REDEMPTION Accomplished and Applied part 2-session 30



There is similitude but not identity.  有相似之处,但是,不是等同。But just as we may not reduce the union between Christ and his people to the level of the union that exists on these other strata of being, so we must not raise it to the level of the union that exists within the Godhead.正如我们不可以把基督和祂的子民之间的联合降低到动物、植物等等的层次的联合,我们也不可以把基督跟祂的子民的联合提升到三一真神、三个位置之间的联合。Similitude here again  does not mean identity.基督与我们的联合与圣父、圣子、圣灵之间的联合有相似之处,不等于两者是相同的。Union with Christ does not mean that we are incorporated into the life of the Godhead.与基督联合不等于说我们联合进入到三位一体真神里面的生命,不是的。That is one of the distortions to which this great truth has been subjected.这个与基督联合的伟大的真理有这种的扭曲。

But the process of thought bu which such a view has been adopted neglects one of the simplest principles which must always guide our thinking,这种的思维方式,以至于人会采取这些扭曲的观点呢,就忽略了一个很基本的一个的原则,这个原则必须引导着我们的思维的,就是namely, that analogy does not mean identity.比较就不是等同。When we make a compariSon当我们做个比较的时候,we do not make an equation.我们这里不是挂一个等号的。Of all the kinds of union or unity that exist for creatures the union of believers with Christ is the highest.所有被造物,或者被造者之间的所有种类的联合,与基督联合,信徒们与基督联合是最高的联合。The greatest mystery of being in the mystery of the trinity—而最奥秘的存在,或者存有就是三位一体存有的奥秘–three perSons in one God.三个位格在一个上帝里面。The great mystery of Godliness is the mystery of the incarnation,敬虔伟大的奥秘,乃是道成肉身的奥秘,that the Son of God became man and was manifest in the flesh(1 Tim.3:16 )就是说,上帝的儿子成为人,在肉体中显现。(提摩太前书3:16:【提前3:16】大哉!敬虔的奥秘,无人不以为然,就是:上帝在肉身显现,被圣灵称义(或作“在灵性称义”),被天使看见,被传于外邦,被世人信服,被接在荣耀里。)

But the greatest mystery of creaturely relations但是,在被造物中间最伟大的奥秘,在被造物之间的关系中最伟大的奥秘乃是,is the union of the people of God with Christ.乃是上帝的子民与基督的联合。And the mystery of it is attested but nothing more than this that it is compared to the union that exists between the Father and Son in the unity of the Godhead.而这个奥秘呢,有圣经的见证,就是说,我们以基督的联合是与圣父和圣子在三位一体中的联合,与这个做比较的;是这么奥秘的。

It has been customary to use the word mystical to express the mysticism which enters into the exercise of faith.我们一般习惯用奥秘的musical这个字来表达,当我们使用我们的信心的时候,那种的神秘主义。It is necessary for us recognize that there is an intelligent mysticism  in the life of faith.我们必须承认,在我们用我们的理智来相信、来运用我们的信心的时候,是有一种能够理解的神秘主义的。Believers are called in the fellowship of Christ上帝呼召信徒们进入到与基督的交通,或者与祂有份,and fellowship means communion.团契就是相交的意思。The life of faith is one of living union and communion with the exalted and ever-present Redeemer.信心的生活就是与我们的、被高举的、永远与我们同在的救赎主,与祂联合和与祂相交,这个是一个生命上的联合和有生命的相交。

living union and communion。Faith is directed not only to a Redeemer who has come and completed once for all a work of redemption.信心不单单是朝向一位已经来过的救赎主,一次过成就的救赎的救赎主,不单单是以祂为对象。It is directed to him not merely is the one who died信息不单单是信靠那位曾经死的救主but as the one who rose again信心乃是信靠那位复活了的救主and who ever lives as our great high priest and advocate.信心乃是信靠那位永远活着,做我们的大祭司、做我们的保惠师的救主,信心是信祂的。

And because faith is directed to him as living Savior and Lord,因为信心是信靠那位活的救主,活的主宰,fellowship reaches the zenith of its exercise.与祂的相交就到了信心的巅峰。There is no communion among men that is comparable to fellowship with Christ–人类之间的交通,没有可以与与基督交通比较的,he communes with his people基督与祂的子民相交,and his people commune with him祂的子民也与基督相交in conscious reciprocal love.这双向的相交是在一个有意识的、相互的爱中的相交。(1 Peter 1:8彼得前书1:8) “Whom having not seen ye love,” wrote the apostle Peter, “in whom though now ye see him not yet believing ye  rejoice with joy and unspeakable and full of glory”彼得说,“你们虽然没有见过祂,确实爱祂。如今虽不能看见,却因信祂就有说不出来,满有荣光的大喜乐。”


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The life of faith is the life of love,信心的生活就是爱中的生活,and life of love is the life of fellowship,爱中的生活就是相交的、交通的生活,or mystical communion with him就是与祂一个奥秘的相交的生活,who ever lives to make intercession for his people因为,基督永远活着,为祂的子民代求,and who can be touched with the feeling of our infirmities.祂明白、了解我们的软弱。(希伯来书2:7-8,4:15,) It is fellowship with him who has an inexhaustible reservoir of sympathy with his people’s temptations, afflictions, and infirmities 我们与基督相交,祂有一个永不会穷尽的、同情心的泉源,祂同情祂的子民所面对的试探、苦难和软弱because he was completed in all points like as they are, yet with out sin.因为耶稣基督在各样事情上都受过试探,但是没有犯罪。The life of true faith cannot be that of cold metallic assent.真的信心的生活不可能是一种冷酷的、铁一般的理性的同意而已。It must have the passion and warmth of love in communion 真正的信心生活,必须要有爱和相交的激情和温馨,because communion with God is the crown and apex of true religion.因为与神相交,乃是真的信仰生活、真的敬虔的冠冕和巅峰。(约翰一书1:3) “Truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.” “我们乃是与父并祂儿子耶稣基督相交。”(约壹1:3)

Union with Christ is the central truth of the whole doctrine of the salvation.与基督联合乃是整个的救赎论的核心的中心的真理。All to which the people of God have been predestined in the eternal election of God,上帝在永恒中的拣选,预定神的子民所要是的、所要做的一切一切,all that has been secured and procured for them in the once-for-all accomplishment of redemption,当耶稣基督一次过成就救赎的时候,所为祂的子民所赚取的、所保证的一切事all of which they became the actual partakers in the application of redemption,当上帝施行救赎的时候,上帝的子民成为这一切的事情具体的领受者,他们所领受的一切,and all that by God’s grace they will become in the state of consummated bliss也就是在将来那个完结的阶段,在蒙福的状态,他们蒙神的恩典要成为的一切的一切,is embraced within the compass of union and communion with Christ.都包含在基督的联合和基督的相交的范围里面。

As we found earlier in these studies,我们在本书前文各章看到,it is adoption into the family of God as sons and daughters of the Lord God Almighty that accords to the people God the apex of blessing and privilege.被上帝收养进入了祂的家,做全能上帝主的儿女,这个是上帝的子民蒙上帝所赐的最高的福分跟特权。But we cannot think of adoption apart from union with Christ.但是,一想到被上帝收养做儿女,就不能不想到与基督的联合的。

It is significant that the election in Christ before the foundation of the world is election unto the adoption of sons.很重要的一件事是,在创立世界之前,在基督里蒙拣选,乃是蒙拣选以致做上帝收养的儿子们。When Paul says that the Father chose a people in Christ before the foundation of the world that they should be holy 当保罗说,父神在创立世界之前在基督里拣选了一个子民,好叫他们圣洁的时候,he also adds that祂同时也说了一句that in love he predestinated them unto adoption to Jesus Christ.保罗也在说:上帝在爱中预定他们,借着耶稣基督成为神的儿女们的。(Eph.1:4-5弗1:4-5就如上帝从创立世界以前,在基督里拣选了我们,使我们在他面前成为圣洁,无有瑕疵。又因爱我们(或者是在爱中),就按着自己意旨所喜悦的,预定我们藉着耶稣基督得儿子的名分,得儿子的名分。)

Apparently election to holiness is parallel to predestination to adoption–很明显的,被拣选成为圣洁,和被预定得儿子的名分是平衡的,–these are two ways of expressing the same great truth.这个是表达同样的真理的两种的方法。They disclose to us the different faithts which belong to the Father’s election.这两者向我们展示出父神的拣选不同的层面。Hence union with Christ and adoption are complementary aspects of this amazing grace.因此,与基督联合,和得儿子的名分是这个奇异的恩典的两个相辅相成的层面。Union with Christ reaches its zenith in adoption与基督的联合在我们得儿子的名分上达到巅峰,and adoption has its orbit in union with Christ. 而得儿子的名分呢,乃是在与基督联合的轨迹上的。

The people of God are “heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ”(Rom. 8:17) 上帝的子民们,(罗马书8:17),是后嗣,(第17节)既是儿女便是后嗣,就是上帝的后嗣,和基督同作后嗣,和基督同作后嗣。罗马书八章17节,)All things are theirs,一切都属于他们whether life or death or things present or things to come, all are theirs,不论是生,是死,今生的事,来生的事,一切都是他们的,because they are Christ’s因为他们属基督的,and Christ is God’s.因为基督是属上帝的。(1 Cor.3:22,23林前3:22-23:或保罗,或亚波罗,或矶法,或世界,或生,或死,或现今的事,或将来的事,全是你们的。并且你们是属基督的;基督又是属上帝的。) They are united to him in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge,信徒们与基督联合,而在基督里一切的智慧和知识都藏在那里,and they are complete in him,信徒们在基督里就完全了who is the head of all principality and power.基督在一切的掌权者之上为首。

It is out of the measureless fullness of grace and truth, of wisdom and power, of goodness and love, of righteousness and faithfulness which resides in him that God’s people draw for all their needs in this life and for the hope of the life to come.上帝的子民为了今生一切他们的需要和为了来生的生命的盼望,都是支取在基督里这个无限量的、完全的、恩典和真理、智慧和权能,良善和慈爱,公义和信实的一切都在基督里,都是无限量的让我们去支取的。

There is no truth, therefore, more suited to impart confidence and strength, comfort and joy in the Lord than this one of union with Christ.因此,没有比这个与基督的联合更适当的真理,为我们带来信心、力量、安慰和喜乐,在主里面这个真理为我们带来信心、力量、安慰和喜乐It also promote sanctification,它也促进我们的成圣, not only because all sanctifying grace is derived from Christ as the crucified and exalted Redeemer, 不仅仅因为一切使我们成圣的恩典,都是来自基督–祂是为我们钉十字架的,被高举的救赎主,不仅仅是如此,but also because the recognition of fellowship with Christ and of the high privilege it entails incites to gratitude, obedience, and devotion.再者,乃是因为当我们认识到与基督相交,和这个相交所带来的至高的特权的时候,就必然感动我们感恩、顺服和专一爱祂。

Union means also communion 与祂联合也意味着与祂相交and communion constrains a humble, reverent, loving walk with him who died and rose again that he might be our Lord.而与祂相交,就约束我们要与祂同行,用一个谦卑的,敬畏的,爱的心与祂同行,祂乃是为我们死,为我们复活,好叫祂做我们的主。(1 John 2:5-6约翰一书2:5-6) “But whoso keeps his word in him verily is the love of God perfected. By this we know that we are in him. He that says he abides in him ought himself also so to walk even as he walked”.(约翰一书2:5-6:) “凡遵守主道的,爱上帝的心在他里面实在是完全的。从此我们知道我们是在主里面。人若说他住在主里面,就该自己照主所行的去行。” (John 15:4约翰福音15:4)  “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine, no more can ye except ye abide in me.”【约15:4】 “你们要常在我里面,我也常在你们里面。枝子若不常在葡萄树上,自己就不能结果子;你们若不常在我里面,也是这样。”(约翰福音15:4)

There is another phase of the subject of union with Christ that must not be omitted.与基督联合还有另外一个层面,我们不能够忽略的。If it were overlooked there would be a serious defect in our understanding and appreciation of the implications of this union.我们若忽略这个层面的话,在我们了解和欣赏与基督联合的含义呢,就有很严重的缺陷。


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