REDEMPTION Accomplished and Applied part 2-section 10



我们在读第四章:Faith and Repentance信心和悔改。第四章的上半:Faith,信心。这里慕理讨论信心的依据,the warrant for Faith 信心的依据,第一:是因为福音是向人类,上帝诚恳的做出这个呼吁跟邀请的。The universal free offer of the gospel。第二个依据是:因为在福音里面,上帝为我们预备的救主,是全备的,而且是适合的,the all sufficiency and suitability of the Savior presented。 我们来到这一段,就是第二个依据,the all sufficiency and suitability of the Savior presented。我们的救主,在福音里面上帝为我们预备的救主,是全备的、是足够的,而且是适合的。这里是第二段:

The faith of which we are now speaking is not the belief that we have been saved我们现在讨论的信心不是相信我们已经得救了,不是的,but trust in Christ in order that we may be saved。我们在讨论的是信靠基督,以至我们能够得救,讨论这种的信心的依据。And it is of paramount concern to know that Christ is presented to all without distinction to the end that they may entrust themselves to him for salvation。我们特别要关注的是要知道,上帝提供基督给全人类没有区分,目的是他们能够相信基督,以致得救。Christ is presented to all,在福音里面上帝提供基督,或者说基督呈献给全人类,或者说上帝预备基督,没有区别的向人类呼吁、邀请,好教他们能够信靠祂,以致得救The gospel offer is not restricted to the elect or even to those for whom Christ died。 福音里面的邀请或者呼吁,并不是限制于选民,甚至不是限制于基督在十字架上舍命的对象而已。And the warrant of faith is not the conviction that we are elect信心的依据不是我们是选民这个信念,我们有理由相信基督,不是因为我们相信自己是选民,Or that we are among those for whom,strictly speaking, Christ died 也不是有这个信念,我们相信,严格来说,我们就是那些基督钉十字架死的对象的成员,我们信基督,不是因为这个,不是因为我们相信我们是选民,基督是为我们死的,不是为别人死的,不是的。

but the fact that Christ in the glory of his person, in the perfection of his finished work, and in the efficacy of his exalted activity is King and Savior, is presented to us in the full, free, and unrestricted overture of the gospel。我们信心的依据乃是因为耶稣基督,上帝提供、或者是呈现耶稣基督给我们,首先祂的位格,祂自己是荣耀的,第二:祂所成就的、所完成的大工是完全的,perfect,祂所成就的大工finished work,是完全的perfect,第三:耶稣基督祂被荣耀、祂被升高的工作是,祂是君王、祂是救主,祂作为君王跟救主的工作是大能有效的。再来,在福音里面上帝为我们预备了耶稣基督,第一:祂是荣耀的,第二:祂所完成的大工是完全的,第三:祂是君王、祂是救主,祂的工作,就是现在的工作是大能有效的。上帝把这样的一位基督呈现在我们面前,就是借着福音的邀请,这个福音的邀请是完整的full,白白的free,没有区别、没有限制的unrestricted。

那这里讲到,free and unrestricted,白白的、没有区别、没有限制的邀请的意思就是说呢:当上帝向世人呼吁:你们是罪人,耶稣基督是罪人的救主,信祂的必定得救。当上帝这样的呼吁、邀请的时候,上帝并没有说只是向选民邀请呼吁的,祂是向所有的罪人呼吁的,unrestricted没有限制的,没有区别的no distinction 。

让我们继续:It is not as persons convicted of our election nor as persons convicted that we are the special objects of God’s love that we commit ourselves to him but as lost sinners。我们将我们自己交托给祂,我们委身于基督,不是身为清楚相信自己是选民的人,不是;也不是清楚知道自己是上帝的爱的特别的对象,不是因为我们有这两方面的信念的,不是的。再来哈,我们委身于基督不是身为有被拣选的信念的人,也不是身为有信念知道自己是上帝爱的特殊的对象,不是的。我们委身于基督,是身为失丧的罪人,我们是以失丧的罪人的身份来投靠、来信靠耶稣基督的。

We entrust ourselves to him not because we believe we have been saved,我们投靠祂、信靠祂不是因为我们相信我们已经得救了,but as lost sinners in order that we may be saved。乃是身为失丧的罪人我们投靠祂,以至于能得救。It is to us in our lost condition that the warrant of faith is given上帝给我们信心的依据,信心的理由是给在我们失丧的情况里的我们,and warrant is not restricted or circumscribed in any way。这个信心的依据毫无任何的限制,或者条件。In the warrant of faith the rich mercy of God is proffered to the lost在信心的依据上帝丰富的怜悯提供给世失丧的人,and the promise of grace is certified by the veracity and faithfulness of God。上帝用祂自己的真实和祂的信实来保证祂的恩典的应许。再来一次,上帝在救恩里面应许恩典、应许救恩,而上帝以祂自己的可信真实性、以祂自己的信实来保证这个恩典的应许。

This is the ground upon which a lost sinner may commit himself to Christ in full confidence that he will be saved。这个就是理由,一个失丧的罪人可以委身与基督,完全相信祂这样子能够得救,这种的委身的根据根基,就是这个,就是上帝的信实保障着祂在福音里面的呼吁或者邀请。And no sinner to whom the gospel comes is excluded from the divine warrant for such confidence。当福音临到罪人的时候,没有一个罪人是排除在这个上帝所提供的依据以外,上帝提供这个依据,要罪人有信心confidence,确信:信就得救,没有一个罪人士排除在这个的依据以外的。刚才我们读这一段,就是信心的第二个依据。可以说就是在讲福音,有这个白白的、普世的、毫无限制的邀请,或者是呼吁,毫无限制。(11:02cut)而这个呼吁就是因为福音里面上帝所提供的救主耶稣基督是完全大能有效的、能够救罪人的。

好了,下面我们来到另外一段,就是信心–我们讲完了A。依据。 现在B。信心的本质The nature of faith。信心的本质There are three things that need to be said about the nature of faith。关于信心的本质,我们需要提到三件Faith is knowledge, conviction and trust。信心是知识、信心是确信、或者信念,信心是信靠。


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  • Knowledge。第一信心是知识Knowledge。 It might seem very confusing to say the faith is knowledge。说信心是知识,好像有点使人混乱。For is not one thing to know, another thing to believe?我们岂不是说知道是一件事,相信是另外一码事吗?This is partly true我们可以说这个是一部分的对的。Sometimes we must distinguish between faith and knowledge比如说我们必须区别信心和知识and place them in the contract to each other。和对照两者。But there is a knowledge that is indispensable to faith。但是有一种的知识是信心不可或缺的。In our ordinary human relations do we trust a person of whom we know nothing?在我们一般人际关系中,我们能够信靠一个我们毫无所知的人吗?Especially when that for which we trust him is of grave importance for us特别当我们相信这个人有关的事情,是特别的重要的,对我们特别的重要的we must know a good deal regarding his identity and the character。我们必须对他的身份和他的品格要有某一个程度的知识才行。

How much more must this be the case with that faith which is directed to Christ;那么当我们投靠基督的时候,向基督的信心岂不更加是如此吗?for it is faith against all the issues of life and death,of time and eternity。因为这种的信心是正视所有的生死问题、时间跟永恒的问题的。We must know who Christ is,我们必须知道基督是谁, what he has done, 祂成就了什么工作,and what he is able to do。第三、知道祂能够做什么。Otherwise faith would be blind conjecture at the best不然的话,信心最多只不过是盲目的猜测and foolish mockery at the worst。而最差劲的信心可能是讥讽的笑柄。There must be apprehension of the truth respecting Christ。我们必须了解关于基督的真理的。

Sometimes, indeed, the measure of truth apprehended by the believing person is very small,诚然,有时候一个相信基督的人,他所了解的真理是很少的,and we have to appreciate the fact that the faith of some in its initial stages is very elementary。我们必须体会一件事实,就是有些人在初步的信心的时候,他们的信心是非常的基本的。But faith cannot begin in a vacuum of knowledge。可是信心不能够在一个真空、完全毫无所知开始的。

Paul remind us of this very simply when he says, (Rom。10:17) “Faith is of hearing, and hearing of the word of Christ”保罗在罗马书第十章第17节,很简单的提醒我们:“信道是从听道来的,听道是从基督的话来的。”所以这是第一:信心的本质是知识。

  • Conviction确信,或者信念。Faith is assent。信心是同意。就是同意上帝所讲的福音。We must not only know the truth respecting Christ我们不仅仅必须知道关于基督的真理but we must also believe it to be true。我们也必须相信这个真理是真的,是真实的。It is possible,of course, for us to understand the import of certain propositions of truth and yet not believe these propositions。当然,我们有可能明白某一些真理的命题,就是概念的重要性,而不相信这些的命题,不相信这些概念的。All disbelief is of this character,所有的不信都有这个特点,就是明白却不相信,and the more intelligently the import of the truths concerned is understood the more violent may be the disbelief。而人越是聪明去了解这些真理的重要性,他的不信就越发的激烈。

A person who rejects the virgin birth 一个不相信耶稣是童贞女所生的人呢,may understand well what the doctrine of the virgin birth is他可能非常的明白耶稣是童贞女所生的教义是讲什么的,and for that very reason reject it。就是因为这个原因,就是童贞女所生的教义讲什么的,就为了这个原因,他拒绝相信祂。But we are not dealing with disbelief or unbelief but with faith但是现在我们所讲论的不是不信,乃是在讲信心,and this obviously implies that the truths known are also accepted as true。信心很明显的就意味着所知道的真理,人接收这些真理是真实的。

The conviction which enters into faith is not only an assent to the truth respecting Christ信心里面所包含的信念,不仅仅是同意那些关于基督的真理,but also a recognition of the exact correspondence that there is between the truth of Christ and our deed as lost sinners。不但如此,这个,conviction这个确信呢就包含着认知基督的真理和我们失丧的罪人的行为之间是否有一种符合性的、是恰当的。What Christ is as Savior perfectly dovetails our deepest and most ultimate need。基督作为救主,是完全符合衔接我们最深的至终的需要的。This is just saying that Christ’s sufficiency as Savior meets the desperateness and hopelessness of our sin and misery。换言之,耶稣基督作为救主,是全备的,祂的全备性完全能够解决我们的罪和痛苦的极度无助。

It is conviction which engages, therefore,  our greatest interest因此,这种的信念,就是这种的信念是要我们投入在对我们有最大益处的事情,and which to registers the verdict: Christ is exactly suited to all that I am in my sin and misery这种的信念,特别是做出这样一种的判断:耶稣基督是完全适合我、我的罪还有我的痛苦,and to all that I should aspire to be by God’s grace。耶稣基督同时也是完全适合使我能够靠着神的恩典所达到的那种的生命生活的境界。Christ fits in perfectly to the totality of our situation in its sin, guilt, misery, and ill-desert。耶稣基督是完全符合我们整个的处境的,我们的处境是一种充满着罪、罪孽、痛苦和不配的处境,耶稣基督完全适合这种的处境,因为祂是一位足够的、全备的救主。

3。Trust。信心的第三个性质就是信靠Trust。 Faith is knowledge of passing into conviction,信心是知识进入到信念and it is conviction passing into confidence。信心也是信念进入到信靠,或者信任。Faith cannot stop short of self-commitment to Christ,信心若没有委身自己投靠基督的话是不完整的,a transference if reliance upon ourselves  信心必须要转移我们依靠的对象,不再依靠我们自己,and all human reliance upon Christ alone for salvation。 也不再依靠任何人间的来源,只投靠基督以致得救。It is a receiving and resting upon him。信心是接受基督,投靠基督receiving and resting 。

我这里做个注脚:这个恰恰就是从加尔文到威敏斯特信仰告白论信心的两个很重要的动词。It was here that the most characteristic act of faith appears;信心最典型的动作就是这个,就是投靠; it is engagement of person to person,是我们的生命委身于基督,是位格到位格的一种委身,the engagement of the sinner as lost一个失丧的罪人,全人的投入 to the person of the Savior able and willing to save。投入委身与那位能够拯救,也愿意拯救他的救主。Faith, after all, is not belief of propositions of truth respecting the Savior ,因为信心从来就不是相信一些关于救主的一些的概念或者是命题,however essential an ingredient of  faith such belief is。虽然相信这些的概念、这些的命题作为信心的一个的元素是必须的。Faith is trust in a person,信心是投靠一位活的位格,就是基督,the person of Christ,基督祂自己的,the Son of God and Savior of the lost。是投靠上帝的儿子,失丧罪人的救主。It is entrustment of ourselves to him。信心是我们投靠祂,信靠祂。It is not simply believing him不仅仅是相信祂,it is believing in him and on him。信心乃是信任祂,信靠祂。做个注脚:这里英文是没有办法翻译成中文的,believe in him, believe on him就是投靠祂、信靠祂。

The reformers laid special emphasis upon this element of faith。宗教改革领袖们特别强调这方面,信心这方面的元素的。就是信心是投靠、是信靠、是信任。


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