REDEMPTION Accomplished and Applied part 2-session 27


《再思救赎奇恩》第二部分第27讲,Chapter 9 –第九章:Union with Christ与基督联合。In this studies we’re dealing with the application of redemption.我们在本书下半这几章,讨论着救赎的施行。Intelligent readers may have wondered why there has not been up this point some treatment of union with Christ.聪明的读者可能会奇怪,会问:到了目前为止为什么还没有讨论到与基督联合呢。Obviously it is an important aspect of the application of redemption,很明显的,与基督联合是救赎的施行很重要的一个层面,and if we did not take account of it, not only would our presentation of the application of redemption be defective 假如我们不考虑到与基督联合的话呢,我们对救赎思想的讲论不单单有所缺欠but our view of the Christian life would be gravely distorted.而且我们对基督徒的生活的看法也会有严重的扭曲。Nothing is more central or basic than union and communion with Christ.没有一件事情比与基督联合和与基督交通更加的基本、更加的属于救赎的核心。

There is, however, a good reason why the subject of union with Christ should not be co-ordinated with the other phases of the application of of redemption with which we have dealt.但是有一个很重要的很好的原因,为什么我们没有把与基督联合的题目与我们所已经讨论过的其祂的救赎施行的层面,把祂互相的协调、相提并论。That reason is这个原因就是that union with Christ is in itself a very broad and embracive subject.原因是与基督联合本身是一个很宽阔的题目,里面包含了很多事的。It is not simply a step in the application of of redemption;与基督联合不仅仅是救赎的事情的一个步骤,when viewed, according to the teaching of Scripture,我们若根据圣经的教导去看与基督联合in its broader aspects it underlies every step of the application of of redemption.从宽阔的层面来看与基督联合是支撑着救赎施行的每一步。Union with Christ is really the central truth of the whole doctrine of salvation 与基督联合是整个救赎的教义的核心真理,not only in its application不单单是救赎的施行的核心真理,but also in its once-for-all accomplishment in the finished work of Christ.在耶稣基督一次完成了救赎的计划,救赎成就的真理上,与基督的联合也是那个核心的真理。

Indeed the whole process of salvation has its origin in one phase of union with Christ,诚然,整个的救赎大工的起源,就在与基督联合的一个层面,and salvation has in view the realization of other phrases of union with Christ.而救赎计划所看到的目标,就是与基督联合的另外一方面的实现,意思是说从头到尾都是与基督的联合。This can be readily seen if we remember that brief  expression which is so common in the New Testament, 我们若记得新约圣经一个很简短的、很普遍的短句是什么意思,namely, “in Christ.”就是“在基督里”这几个字。It is that which is meant by “in Christ” that we have in mind when we speak of “union with Christ”.当我们说到与基督联合的时候,我们所想到的就是在基督里这个短句的意思。It is quite apparent that the Scripture of applies the expression “in Christ” to much more than the application of redemption.很明显的,当圣经说到在基督里的时候,它所指的不仅仅是救赎的施行。A certain aspect of union with Christ, it is true, belongs strictly to the application of redemption.没有错,与基督联合的其中一个层面是属于救赎的施行的。With that we shall deal later.我们下文会讨论。

But we would not deal  properly with the subject of union with Christ unless we set forth, first of all, its broader meaning.但是我们若不首先指出与基督联合的宽广的意义的话,我们就不可能正确地论述与基督联合。We would not be able to appreciate that which falls within the application of redemption if we did not related it to that which is broader.我们若不首先把与基督联合连接于那个宽广的视野的话,我们就不可能体会到,那个在救赎施行里面的与基督的联合。

The breadth of union with Christ can be seen我们要看到与基督联合是如何广,if we survey the teaching of Scripture respecting it.我们就必须要纵览圣经讲到与基督的联合所作的教导。When we do this we see how far back it goes and how far forward.当我们这样做的时候,我们看到与基督联合一直回到多么地先前,我们就会看到祂在过去延伸多远,祂在将来也延伸到多远。

The fountain of salvation itself in the internal election of the Father is “in Christ.”救赎的泉源本身就是在父神“在基督里”的永恒的拣选。Paul says:(Eph.1:3-4)保罗在以弗所书1:3-4说: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world”(弗1:3-4:) “愿颂赞归于我们主耶稣基督的父上帝,祂在基督里曾赐给我们天上各样属灵的福气,就如上帝从创立世界以前,在基督里拣选了我们,使我们在祂面前成为圣洁,无有瑕疵。”

The Father elected from eternity,父神是从永恒作拣选的,but he elected in Christ.可是,祂是在基督里做拣选。We are not able to understand all that is involved,我们不可能了解这里面所牵涉的所有事,but the fact is pain enough但是这些事情是足够的明显that there was no election of the Father in eternity apart from Christ.上帝在永恒里所做的拣选,不是在基督以外的,是在基督里的。And that means that those who will be saved were not even contemplated by the Father in the ultimate counsel of his predestinating love apart from union with Christ–也就是说,当上帝在祂永恒的、预定的、爱的计划里面拣选人的时候,完全是考虑到与基督的联合这样子来拯救他们的–they were chosen in Christ.他们是在基督里蒙拣选的。As far back as we can go in tracing salvation to its fountain,所以当我们一直的追溯救恩到祂的泉源的时候,we find “union with Christ”;我们找到的就是与基督联合;it is not something tacked on;不是从外面贴上去的一个另加的东西,it is there from the outset.与基督联合从头开始就存在的。

It is also because the people of God were in Christ when he gave his life a ransom and redeemed by his blood that salvation has been secured for them;上帝的子民,他们的救恩是被保障的,是因为当基督为他们付出赎价,用祂的宝血拯救他们的时候,他们,上帝的子民是在基督里的。再讲一次,因为上帝的子民是在基督里的,就是,当基督为他们付出赎价,用宝血救赎他们,就是当基督买赎上帝的子民,用祂的宝血救赎他们的时候,他们是在基督里的,因此他们的救恩是被保证的;they are represented as united to Christ in the death, resurrection,and exaltation to heaven他们是与基督的死联合的,是与基督的复活联合的,是与基督升天联合的,所以他们的救恩是被保障的。(我们来读经文,Rom。6:比如我们six two to eleven,fish is true for the six class one three three and four罗马书6:2-11,弗2:4-6,西3:3-4;










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【罗6:10】他死是向罪死了,只有一次;他活是向 神活着。

【罗6:11】这样,你们向罪也当看自己是死的;向 神在基督耶稣里,却当看自己是活的。

弗2:4-6【弗2:4】然而 神既有丰富的怜悯,因他爱我们的大爱,



西3:3-4【西3:3】因为你们已经死了,你们的生命与基督一同藏在 神里面。


“In the beloved,” Paul says, “we have redemption through his blood”(Eph.1:7)(以弗所书1:7)我们是借着这个爱子,祂的宝血得蒙救赎。

Hence we may never think of the work of redemption wrought once for all by Christ apart from the union with his people which was effected in the election of the Father before the foundation of the world.所以,当我们想到耶稣基督一次过所做成的救赎大工的时候,我们不可以把基督与祂的子民的联合置于门外,而这个联合是在父神创世之前在祂的拣选中,这个联合是已经做成的。

In other words,换言之,we may never think of redemption abstraction from the mysterious arrangements of God’s love and wisdom and grace by which Christ was united to his  people and his were united to him when he died upon the accursed tree and rose again from the dead.换言之,我们不可以把救赎抽象化,把它与上帝的爱、上帝的智慧、上帝的恩典所作出的奇妙的计划,这个计划就是,当耶稣基督死在这个咒诅的十字架上,从死里复活的时候,耶稣基督是与祂的子民联合的,祂的子民也是与祂联合的,我们讲到救赎的时候,不可以脱离这个的奇妙的事实。This is but another way of saying that 换言之,the church is the body of Christ换言之,教会是基督的身体,and “Christ loved the church and gave himself for  her”也就是说,基督爱教会,为她舍己,(弗5:25)

It is in Christ that the people of God are created anew.上帝的子民是在基督里被再造成为新人的。(Eph.2:10,以弗所书2:10)“We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus onto good works” “我们是祂的工作,在基督里造成的,为要叫我们行善,就是上帝所预备叫我们行的”。Here Paul is insisting ton the great truth by grace, not works, we are saved.保罗在这里所坚持的伟大真理就是,我们蒙救赎是因着恩典,不是因着行为。Salvation has its inception in God’s grace.救恩的起源是上帝的恩典。And it is certified by the fact we are saved by a new creation in Christ.我们得救是本乎恩,有一个事实做保证:就是我们是因为在基督里,成为新的创造而得救的,因此完全是恩典。It should not surprise us that the beginning of salvation in actual possession should be in union with Christ这个事情不应该令我们惊讶,当我们具体的拥有救恩的时候,这件事情是以与基督联合开始的,because we have found already that it is in Christ that salvation had its origin in eternal election of the Father因为我们已经看到,整个救赎的起源是在基督里的,就是父神在永恒里的拣选是在基督里的拣选,and that it is in Christ salvation was once-for-all secured by Jesus’ ransom blood. 而我们是因为耶稣基督救赎所流出的宝血,一次过就保证了我们的救恩,我们是在基督里保证得救的。

We could not think of such union with Christ as suspended when the people of God become the actual partakers of redemption– they are created anew in Christ.所以,既然我们在基督里,靠着祂的宝血,在十字架上与祂联合而得救,因此,当我们具体的得到救赎的时候,我们也不应该说与基督联合与我们具体得救是分开的,我们是在基督里在再被造成为新的。

But not only does the new life have its inception in Christ;可是新生命不单单是在基督里开始;it is also continued by virtue of the same relationship to him.同样的,是因为同样与基督的关系,新生命可以持续。It is in Christ the Christian life and behavior are conducted .基督徒的生命、基督徒的行为都是要在基督里做成的。(经文有Rom.6:4罗马书6:4,林前1:4-5,6:15-17






The new life believers live they live in the fellowship of Jesus’ resurrection;信徒们所过的新的生活,是与基督复活联合而活出的;in everything they are made rich in him in all utterance and in all knowledge.他们在各样的口才跟知识上,他们在各方面在基督里成为丰富。


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