REDEMPTION Accomplished and Applied part1-section 17

《再次救赎奇恩》第一部分第17 讲


The third charactoristic of the perfection of the atonement uniqueness as we continue the discussion我们继续讲基督救赎大工的完美性的第三个特点:独特的。


(p.56-10)Christ has indeed given us an example that we should follow his steps.没有错,基督给了我们榜样,让我们跟随祂的脚踪行。 But it is never proposed that this emulation on our part is to extend to the work of expiation, propitiation, reconciliation, and redemption which he accomplished.但是圣经从来没有说,我们要效法基督就在效法祂的赎罪expiation,挽回祭propitiation,使上帝与人和好reconciliation,还有买赎redemption ,这些是祂自己,唯独祂所成就的。 We need but define atonement in Scriptural terms to recognize that Christ alone made it.我们只需要按照圣经的用词,来作赎罪的定义,我们就马上就认清,唯有基督成就赎罪。

And not only so. 不但如此。By what warrant or by what reasoning may we infer that what is constitutive of, or is exemplified in, the vicarious sacrifice of Christ is that which applies to all holy love as it contemplates sin and evil?若要说,基督的赎罪牺牲,它的本质上的意义,它所表征出来的那种的圣洁的爱,是可以应用在所有人、天使、神面对罪和邪恶的时候那种的圣洁的爱,这种的看法有什么支撑?用什么理由作为依据的? It is only by fatal confusion of categories that any such inference can be made plausible. 就是因为做了一些致命的在概念上的混乱,才会有这种的推论,这种的推论才有可能。

The Scripture representation is that 圣经所表达的乃是the Son of God incarnate and he alone, 就是道成肉身的神的儿子唯独祂,to the exclusion of the Father and Spirit in the realm of the divine,在神的范围里面,不是圣父,不是圣灵,乃是圣子祂自己, to the exclusion of angels and men in the created order, 在被造的秩序里面,排除了天使,排除了人,是基督祂自己,gave himself a sacrifice to redeem us to God by his blood.唯独是神的儿子,道成肉身的神的儿子,献上自己为祭,好叫祂救赎我们,用祂的宝血,在神面前救赎我们,把我们带到神的面前。

From whatever angel we look upon his sacrifice 我们不论从哪一个观点角度来看祂的自我献上we find its uniqueness to be as inviolable as the uniqueness if his person, of his mission, and of his office.我们必须要看到,耶稣基督的牺牲,祂的赎罪的独特性是不可侵犯的,就正如祂的神人二性的位格是独一无二的,祂的救赎使命是独一无二的,祂的职分,就是作为弥赛亚先知祭司君王的职分,也是独一无二的。 Who is God-man but he alone?谁是神人呢?唯独祂才是啊!Who is the high priest to offer such sacrifice but he alone? 谁是伟大的大祭司,献上这个祭呢?唯有祂嘛!Who shed such vicarious blood but he alone? 有谁流出赎罪的宝血?是唯有祂啊!Who entered in once for all into the holy place,谁一次过进入到圣所。 having obtained eternal redemption, but he alone? 做成了永恒永远的赎罪的大工?唯有祂but he alone。We may well quote the words of Hugh Martin.我们可以引用Martin这位神学家的话。


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They are taken from his masterful polemic against the dictum of F.W.Robertson, Hugh Martin写的书,反驳F.W.Robertson的错误的教导that “vicarious sacrifice is the law of being.” Robertson说的是“带罪的牺牲就是存有,或者是生命的定律”。With reference to this Martin says,Martin对这个所谓赎罪是存有的定律这个错误的观点,他说,“A very oracular announcement!哇,好像上帝晓谕这样的一个宣告! It is needless to say that we meet it with a direct denial. 不需要说的是,我们完全否定他所讲的。Vicarious sacrifice is not only the law of being,代罪的牺牲不单单不是存有的定律, it is not a law at all. 根本就不是个什么定律。It is one solitary, matchless, Divine transaction替罪的牺牲是一次的、独一一个位格完成的、是没有任何东西可以比较比较的、是上帝做成了的一个的交换、–never to be repeated,永不会再重复, never to be equalled,没有任何与它相同,相等, never to be approached.没有任何东西甚至乎靠近,可以与祂比较,” It was the splendid and unexpected device of Divine wisdom, 这个上帝出于祂的智慧的、灿烂的、超乎意料中的一个的方法,which in its disclosure flooded the minds of angels with the knowledge of God. 当这个灿烂的计划显现出来的时候,是让天使的头脑都要爆炸,当他们认识到神是这么的荣耀的时候。It was the free counsel of the good pleasure of God’s will. 这个救赎的计划是上帝美意中的旨意,白白出于恩典的计划。It was the sovereign appointment of His grace and love. 乃是祂的恩典、祂的爱,按照祂的主权所制定的方法。We are robbed of the sovereign love of God by the notion that vicarious sacrifice is the ‘law of being’.”当我们若有人说,代罪的牺牲是law of being,存有的定律的时候,就抢夺了上帝这个主宰的爱。

第四方面:赎罪大功的完美性4.The Intrinsic Efficacy.本质上赎罪大工是大有功效的。 In the polemics of historical theology 在历史神学里的神学争辩this aspect of the atonement has bee urged against 督赎罪本质上的有效,特别是针对荷兰的阿米念主义的错误的教导the Remonstrant doctrine that Christ did something which God graciously accepts in place of full satisfaction to justice. 基督做了一件事,是取代了完全满足上帝公义的,就是不是满足上帝的公义,基督做了另外一件事,不是完全满足上帝的公义,上帝开恩,就接纳了基督所做的这件事情的。The statement of the Westminster Confession of Faith is admirably framed in contradistinction from the Remonstrant position. 魏敏斯特信仰告白的用词是值得我们敬佩的,就是直接地驳斥这种阿米念主义的立场,威敏斯特信仰告白第八章第五段,chapter8,section5:“The Lord Jesus, by His perfect obedience, and sacrifice of Himself, which He, through the eternal Spirit, once offered up unto God, hath fully satisfied the justice if His Father; and purchased not only reconciliation, but an everlasting inheritance in the kingdom of heaven, for all those whom the Father hath given unto Him”(VIII,v).我来翻译一下,魏敏斯特信仰告白第八章第五段:“我们的主耶稣,借着祂完全的顺服,也借着祂献上祂自己,就是借着永远的灵,祂一次过向上帝献上自己,祂就完全的满足了父神的公义,祂就买赎了,不单单买赎神与人和好,也为所有上帝所赐给祂的人,不单单买赎湿地与他们和好,而且在天国里买赎的永远的产业。简单的,我们相信基督是满足的上帝是公义的,不像阿米念主义说,基督做了一些事情,不是满足上帝的公义,代替了满足上帝公义二做了一些的事。

It is necessary to conceive and formulate aright the relation of the grace of God ti the atoning work of Christ.上帝的恩典和基督赎罪的大工这两方面之间的关系,必须要想的对,讲得对。 It was by the grace of God that Christ was given on our behalf.上帝就是出于祂的恩典,把基督给我们,做我们的替代者。 It was by his own grace that he gave himself.就是因为上帝自己的恩典,基督把自己赐给我们。

It would be wholly false to conceive of the work of Christ as bringing inducements to bear upon the Father so that he is thereby constrained to be loving and gracious.那下面这段话是错的,这样子来构想基督的工作完全是错误的。是什么错误呢?怎么怎么说呢?就是基督的工作呢就是一个一种诱因,感动父神,好叫祂被逼的做一个充满着爱和恩典的神。就是耶稣基督来不是要满足父神的公义,乃是要感动父神来爱我们,这个错的。(经文:以弗所书4:2-5节) “But God being rich in mercy, on account of his great love wherewith he loved us, and we being dead in trespasses, hath quickened us together with Christ”(Eph,2:4;cf.I John4:9).  以弗所书第2:4-5是这样说的,“然而,上帝既有丰富的怜悯,因祂爱我们的大爱,当我们死在过犯中的时候,便叫我们与基督一同活过来。你们得救是本乎恩。”(参考约翰一书第四章第9节)“上帝差祂独生子到世间来,使我们借着祂得生,上帝爱我们的心在此就显明了。”The atonement is the provision of the Father’s love and grace. 基督赎罪大工就是父神的爱和恩典所提供的工作。

But there is equal need for remembering 但是同样重要的是我们必须要记得that the work wrought by Christ was in itself intrinsically adequate to meet all the exigencies created by our sin and all the demands of God’s holiness and justice. 同样要记得什么呢?就是基督所成就的大工本身在本质上是足够面对处理我们的罪所带来的困境,也是足够面对上帝圣洁和公义一切的要求的。Christ discharged the debt of sin.耶稣基督在十字架上免除了罪债。 He bore our sins 祂承担了我们的罪and purged them. 祂清除了我们的罪。He did not make a token payment which God accepts in place of the whole.耶稣基督不是作一个象征似的一种的偿还,上帝就接纳了,不必完全的偿还,做了这个一点点的象征就够了,不是的! Our debts are not cancelled; 上帝不是撤销我们的债务,they are liquidated. 上帝是清偿了我们的债务。换句话说,不是说上帝一只眼开一只眼闭,说“哎呀你不用叫欠债…,不是的,这个债是完全清还的。Christ procured redemption 耶稣基督透过祂的死取得了救赎and therefore he secured it.因此,祂担保了保障了圣徒的救赎。

He met in himself and swallowed up the full toll of divine condemnation and judgment against sin.基督在祂自己的身上,承担了也吞灭了一切上帝的定罪的恐怖和上帝对罪的一切的审判;整个的重担祂都承担了,祂都吞灭了。 He wrought righteousness 祂成就了义which is the proper groud of complete justification 这个义乃是上帝称人为义完全的、正确的根据and the title to everlasting life. 乃是,人领受永生的上帝所定的法定的权利的证据。也就是说基督上满足了上帝的公义,因此祂完全面对了上帝的定罪、对上帝的审判,祂完全提供了足够的理由、足够的根据,上帝称那些信耶稣的人为义。Grace thus reigns 因此,恩典做王through righteousness 恩典借着义作王unto eternal life 恩典借着义作王直到永生through Jesus Christ our Lord透过耶稣基督我们的主,我们称义,以至于得永生(cf. Rom.5:19,21). (罗马书第五章第19节,和第21节)第19节是这样说的,“因一人的悖逆,众人成为罪人,照样因一人的顺从,众人也成为义了。”(21)“就如罪作王叫人死,照样恩典也借着义作王,叫人因我们的主耶稣基督得永生。”

He expiated guilt 耶稣基督为我们的罪孽做了补偿expiated guilt,and “by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified”(Heb.10:14).”希伯来书10:14这样说:“因为祂一次献祭,便叫那得以成圣的人永远完全,(Heb.5:9希伯来书5:9)Being made perfect he became the author( the cause) of eternal salvation to all them that obey him”(Heb.5:9).希伯来书第五章第九节,“祂既得以完全,就为凡顺从祂的人成了永远得救的根源,(cause成因,或者是根源,或者是author做成者) In a word,简言之, Jesus met all the exigencies arising from our sin 因为我们的罪所带来的那个的困境,耶稣基督完全面对,都处理了and he procured all the benefits 祂透过祂的死,取得一切的好处,一切的福分that lead to, and are consummated in, the liberty of the glory of the children of God.这一切的好处,最后所导致的就是上帝的儿女荣耀的自由,也就是以这个上帝的众儿女的荣耀的自由作为最后的终点。


所以巴刻在某一篇文章里面,他这样说:福音的本质是什么呢?就是God saves sinners.上帝,这个全权的上帝、主权的上帝拯救罪人!不是把得救的可能性给了人而已;祂真的是拯救了人,在十字架上2000年前,基督就救了罪人。基督为谁死?在2000年前,基督为谁死啊?就是那些与基督在今日里面与祂同死的那些人。所以基督为我死,这句话倒过来讲就是:就是我在2000年前,当基督在十字架上的时候,我就在祂里面与祂同死。当然我当时不在,但是这个好处,这个在基督里与祂同死这个好处,这个福分,上帝就已经给了我了。然后再具体我的生命里面,不论是一个阶段,或者一个时刻圣灵就重生我,使我真正的信祂,认罪悔改。但是我与基督在祂里面与祂同死和基督与为我死是一件事情的两面。基督的救赎大工是本质上大有功效的。

这里第四章就结束了。下一讲呢,我们就开始第一部分的第四章:赎罪的范围。The Extent of the Atonement。

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