REDEMPTION Accomplished and Applied part 2-session 32


《再思救赎奇恩》第二部分第32讲,我们继续第十章:得荣耀。In our last session we ended up with this,我们上一讲最后的时候我们说:Glorification has in view the destruction of death itself.得荣耀的意思就是死亡本身的灭绝。It is to dishonour Christ and to undermine the nature of Christian hope to substitute the blessedness upon which believers enter at death for the glory  that is to be revealed when “this corruptible will put on in incorruption and this mortal will put on immortality”(1 Cor. 15:54)假如我们不是看到哥林多前书15:54说:“这必朽坏的既变成不朽坏的,这必死的既变成不死的,那时经上所记死被得胜吞灭的话就应验了,”假如我们要看到这个才是显现得荣耀的话呢,而用信徒们死的时候所进入的那种的蒙福状态,当做是得荣耀的话,那个是对基督非常的不尊敬,也是严重的削减了基督徒的盼望的。

Preoccupation with the event of death indicates a deflection of the faith, of love, and of hope.假如我们只专注于信徒的死这件事呢,就指出我们事实上是扭曲了我们的信心,扭曲了我的爱心,和扭曲了我们的盼望。We who have the firstfruits of the Spirit “groan within ourselves”, the apostle remind us, “waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body”( Rom. 8:23.罗马书8:23)使徒保罗提醒我们:我们这有圣灵初结果子的,“也是自己心里叹息”,等候得着儿子的名分,乃是我们的身体得赎。(罗马书8:23)That is glorification.那个就是得荣耀那件事。It is the complete and final redemption of the whole person这个是整个人的完全的、最后的被救赎when in the integrity of body and spirit the people of God will be conformed to the image of the risen, exalted,  and glorified Redeemer,因为在得荣耀的时候,上帝的子民身体和灵魂整全的,就会像那位复活的、荣耀的、被高举的救赎主的形象一样,when the very body of their humiliation will be conformed to the body of Christ’s glory(cf.Phil. 3:23) 因为我们的身体会改变,我们那个卑微的身体就会好像基督荣耀的身体那样(腓立比书3:21将我们这卑贱的身体改变形状,和祂自己荣耀的身体相似。)

God is not the God of the dead上帝不是死人的上帝,but of the leaving,上帝是活人的上帝and therefore nothing short of resurrection to the full enjoyment of God can constituted the glory to which the living God will lead his redeemed.因此呢,我们的复活完全享受上帝祂自己,这才算是永活的神带领祂的蒙救赎的子民所进入到得荣耀,身体复活完全与上帝同在,这才算是得荣耀。Christ is the firstbegotten from the dead,基督乃是从死里复活的人的头生者,the firstfruits of them that have fallen asleep;基督是那些已经睡了之人的初熟的果子,he is the firstborn among many brethren.基督是众弟兄中的长子。

This truth that glorification must wait for the resurrection of the body这个真理,就是说得荣耀必须要等到身体复活的那天,advises us that glorification is something upon which all the people of God will enter together at the same identical point in time.就告诉我们,得荣耀这件事是所有上帝的子民在同一刻的时间一同进入到的。There is no priority for one above another.没有一个信徒会先得到,另外的信徒后得到。In this respect it radically differs from death从这个角度来看,得荣耀与信徒的死是彻底的不一样的,and the glory with Christ upon which saints enter on that event.  得荣耀也是与圣徒们死的时候,与基督一同得荣耀是完全不一样的。Each saint of God who died has his own appointed season每一个上帝的圣徒,有祂上帝所定的日子–死亡,and therefore his own time to depart and be with Christ.所以祂离开身体,与主同在,有祂个人的那个时候的。We can see that this event is highly individualized.我们看到,死亡这件事情是非常个人化的。But it is not so with glorification.得荣耀却是另外一件事。One will not have any advantage over another–没有一个信徒会比另外一个信徒更加得便宜的–all together will be glorified with Christ.所有圣徒们一起与基督得荣耀。

The New Testament lays peculiar stress upon this fact.新约圣经特别强调这个事实的。We might think it unnecessary to accent it.可能我们觉得不必小题大做。We might say:我们可能这样说:the important truth is that all will be glorified最重要的真理是,每一个人,所有的信徒都会得荣耀and all else is of the little significance. 其他的事情就不重要咯。It is not so.不是如此。The apostle Paul found it necessary to inform, or perhaps remind,the Thessalonian believers使徒保罗感觉到必须要提醒帖撒罗尼迦教会的信徒们,that even those who will not die but be living at the advent of the Lord will not have any advantage over those who died,be living at the accident使徒保罗教导说:那些在主再来的时候还没有死,在主再来的时候还是活着的基督徒呢,与那些已经死的基督徒比较,并没有有更多的好处, “because,” he says “the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.”and so the living and the resurrected  dead, who died in Christ, will together be snatched up to meet the Lord in the air.(1 Thess. 4:16-17帖撒罗尼迦前书4:16-17) “因为主必亲自从天降临,有呼叫的声音和天使长的声音,又有上帝的号吹响,那在基督里死了的人必先复活。”以后我们这活着还存留的人必和他们一同被提到云里,在空中与主相遇。这样,我们就要和主永远同在。

Again, the same apostle says(1 Cor.15:51,52): 使徒保罗在哥林多前书15:51-52这样说:“Behold, I tell you a mystery: we shall not fall sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet: for the trumpet will sound, and dead will be raised incorruptible,   and we shall be changed”(哥林多前书第15:51-52,53) “我如今把一件奥秘的事告诉你们,我们不是都要睡觉,乃是都要改变,就在一霎时,眨眼之间,号筒末次吹响的时候;因号筒要响,死人要复活,成为不朽坏的,我们也要改变。这必朽坏的总要变成不朽坏的(“变成”原文作“穿”。下同),这必死的总要变成不死的。”


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Glorification, then, is the instantaneous change that will take place for the whole company of the redeemed when Christ will come again the second time without sin unto salvation and will descend from heaven with the shout of triumph over the last enemy.那么得荣耀是什么呢?就是一刹那的改变。什么时候会发生呢?什么时候为所有的、被赎的神的怎么发生呢?就是当主耶稣第二次再来的时候,没有罪,让我们得救,祂要从天降临,有凯旋的声音宣告:最后的仇敌都已经被击败了。“Then will come to pass the saying that is written, death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting?”(1 Cor.15:54,55)哥林多前书15:54-55 “这必朽坏的既变成不朽坏的,这必死的既变成不死的,那时经上所记“死被得胜吞灭”的话就应验了。死啊,你得胜的权势在哪里?死啊,你的毒钩在哪里?”

There is much for our instruction in this fact that the final act of application of redemption  is one that affects all alike at the same moment of time in the final accomplishment of God’s redemptive design.这件事实,就是在救赎的施行里面最后一个的上帝的作为,是同时做在所有的信徒们的身上的;这个就是上帝救赎的整个的计划最后的一个的成就。这个事情对我们有很多的教训的。It is as a body that the whole company of the redeemed will be glorified.得到荣耀的是整体的被赎之民,是他们身为整个的整体得荣耀的。This is highly consonant with all that of which glorification is the consummation.那得荣耀是什么事情的完成,什么事情的结束呢?与这个一起得荣耀这两件事情是非常的一致、非常得吻合的。

It is union with Christ that binds together all the phases of redemptive love and grace.上帝救赎的爱和恩典都是借着与基督联合联结在一起的。It was in Christ creased the people of God were chosen before the foundation of the world.在创世之前,上帝的子民被拣选是在基督里被拣选的。It was in Christ they were redeemed by his blood–选民由基督的宝血救赎,是在基督里的得赎的–he loved the church and gave himself for it. 基督爱教会,为教会舍命。The people of God were quickened together with Christ, and raised up together and made to sit together in the heavenlies  in Christ Jesus (cf.Eph. 5:25;2:5,6)上帝子民是一同与基督复活的,上帝的子民是一同与基督在基督耶稣里坐在天上的。(参考以弗所书,首先是5:26,我们从25节开始读:“正如基督爱教会,为教会舍己。要用水藉着道把教会洗净,成为圣洁,”另外以弗所书2:5-6 “当我们死在过犯中的时候,便叫我们与基督一同活过来(你们得救是本乎恩)。祂又叫我们与基督耶稣一同复活,一同坐在天上,”)

Christ wrought redemption with the design “that he might present the church to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish” (Eph. 5:27) “基督成就了救赎,祂的目的就是(以弗所书5:27)可以献给自己,做个荣耀的教会,毫无玷污皱纹等类的病。乃是圣洁没有瑕疵的.” When heaven’s design will reach its grand finale,当天上计划达到最后一幕–荣耀的高峰的时候,Christ will come again in the glory of his Father.基督必在祂父的荣耀中再来。He will also come in his own glory–祂也会在祂自己的荣耀中再来–it will be “the appearing of the glory of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.(Tit. 2:13提多书2:13告诉我们,)主耶稣来的时候,是在至大的上帝和我们救主耶稣荣耀这样子显现的(提多书二章13节,)。But this will also be the revelation of the sons of God(Rom.8:19) 可是这个同时也是上帝的子民,上帝的儿子们荣耀的显现(罗马书8:19受造之物切望等候上帝的众子显出来,) There will a perfect coincidence of the revelation of the Father’s glory, of the revelation of the glory of Christ, and of the liberty of the glory of the children of God.三件事情会很完整的同时发生,就是父神的荣耀的显现,基督的荣耀的显现,和上帝的众子的荣耀的、自由地显现。

The glorification of the elect will coincide with the final act of the Father in the exaltation and glorification of the Son.选民得荣耀,与父亲最后的一个作为是同时发生的,就是父神高举,父神最后一次的荣耀爱子。(Rom. 8:17罗马书8:17) “But if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together”(Rom.8:17罗马书8:17:)既是儿女,便是后嗣,是上帝的后嗣,和基督同作后嗣。如果我们和祂一同受苦,也必和祂一同得荣耀(罗马书8:17)There is heavenly congruity hear,这里有一个属天的一个的一致性,一个的吻合,and it is congruity which exemplifies the marvel of divine love, wisdom, and power as it also vindicates the glory of God.这种的属天的一致性,是显出上帝的爱,祂的智慧和祂的大能的奇妙,或者是绝妙,同时也证实了上帝的荣耀。 “The Lord alone shall be exalted in that day”(Isa.2:11) “在那日,耶和华–祂自己必得荣耀”(以赛亚书2:11说,唯独耀华被尊荣,)

Glorification is an event which will affect all the people of God together at the same point in time in the realization of God’s redemptive purpose. 得荣耀就是上帝救赎的计划完全实现,所有的上帝的子民一同会得荣耀的。It will bring final fruition the purpose and grace which was given in Christ Jesus before times eternal.那么在时间之前的永恒,在基督耶稣里上帝已经定下的计划,上帝已经赐下的恩典,现在最后一次实现了。(cf.2Tim,1:9参考提摩太后书1:9,上帝救了我们,以圣召召我们,不是按我们的行为,乃是按祂的旨意和恩典。这恩典是万古以先在基督耶稣里赐给我们的,)These truths respecting  the glorification of the people of God are complementary to other tenets of the Christian hope.这些真理,就是关于上帝的子民得荣耀的真理呢,与其他的基督徒的盼望的其祂的真理是相辅相成的,是如何如此呢?

1、第一点。Glorification is associated and bound up with the coming of Christ in glory.得荣耀与基督在荣耀中再来是不可分开的。The advent of Christ visibly, publicly, and gloriously does not appeal to a great many people who profess the name of Christ.基督将要能见的,在人面前公开的、很荣耀的必再来,这件事情,对很多自称是基督徒的人呢,他们不感兴趣、不被吸引。It appears to them to be naive for the more advanced and mature perspective of present-day Christians.对他们来说呢,对于我们这些已经很有高度发展的成熟的人呢,这些基督徒呢,他们会觉得这个太天真、太简单了。This attitude is akin to that which Peter warned his readers:这个呢,和彼得警告他的读者们的态度是非常相似的, “there shall come in the last days scoffers, waling after their own lust, and saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the Fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation”(2Pet.3:3,4彼得后书3:3-4) “在末世必有好讥诮的人,随从自己的私欲出来讥诮说:“主要降临的应许在哪里呢?因为从列祖睡了以来,万物与起初创造的时候仍是一样。”(彼得后书3:3-4)

It is the same kind of unbelief which entertains doubt respecting the virgin birth of our Lord or denies the substitutionary atonement or spurns the thought of our Lord’s where is bodily and physical resurrection which can be indifferent to the glorious advent of our Lord on the clouds of heaven.对于我们的主从天上在云中荣耀地再来,对这个事情漠不关心呢,就是出自同一个不信的心,这种不信的心,他们会怀疑,我们的主耶稣是否童贞女所生的,他们会否认主耶稣代罪的赎罪大功,也会藐视我们的主耶稣的身体的复活,都是不信。And this unbelief becomes peculiarly aggravated when it scorns the very idea of the return of the Lord bodily, visibly, publicly.这种的不信,当他们不肯相信我们的主再带着祂的身体、能见邪的、公开的再来,不肯相信这点,那么这个不信就特别的、更加的复杂了。If that conviction and hope do not stand at the center of our perspective for the future,假如这个的信念、这个的盼望不是我们对未来的展望的核心的思想的话,it is because the barest outlines of our frame of thought are destitute of Christian character.那乃是因为我们的思想里面的架构差不多完全没有基督徒的特性。

The hope of the believer is centered in the coming of the Savior again the second time without sin unto salvation.基督徒的盼望乃是专注于我们的救主第二次再来,无罪的以致我们得救。Paul calls this “the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of the great God and our Savior Christ Jesus” (Tit.2:13) 保罗是这样称这个得荣耀的事件的(提2:13)等候所盼望的福,并等候至大的 神和我们救主耶稣基督的荣耀显现。(提2:13)The believer who knows him whom he has believed and loves him whom he has not seen says, “Amen, come Lord Jesus” (Rev.22:20)信徒们所信的主是他所认识的,所没有见过的主耶稣,是他所爱的,这种的信徒会说“阿们,主耶稣愿你再来!”(启示录22:20)So indispensable is the  coming of the Lord to the hope of glory,主再来,是我们荣耀的盼望,这件事情是那么的不可或缺,that glorification for the believer has no meaning without the manifestation of Christ’s glory.以至于对信徒来说,得荣耀呢,若不是因为基督荣耀的显现,那么我们得荣耀是毫无意义的。Glorification is glorification with Christ.得荣耀就是与基督一同得荣耀。Remove the latter若没有与基督一同得荣耀,and we have robbed the glorification of believers of the one thing that enables them to look forward to this event with confidence, with joy unspeakable and  full of glory.假如没有基督荣耀的显现与祂一同得荣耀的话呢,那我们在信徒们的得荣耀这件事情上就夺去唯一让他们能够有盼望有信心,有说不出的欢喜快乐和荣耀这个因素了。“But rejoice,” Peter wrote, “inasmuch as ye re partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad with exceeding joy”.彼得是这样说的(在彼得前书4:13)倒要欢喜,因为你们是与基督一同受苦,使你们在祂荣耀显现的时候也可以欢喜快乐的。(彼得前书4:13)


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