REDEMPTION Accomplished and Applied part 2-session 23


《再思救赎奇恩》第二部分第23讲。Chapter 7: Sanctification.第七章:成圣。Part 4,第四部分,Part 4: The Means of Sanctification.第四部分:成圣的方法。

While we are constantly dependent upon the supernatural agency of the Holy Spirit, we must also take account of the fact that sanctification is a process that draws within its scope the conscious life of the believer.是的,一方面我们不断地依靠着圣灵超自然的工作,同时我们必须要注意到,成圣是一个过程,成圣的过程是包含着信徒的有意识的生活,在它的范围里面的。The sanctified are not passive or quiescent in this process.被成圣的人不是被动的,在这个过程中不是留在一个静态中的。

Nothing shows this more clearly than the exhortation of the apostle :(Phil.2:12,13)没有一处经文比使徒保罗的劝勉讲得更加的清楚,(记载在腓立比书书第二章12和13节:【腓2:12】)你们既是常顺服的,……就当恐惧战兢,作成你们得救的工夫;【13】因为你们立志行事,都是上帝在你们心里运行,为要成就祂的美意。(没有读英文原文)The salvation referred to here is not the salvation already in possession 这里所讲的就是功夫的得救呢,不是那些我们已经拥有的救恩but the eschatological salvation.乃是末日的救恩。(参考1 Thess.5:8-9帖撒罗尼迦前书5:8-9:【帖前5:8】但我们既然属乎白昼,就应当谨守,把信和爱当作护心镜遮胸,把得救的盼望当作头盔戴上。【帖前5:9】因为上帝不是预定我们受刑,乃是预定我们藉着我们主耶稣基督得救。1 Pet 1:5,9彼得前书1:5,9:【彼前1:5】你们这因信蒙 神能力保守的人,必能得着所预备、到末世要显现的救恩。【彼前1:9】并且得着你们信心的果效,就是灵魂的救恩。1 Pet2:2彼得前书2:2【彼前2:2】就要爱慕那纯净的灵奶,像才生的婴孩爱慕奶一样,叫你们因此渐长,以致得救。)

And no text sets forth more succinctly and clearly the relations of God’s working to our working.没有其他的经文那么的扼要地、清楚地说出上帝的工作和我们工作两者之间的关系。God’s working in us is not suspended because we work,只是因为我们工作不等于上帝的工作就停止,not our working suspended because God works.也不说只是因为上帝工作所以我们的工作就停止。Neither is the relation strictly one of co-operation这个也不是说两者关系呢是合作,as if God did his part and we did ours 就是上帝做祂那部分,我们做我们的部分so that the conjunction or co-ordination of both produced result.那么两者结合起来呢,协调起来呢,就成就所必须要有的效果了,不是这样子的。God works in us and we also work.上帝在我们心中工作,我们也工作。But the relation is that because God works we work.两者之间的关系却是,因为上帝工作,我们而工作。All working out of some of salvation on our part is the effect of God’s working in us我们一切做成得救的功夫,都是上帝在我们里面所运行的功夫的效果,not the willing to the exclusion of the doing and not the doing to the exclusion of the willing, but both the willing and the doing.不是上帝使我们愿意,工作由我们做,也不是上帝使我们工作,愿意,所以我们自己来,不是的!我们的愿意和我们的工作都是上帝在我们里面运行的结果。

And this working of God is directed to the end of enabling us to will and to do that which is well pleasing to him.上帝在我们里面的工作是指向这个目标,就是使我们愿意做,也使我们做出那些使祂喜悦的事。We have here not only the explanation of all acceptable activity on our part,这里经文不仅仅解释我们这方面所做所有上帝所悦纳的工作的或者行为,but we have also the incentive to our willing and working.这里更加告诉我们,是什么推动我们这样子的愿意和这样的工作的。What the apostle is urging is the necessity of working out our own salvation,保罗这里督促我们必须要做成我们的得救功夫,and the encouragement he supplies is,而在这里保罗所提供的鼓励,乃是assurance that it is God himself who works in us.就是我们的确据、确知是上帝亲自在我们里面运行的。The more persistently active are in working,我们越是在工作方面越是坚决,the more persuaded we may be that all the energizing grace and power is of God.我们就更加的确信,我们里面一切给我们力量的恩典和能力都是属神的。

The exhortations to action with which the Scripture is pervaded圣经里面充满着劝告,要我们采取行动are all to the effect of reminding us that our whole being is intensely active in that process,它的目的都是要提醒我们:我们整个人在这个成圣的过程里面是非常非常活跃的,which has as its goal the predestinating purpose of God that we should be confirmed to the image of his Son( Rom. 8:29). 而这个整个过程的目标就是上帝预定我们的旨意,就是要我们效法祂的儿子的形象(罗马书8:29节)。Paul says again to the Philippians,保罗再次的和腓立比的基督徒说,(Phil. 1:9,11.腓立比书1:9-11:【腓1:9-11】)我所祷告的,就是要你们的爱心在知识和各样见识上多而又多,使你们能分别是非(或作“喜爱那美好的事”),作诚实无过的人,直到基督的日子;并靠着耶稣基督结满了仁义的果子,叫荣耀称赞归与上帝。(没读原著英文经文)

And Peter,in like manner,彼得也有类似的话语的,(彼得后书2:5-8:【彼后1:5-8】)正因这缘故,你们要分外地殷勤。有了信心,又要加上德行;有了德行,又要加上知识;有了知识,又要加上节制;有了节制,又要加上忍耐;有了忍耐,又要加上虔敬;有了虔敬,又要加上爱弟兄的心;有了爱弟兄的心,又要加上爱众人的心。你们若充充足足地有这几样,就必使你们在认识我们的主耶稣基督上不至于闲懒不结果子了。(没读原著英文经文)

It is unnecessary to multiply quotations.我们就不必多加其他的经文。The New Testament is strewn with this emphasis新约圣经充满着这方面的强调。(在这里慕理列出很多很多的经文,我先把它列出来:罗马书12章1-3,9-21;罗马书第137:14;林后7:1;加拉太书5:13-16,25-26;以弗所书4:17-32;腓立比书3:10-17;4:4-9;歌罗西书3:1-25;帖前5:8-22;希伯来书12:14-16;希伯来书13:1-9;雅各书1:19-27;2:14-26;3:13-38;彼得前书1:13-25;彼得前书2:11-13,17;彼得后书3:14-18;约翰一书2:3-11;约翰一书3:17-24;)


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Sanctification involves the concentration of thought,of interest, of heart, mind, will, and purpose upon the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus and the engagement of our whole being with those means which God has instituted for the attainment of that destination.成圣就需要我们完全专注我们的思想、我们的兴趣、我们的内心、我们的理智、我们的意志,我们要决志专注于上帝在基督耶稣里面从上头来呼召我们的奖赏,成圣完全需要用到我们整个人,来用那些上帝所设立的、为了我们达到这个目标的成圣的工具。Sanctification is the sanctification of persons ,成圣是个别的人成圣,and persons are not machines;而人不是机器;it is the sanctification of persons renewed after the image of God in knowledge, righteousness and holiness. 成圣是使个别的人,根据上帝的形象,在知识上、在公义上、在圣洁上不断的成为新的人。The prospect it offers is to know even as we are known成圣提供的盼望、目标,乃是让我们好像被主所认识的,来认识主and to be holy as God is holy.成为圣洁,正如上帝是圣洁。

Every one who has this hope in God每一个人在上帝里有这种的指望purifies himself,就会洁净自己even as he is pure.正如上帝是洁净的一样。(约翰一书3:3)

The end of chapter 7.第七章结束。

Chapter 8: Perseverance第八章:圣徒的坚忍

Experience,observation,biblical history,and certain Scripture passages would appear to provide very strong arguments against the doctrine which has been called “The Perseverance of the Saints.有很多的论点跟证据,人们会用来反对被称为圣徒的坚韧这个教义的,这些的论点证据来自人的经验、观察、圣经的历史和某一些的经文。Is not the biblical record as well as the history of the church strewn with the examples of those who have made shipwreck of the faith?圣经的记载,和教会的历史岂不是充满着各种的例子,这么多的人他们的信心就好像船沉了一样呢?

And do we not read that (in Heb.6:4-6)我们岂不是在希伯来书6:4-6读这段的经文吗?希伯来书第六章从第四节开始:【来6:4-6】论到那些已经蒙了光照、尝过天恩的滋味,又于圣灵有份,并尝过上帝善道的滋味,觉悟来世权能的人,若是离弃道理,就不能叫他们重新懊悔了,因为他们把上帝的儿子重钉十字架,明明地羞辱他。(没读原著英文经文)?

Did not our Lord himself say (in John 15:1,2,6)我们的主耶稣在约翰福音第15:1,2,6,岂不是这样说过吗?主耶稣说:【约15:1,2,6】“我是真葡萄树,我父是栽培的人。凡属我不结果子的枝子,他就剪去;凡结果子的,他就修理干净,使枝子结果子更多。(第六节)人若不常在我里面,就像枝子丢在外面枯干,人拾起来,扔在火里烧了?(没读原著英文经文)Yes,faced with the facts of history and with Scripture passages like those quoted 是的,当我们面对历史的事实和刚才我们引用这一类的经文的时候,must be said that the interpretation of Scripture on this question is not a task for the indolent.面对这些的经文的时候呢,我们必须要说:是的,在这些难题上解释这些经文,不是给懒惰人去做的。What does apostasy mean?离经背道是什么意思?What does the Scripture mean by falling away?圣经说跌倒的人是什么意思呢?

In order to place the doctrine of perseverance in proper light we need to know what it is not.我们若要从正确的角度去了解圣徒坚忍的教义的话,我们必须知道这个教义不是在讲什么。It does not mean that every one who professes faith in Christ and who is accepted as a believer in the fellowship of the saints is secure for eternity and may entertain the assurance of eternal salvation.圣徒的坚忍的意思不是说,每一个承认相信基督的人,同时也是在圣徒的团契,就是教会里面被接纳是信徒的人,他就完全是安稳直到永远,他可以有确据知道他是永远得救的,不是这个意思。用我们中国人的讲法,换言之就不是说:一次相信,永远得救。

Our lord himself warned his followers in the days of his flesh我们的主耶稣基督,祂自己在地上的时候,曾经警告过跟随祂的人,when he said to those Jews who believed on him,祂对那些相信祂的犹太人是这样说的:(约翰福音8:31-21)耶稣对信他的犹太人说:“你们若常常遵守我的道,就真是我的门徒。你们必晓得真理,真理必叫你们得以自由。” He set up a criterion by which true disciples might be distinguished,耶稣设立了一个的标准,用来区别真的门徒,and that criterion is continuance in Jesus’ word.那个标准就是:继续常常在主耶稣基督的话里面。It is just what we find elsewhere when Jesus said, “he that endureth to the end the same shall be saved( Matt. 10:22). (马太福音10:22)所讲的正是这件事,【太10:22】并且你们要为我的名被众人恨恶,惟有忍耐到底的必然得救。It is the criterion applied also in the epistle to the Hebrews(Heb. 4:14) 这个也是希伯来书的作者所用的标准,或者准则,(希伯来书4:14【来4:14】我们既然有一位已经升入高天尊荣的大祭司,就是上帝的儿子耶稣,便当持定所承认的道。持守、认定、持定。(Heb. 4:14)

It is the same lesson that is the burden of Jesus’ teaching in John 15 in connection with the parable of the vine and branches. 主耶稣基督在约翰第15章讲到葡萄树和枝子的时候,祂整个的教导就是要说出这个的教训。(约翰福音15:6:【约15:6】) “人若不常在我里面,就像枝子丢在外面枯干,人拾起来,扔在火里烧了。” The crucial of true faith is一个真正的信心的最关键性的考验是什么呢,就是endurance to the end,忍耐到底,abiding in Christ,常在基督立,continuance in his word.持定祂的道。

This emphasis of Scripture should teach us two things.圣经这样的强调,是要教导我们两件事。我们下一讲继续讲这两件事是什么。

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