REDEMPTION Accomplished and Applied part 2-section 8



We pick up where Murry is talking 1 John 3:9 adds something in the ??to all the other passages  in the 1John.约翰一书第三章第9节比起其他的经文又多了一样的意义。

Not only is it stated that the person who is born again does not do sin,三章第9节所说的不单单是说一个重生的人不犯罪but we are also informed of the reason why he does not sin.但是也告诉我们,这个人不犯罪的原因是什么。He does not sin because God’s seed abides in him.他不犯罪,因为上帝的道种住在他里面。Now this abiding seed alludes clearly to the divine impartation which took place in the divine begetting.这个长存在他里面的道种,当然就是指在神再生一个人的时候,祂所赐给人的是什么。

It is this divine begetting with its abiding consequence that is the cause of not doing sin.就是上帝的再生伴随着长存的后果,这个就是不犯罪的原因。Hence regeneration is logically and causally prior to the not doing sin.因此重生就是不犯罪的成因,是在不犯罪之先的,逻辑上是排在前面的。And, again, John tells us that “he can not sin because he is begotten of God,”约翰再一次告诉我们:他不犯罪,不能犯罪,因为他是由上帝所生的,an express statement to the effect that regeneration is the cause why this person cannot sin.直接明说的告诉我们:重生就是这个人不能犯罪的成因,cause或者是的原因。So the reason why a person cannot sin所以一个人不能够犯罪的原因,is that  that person is regenerated–是因为这个人是重生了,the other can not be reversed.次序是不可以倒过来的。In this verse, therefore, we are informed that因此这一节经文就告诉我们

Regeneration is the source and the explanation of the breach with sin which is characteristic of every regenerate person.重生就是与罪隔绝的来源和解释,这个与罪隔绝是每一位重生了的人的特点。

We have found thus in 1John 3:9 a principal因此我们在约翰一书第三章第9节找到了一个的原则which must apply to the other texts cited in this epistle,我们也要把这个原则应用在约翰一书其他的经文,even though the principle is not expressly mentioned in these other texts. 虽然这个原则在其他的经文没有直接说出。The inference is confirmed when we compare 3:9 with 5:18.假如我们把第三章第九节与第五章18节比较一下,我们可以看到这种的推论是正确的。The latter reads:约翰一书第五章18节是这样说的: “We know that everyone who is begotten of God does not sin, but he who has been begotten of God keeps himself, and the evil one does not touch him.”第五章18节说:“我们知道凡从上帝生的必不犯罪,从上帝生的,病保守自己,那恶者也就无法害他。”

The thought here is very closely similar to that in 3:9 .这里的思想三章第九节所讲的是非常靠近、非常相似的。In fact it is in part identical, 有一部分甚至是完全一样,with a slight variation terms.只是所用的字眼有一点点改变。If what we have found to be true in 3:9 applies to what is taught in 3:9,假如我们看到3:9的真理是为应用在三章第9节所教导的教训的话,it must also apply to what is taught in 5:18. 那么第三章的真理也应该应用在第五章18节所教导的。And that means意思就是说,the reason that why a person does not sin is that he is begotten of God一个人不犯罪的原因是因为他是由上帝所生,and the reason why the evil one does not touch a person is that he is begotten pf God.为什么这个恶者不能碰他呢?就是因为他是由上帝所生的。Regeneration is the logical and causal explanation of abstinence from sin ,一个人不犯罪,重生就是那个逻辑上的解释、成因and freedom from the touch of the evil one,不被那恶者所影响的原因也是一样。

Of course it is not our purpose now to determine what this freedom from sin, this incapacity to sin, and this immunity to the invasion of the evil one precisely mean.我们在这里所要决定的并不是说,究竟这个不犯罪、不能犯罪和不受恶者所干扰这些精准的意义是什么。All we are interested in at present is我们在这里主要的关注乃是说simply to establish the relation which regeneration sustains to these characteristic of the regenerate person.只不过是要建立重生和这些重生的人的特点之间的关系。

We are forced to the conclusion, therefore,因此,我们不能不做出这个结论,on the basis of 3:9 and 5:18,根据约一3:9和5:18,that the relation established in these two texts applies to all the others also.在3:9和5:18所证明的那个重生跟其他的关系all the others also都应用在约翰一书其他的经文。In 2:29, we must infer,因此我们必须推论,在约翰一书第二章29节,that the reason why the person in view does righteousness is that he is begotten of God.我们必须推论,这里2:29这个人,行义是因为他是由上帝所生的。And likewise in the others. 其他经文也是一样。

In 4:7  regeneration must be regarded as the cause of love,第四章第七节:重生就是,为什么这个人爱(爱的缘由), in 5:1the cause of believe that Jesus is the Christ,第五章第一节:重生就是为什么某某人相信耶稣就是基督,in 5:4 the cause of overcoming the world,在5:4,为什么一个人胜过世界,是因为他重生了。We have therefore a whole catalogue of virtues–这里我们简直是一个目录列出各种纪律处的美德,believe that Jesus is the Christ相信耶稣是基督,overcoming the world 胜过世界,abstinence from sin,不犯罪,self-control自我节制,incapacity to sin,不能犯罪,freedom from the touch of the evil one,不受到那恶者的干扰,doing righteousness,行公义,love to God 爱上帝,and one’s neighbour.爱一个人的邻舍。And they are all the fruit of regeneration.这些都是重生结出的果子。


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It should be noted how comprehensive this catalogue is.我们必须注意,这个列单是多么的涵盖一切,是多么的有代表性。It covers the wide range of the virtue demanded by the high calling of God  in Christ Jesus.这里涵盖了上帝从上而来在基督里向我们的呼召所要求我们活出的信德。In the order in which they have been stated above, as Bengel expressed it in another connection,Bengel 告诉我们,这一系列的信德所列出来的次序,faith leads the band and love brings the rear.信心是带队的,爱心是最后的跟着队伍的那一个。

It should be specially noted that我们特别需要注意,even faith that Jesus is the Christ is the effect of regeneration.信心、相信耶稣是基督是重生的效果。This is , of course, a clear implication of John 3:3-8.这个当然是约翰福音第三章3到8节的清楚的含义。But John the apostle here takes pains to make that plain.但是使徒在约翰在这里呢,再进一步的讲得更明显。Regeneration is the beginning of all saving grace in us,重生是在我们里面一切的救恩的恩典的开始的第一步,and all saving grace in exercise on our part proceed from the fountain of regeneration.在我们里面,我们所做出的所有的恩典,所有与救恩有关的恩典,都是源自重生这个泉源。We are not born again by faith or repentance or conversion; 我们不是借着信心重生的,我们借着悔改重生的,我们不是借着回转归主重生的;we repentant and believe because we have been regenerated.我们悔改、我们信基督,因为我们已经被重生了。No one can say in truth that Jesus is the Christ except by regeneration of the Spirit除非一个人由圣灵所重生,不然他不能够诚然的、真实的说耶稣是基督and that is one of the ways by which the Holy Spirit glorifies Christ.这个就是圣灵荣耀基督的其中一个的方法。The embrace of Christ in faith 一个人信基督、接受祂,is the first evidence of regeneration 是重生的第一个证据,and only thus may we know that we have been regenerated.这样子,唯有这样我们知道我们已经被重生了。

The priority of regeneration might create the impression that a person could be regenerated  and yet not converted.重生排在前面,可能令人有一个印象,就是一个人可以被重生了,但是却不信主归正的。These passages in 1 John should correct any such misapprehension. 约翰一书这好几段的经文,肯定会纠正我们任何的误解。

We need to remember again that the leading emphasis in these passages is the invariable concomitance of regeneration and the other graces mentioned.我们再次的要记得,在约翰一书这么多段经文所强调的就是:重生必定有这些奇特的恩典伴随着。(3:9,约一3:9)“Everyone who is begotten of God does not sin, for his seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he is begotten of God.”(第三章第9节):“凡从上帝生的就不犯罪,因上帝的道(或者种)存在他心里,他也不能犯罪,因为他是由上帝生的。” “Everyone who is begotten of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory which has overcome the world, even our faith”(5:4) 第五章第4节:”因为从上帝生的就胜过世界,使我们胜了世界的事就是我们的信心.”(5:18) “Everyone who is begotten of God does not sin, but he who has been begotten of God keep himself, and the wicked one does not touch him”(5:18)“我们知道凡从上帝生的必不犯罪,从上帝生的必保守自己,那恶者也无法害他。”

When we put these texts together当我们把这些经文都放在一起看的时候,they expressly state他们就明明地指出that every regenerate person has been delivered from the power of sin,每一位重生了的人,都从罪的权势被搭救出来了,overcomes the world by the faith of Christ,借着信基督已经胜过了世界,and exercises that self-control by which he is no longer the slave of sin 也会自守,这样子不再作罪的奴仆,and of the evil one也不再作那恶者的奴仆。

That means, when reduced to its simplest terms,当我们用最简单的话来讲的话,意思就是说that the regenerate person is converted 重生的人就归正了,and exercises faith and repentance.他会做出这个信心和悔改。We must not think of regeneration as something which can be abstracted from the saving exercises which are its effects.我们不可以把重生当作是与其他这些的动作和救恩里的动作是分开的,这些其他的动作是重生的后果、果效,重生跟果效是不能分开的。

Hence we shall have to conclude that这样子我们必须要做出这个的结论,就是说,in the other passages (2:29;4:7;5:1) the fruit mentioned– doing righteousness, the love and knowledge of God, believing that Jesus is the Christ–are just as necessarily the accompaniments of  regeneration as are the fruits mentioned in 3:9;5:4,18.结论就是说,在其他的经文,(约翰一书3:9,5:4,18)所提到的果子就是行公义,爱神、认识神、相信耶稣是基督,也完全是伴随着重生的,就等于3:9;5:4,18那些的果子是伴随着重生的。This simply means that很简单的这个意思就是说呢all of the graces mentioned in these passages are the consequences of regeneration这所有的经文所提到的恩典都是重生的后果,and not only consequences which sooner or later followed up regeneration,不单单是说后果早晚会跟着重生而来but the fruit which are inseparable from regeneration.更加是说这些的果子都是与重生不可分割的。

We are warned and advised, therefore,因此经文警告我们,that while regeneration is the action of God and of God alone 一方面重生是神的工作,完全是神的工作,we must never conceive of this action as separable from the activities of saving grace on our part我们不可以把上帝这个工作,与我们要做的工作,在救恩里面我们的动作,我们不可以把它分开,which are the necessary and appropriate effects of God’s grace in us.因为这些是上帝在我们里面的恩典,必须也恰当发出的果效。The apostle John had learned of his Lord使徒约翰从我们的主耶稣,从他的主学到了and what he teaches in his epistle is, in other terms, exactly what Jesus taught in this discourse to Nicodemus.而约翰在他的书信所教导的就是耶稣在跟尼哥底母谈话的时候所教的,不过他用一点不同的表达的方式而已。

If it is true that no one enters the kingdom of God except by regeneration假如没有一个人可以进入到神的国,除非他重生,这个是真理的话,(约3:3-5), it is also just a true that everyone who is born again has entered into the kingdom of God.反过来也是真理,就是说,每一位已经重生的人就已经进入到上帝的国了。If regeneration is the way of the entrance假如重生就是进入到神的国,进入的那条路的话,then those regenerated have entered and,那么那些已经重生的人就已经进到里面了,and having entered, they see the kingdom of God and are members of it.既然进入到,他们就看到神的国,也是神的国的成员。

This is again the pointed lesson of Jesus in John 3:6: 这就是耶稣在约翰福音第三章第6节所教导的: “that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” “从灵生的就是灵”,that is to say, the person born of the Holy Spirit is indwelt and directed by the Holy Spirit.就是说那位从圣灵重生的人,有圣灵住在他里面,有生命引导他。The regenerate person cannot live in sin and be unconverted.一个重生的人不可能活在罪中,做一个不归正、还没有归正的人。

And neither can he live any longer in neutral abstraction.这个人也不可能在一种好像中立的抽象的情况里面生活。He is immediately a member of the kingdom of God,他直接地、马上的已经是上帝的国的成员,he is spirit他是灵,and his action and behavior must be consonant with that new citizenship.因此他的动作、他的行为必定要符合他新的国籍。In the language of the apostle Paul,用使徒保罗所讲的方法,(2 Cor.5:17哥林多后书5:17) “if any man be in Christ, his s new creature; the old things have pasted away, behold they have become new” “若有人在基督里,他就是新造的人,旧事已过都变成新的了”there are numerous other considerations derived from the Scripture圣经里面给出各种各方面的考虑,which confirm this great truth都证明这个伟大的真理,that regeneration is such a radical, pervasive, and efficacious transformation  重生是这个这么彻底的、涵盖一切的、大有功效的改变,that it immediately registers itself in the conscious activity of the person,他马上就在一个人有意识的行动上已经刻印在这个人的生命里面了concerned in the exercises of faith and repentance and new obedience.就是说这个人马上,既然有重生的印记,马上就做出相信悔改和信靠顺服的动作。

Far too frequently the conception entertained of conversion is so superficial太多时候我们看到一个人想到归正,就是想到悔改信主这个概念时,是这么的肤浅、and beggarly这么的卑贱that is completely fails to take account of the momentous change of which conversion is the fruit.他完全没有考虑到,重生是那么的惊人、重大的一个的改变,而信心悔改是这个改变所结出的果子。And the whole notion of what is involved in the application of redemption becomes so attenuated 而整个救赎的施行里面所包含的是什么?整个的概念是变弱了,变小了,以至到一个地步,that it has little or no resemblance to that which the gospel teaches.已经完全不像福音所教导的那个的重生、那个的救赎的施行。Regeneration is at the basis of all change in heart and life .重生是一切心里面的,和生命中一切的改变的根据。It is a stupendous change是一个巨大的改变,because it is God’s recreative act.因为,这是上帝再创造的伟大作为。A cheap and tawdry evangelism has tended to rob the gospel which if proclaims of that in the invincible power which is the glory of the gospel of sovereign grace.一个廉价的传福音的工作,一种庸俗的传福音,都会抢夺了上帝主权恩典的福音的荣耀。就是他所传的福音,他都抢夺了那个无敌的能力和这个无可比拟的荣耀。May the church come to think and live again in terms of the gospel which is the power of God unto salvation.让耶稣基督的教会再次学习如何思想、如何生活、如何按照福音是神的大能、要救人的大能、按照这个福音来思想,按照这个福音来生活。

End of the chapter on regeneration.重生的一章在这里结束。

In our next section we will begin chapter4,which is faith and repentance and faith and repentance  constitute conversion.下一讲我们开始讲第四章:信心和悔改。而信心和悔改加起来就是回转conversion归主、归正,conversion。

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