灵是我们得基业的凭据(原文作“质”),直等到 神之民(“民”原文作“产业”)被赎,使他的荣耀得着称赞。”在末世的得赎就是救赎。以弗所书第四章第30节:“不要叫上帝的灵担忧,你们原是受了祂的印记,等候得赎的日子来到。” 然后慕理说,可能可以用哥林多前书第一章第30节,那里救赎的得救,可能也是指末世的。哥林多前书第一章第30节:“但你们得在基督耶稣里是本乎上帝。上帝又使祂成为我们的智慧公义圣洁救赎。”

That the concept of redemption should be used to designate the complete and final deliverance from all evil and the realization of the goal to which the whole process of redemptive  grace moves advertises very conspicuously how closely bound up with redemption as wrought by Christ is the attainment of liberty of the glory of the children of God. 耶稣基督所作成的救赎就是要达成这个目标,就是上帝的儿女的荣耀的自由。就是基督作成的大工跟最后的那个荣耀之间的关系是那么的密切,圣经很明显的指出的。怎么样指出呢?就是救赎这个概念是用来指将来最后的完全从一切的邪恶被搭救出来那个日子;也就是呢救赎这个字是用来指最后整个救赎恩典的过程,一直要达到那个最后的目标,那个目标达到了,那一点就简单称为是救赎。所以十字架和将来的末日是很密切的有关的,救赎有的时候就是指最后的那一天。


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And it also shows that redemption is constitutive of the very notion of consummated bliss for the people of God.将来上帝的子民到救赎完成的时候所领受的福乐,这个的福乐我们将来的福气呢,这个概念里面最核心的意义就是救赎,redemption is constitutive of the very notion 救赎就是将来这个幸福这个喜乐里面的必须的要素。No wonder then that Old Testament prophecy should be in these terms 因此呢,旧约的先知的预言就是按照这些的概念所发出的,这个是不稀奇了 and that the song of the glorified should be the song of redemption所以呢,得荣耀的人所唱的诗歌就是救赎之歌,我们看一些经文,(cf. Hose 13:14和西亚书13:14)“我必救赎他们脱离阴间,救赎他们脱离死亡,死亡啊,你的灾害在哪里呢?阴间哪,你的毁灭在哪里呢?在我眼前绝无后悔之事。” 完全的救赎。启示录第一章第5到第6节(cf.Rev.1:5-6;5:9).“从前主救了祂的百姓出埃及地。后来就把那些不信的灭绝了,这一切事都是你们虽然都知道,我却仍要提醒你们,又有不守本位离开自己住处的天使,主用锁链把他们永远拘留在黑暗里,等候大日的审判。”启示录第一章5到6;启示录第五章第9节:“他们唱新歌说:你配拿书卷,配解开七印,因为你曾被杀,用自己的血从各族,各方,各民,各国中,买了人来,叫他们归于上帝。”

In this discussion we are thinking ,however,of redemption as finished accomplishment on the part of Christ. 但是在我们本章所讨论的范围里面,我们想到的是耶稣基督亲自所完成的,所成就的完成的救赎redemption as finished accomplishment,耶稣基督已经完成了所成就的救赎大工。When redemption is viewed in that more restricted sense假如我们从这个比较狭窄的意义来看救赎的话呢 there are two aspects of sin which come into distinct prominence as those upon which the redemptive accomplishment of Christ bears. 只要从这个狭义来看救赎的话呢,耶稣基督所成就的救赎是牵涉到罪的两个层面,这两个层面就非常的突出了。

They are the guilt and the power of sin.罪的两个层面就是罪的罪孽,或者罪咎,和罪的权势,罪咎,guilt ,罪的权势,the power of sin。 And the two effects issuing from this redemptive accomplishment are respectively:而耶稣基督所成就的救赎,所带来的两方面的效果乃是, (1) justification and forgiveness of sin 第一个后果就是称义和罪得赦免,and (2) deliverance from the enslaving defilement and power of sin. 第二,我们从罪使我们做奴隶,玷污我们,罪在我们身上的权力被搭救出来,称义是与我们的罪咎有关,成圣与罪的权势有关。Redemption as it affects guilt and issued in justification and remission 在下面一些的经文所看到的是从罪孽中释放出来,结果是称义、罪得赦免remission ,is in view in such passages 下面的经文是从称义的角度来看得救或者救赎的,as Romans 3:24; Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:14; Hebrews 9:15. 我们来看这些的经文,第一段罗马书第三章第24节:“如今却蒙上帝的恩典,因基督耶稣的救赎就白白的称义。”以弗所书第一章第7节:“我们借着爱子的血得蒙救赎,过犯被赦免。”歌罗西书第一章第14节:“我们在爱子里得蒙救赎,罪过得以赦免。” 希伯来书第九章第15节:“为此,祂作了新约的中保,既然受死,赎了人在前约之时所犯的罪过,便叫蒙召之人得着所应许永远的产业。”

And redemption as it affects the enslaving power and defilement of sin 另外一些经文就讲到罪是我们做奴隶的权柄和罪玷污我们。救赎从成圣的角度来看,就是要处理罪的权势跟罪的玷污。经文有这些is in view in Titus 2:14,1 Peter 1:18,就是提多书二章14和 彼得前书一章18,though in these latter we cannot exclude all forensic import.虽然这些经文是在讲成圣,也不能完全排除法律称义这个角度。就提多书第二章第14节:“ 祂为我们舍了自己,要赎我们脱离一切罪恶,又洁净我们特作自己的子民热心为善。”彼得前书第一章18节:“知道你们得赎脱去你们祖宗所传流虚妄的行为,不是凭着能坏的金银等物。”

In connection with redemption from the guilt of sin假如我们从罪的罪孽这个角度来看救赎的话呢 the blood of Christ as substitutionary ransom and as the ransom price of our release is brought distinctly into view. 从这个罪的罪孽这个角度来看呢,那么耶稣基督的宝血就是那个代替我们的赎金,也就是释放我们要付的赎金,这方便就很清楚了。The ransom utterances of our Lord (Matt.22:28;Mark10:45) show beyond question that he interpreted the purpose of his coming into the world in terms of substitutionary ransom and that this ransom was nothing less than the giving of his life. 我们主耶稣基督祂亲自讲过,祂来赎人的这些的经文,就毫无疑问地指出祂是这样来解释祂来到世界上的目的的:就是要做罪的代替,罪人的赎金,这个赎金就是祂自己舍下祂自己的性命的。经文在马太福音第20章第28节,还有马可第十章第45节;马太第20章第28节。“正如人子来,不是要受人的服事,那是要服侍人,并且要舍命作多人的赎价。”马可福音第十章第40节,“因为人子来并不是要受人的服事,乃是要服侍人,并且要舍命作多人的赎价。”舍命就是赎价,The ransom is the giving of his life.根据新约的用词,舍命和流血是同一码事And in the usage of the New Testament, the giving of his life is the same as the shedding of his blood. 根据新约的用词,舍命和流血是同一码事。

Redemption, therefore, in our Lord’s view of thereby purchasing to himself the many on whose behalf he gave his life a ransom. 因此,根据我们主耶稣基督的观点,救赎就是在于代替罪人流血,代替很多的人流血,目的就是要为耶稣基督祂自己买赎这些祂附上赎金要代表的人。It is this same notion that is reproduced in the apostolic teaching.使徒们的教导里面也重复了这个概念。Although the terminology is not precisely that of redemption,虽然使徒们的用词不一定完全就是那个救赎精准的用词,we cannot mistake the redemptive import of Paul’s statement in his charge to the elders of Ephesus when he refers “to the church of God, which he hath purchased through his own blood”我们不会误会保罗所讲的话里面那种救赎的重要性的,当保罗向以弗所教会的长老做最后的劝告时候,他讲到上帝的教会就是用祂自己的血所买赎的。使徒行传20章28节(Acts 20:28使徒行传20:28).

Elsewhere the thought of Paul here is expressed overtly in the language of redemption or ransom 保罗在其他地方,他的思想是用救赎或者买赎的词汇直接的表达的when of Christ Jesus he says当保罗说耶稣基督 that “he gave himself on our behalf in order that he might ransom us from all iniquity and purify to himself a people for his own possession,zealous of good works” (Titus 2:14).当保罗在提多书讲到耶稣基督的时候,他是这样讲的(提多书第二章第14节):“祂为我们舍了自己,要赎我们脱离一切罪恶,又洁净我们,特作自己的子民,热心为善。” Or again, when Paul says that in the beloved “we have redemption through his blood,the forgiveness of trespasses “(Eph.1:7;cf.Col. 1:14),另外以弗所书第一章第7节保罗说:“我们借着爱子的血得蒙救赎,过犯得以赦免。参考歌罗西书第一章14节, it is quite plain that he conceives of the forgiveness of sins as the blessing accrued from blood redemption. 很清楚的,保罗看罪得赦免就是用宝血救赎所成就的大工所带来的福分。

And though Hebrews 9:15 is difficult to exegete 虽然希伯来书第九章第15节比较难解释,yet it is clear但是很清楚的一件事就是 that the death of Christ is the means of redemption in reference to sins committed under the old covenant: 耶稣基督的死就是要救赎人,救赎他们在旧约之时所犯的罪的方法,the death of Christ if redemptively  efficacious in reference to sin.耶稣基督救赎人的罪,是大有功效的救赎。the death of Christ if redemptively  efficacious基督的死在救赎上大有功效。

We may not artificially separate redemption as ransom from the guilt of sin from the other categories in which the work of Christ is to be interpreted.耶稣基督的救赎,就是买赎使我们脱离罪的罪咎,而耶稣基督的大工也可以从其他角度去理解,我们不可以把这些不同的角度,把它很人为的来分隔出来。This categories are but aspects from which the work of Christ once for all accomplished must be viewed 这些不同的概念,只不过是不同的观点角度让我们来看耶稣基督一次成就了大工and therefore they may be said to interpermeate one another.所以我们可以说这些不同的角度,不同的概念是互相贯通的。

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