卷一 12 三一真神(2)



我们在读加尔文的“三位一体论”1.13.2的最后,他提到这个字subsistence。他说: the Latins can express the same concept by the word “person,”他说hypostases这个字,就是“位格”这个字在拉丁文中可以用persona这个字,不过我们在这里先注明了persona这个字虽然在拉丁文可以解释为面具或者角色,这个并不是正统的“三位一体论”的意义。If anyone longs to translate word for word, let him use “subsistence.”假如不喜欢persona“面具”这个字的话,就用subsistence好了,“生存形态”。Many have used “substance” in the same sense.也有人用substance,中文翻为“本体”这个字来指“位格”。那么,你看到不论是中文、英文、什么文字,这样一用就很混乱了。



但是,其实本来是没有问题的,因为这些字都是指“一个”、“一只”等的意思,Nor was the word “person” in use only among the Latins, 他说:拉丁文用person、persona这个字,也不仅仅是他们,因为希腊文也说there are three prosopa in God,神里面有三个prosopon。单数是prosopon,复数是prosopa.他说:虽然不论是拉丁文或者是希腊文的教父们在它们中间的用词有所不同,但其实他们讲到教义的真义是同义的。

好,我们继续讲到1.13.3。Now, although the heretics rail at the word “person,” or certain squeamish men cry out against admitting a term fashioned by the human mind,有些异教徒或者异端不喜欢用“person,”位格这个字,或者有些良心过分谨慎的人,不愿意用人所想出来的字来说明教义。they cannot shake our conviction我们的信念还是不动摇的,that three are spoken of《圣经》里面讲的是“三”,each of which is entirely God。“三”里面的每“一”完全是神。“三”里面的每“一”都是神。yet that there is not more than one God.但是是一位神,不是三位神。What wickedness,then,it is to disapprove of words that explain nothing else than what is attested and sealed by Scripture! 假如我们不容许《圣经》里所见证的、圣经所印记的话、的真理,用一些词来表明《圣经》所见证的真理,那是多么地邪恶,就是不要过分地反对用神学的名词。

It would be enough, they say, to confine within the limits of Scripture not only our thoughts but also our words, 因为他们说:我们就限制自己用《圣经》的思想和《圣经》的用字就够了。rather than scatter foreign terms about,就是不要用《圣经》以外的字来讨论,which would become seedbeds of dissension and strife.这样的话就会导致教会有更多的争吵。For thus are we wearied with quarreling over words, thus by bickering do we lose the truth, thus by hateful wrangling do we destroy love. 这样子过分的谨慎,其实只不过是带来更多的争吵而已。


However, the novelty of words of this sort (if such it must be called) becomes especially useful when the truth is to be asserted against false accusers, 我们用这些新的字,特别是有用的,当教会要驳斥那些教导错误的教义的人,who evade it by their shifts,因为这些异端、这些教师,他们会很狡猾地改变他们的立场的。Of this today we have abundant experience in our great efforts to rout the enemies of pure and wholesome doctrine.我们今天,就是十六世纪,加尔文在当时也有很多的经验,大概他是指(?6:12),那些反对“三位一体”的异端的教师,With such crooked and sinuous twisting these slippery snakes glide away,这些好像蛇一样的人,他们可以弯弯曲曲地就滑过去了。unless they are boldly pursued, caught, and crushed, 除非我们追赶他们、逮住他们、击败他们。Thus men of old, stirred up by various struggles over depraved dogmas,  men of old, 这里是指正统的教父、早期教会正统的教父。当他们看到教会有这些堕落的异端的时候,他们就醒过来了。were compelled to set forth with consummate clarity what they felt, 他们就用极端清楚的方法来表达真理。lest they leave any devious shift to the impious, 他们不让那些不敬虔的异端有任何的余地。who cloaked their errors in layers of verbiage.  异端就用他们繁烦的用词来遮盖他们的异端和错误。

第一,先讲亚流。Because he could not oppose manifest oracles, 亚流因为他不能正面的真说他反对《圣经》的晓谕,Arius confessed that Christ was God 亚流也承认,至少他嘴巴承认基督是神,and the Son of God, 基督是神的儿子,as if he had done what was right, pretended some agreement with the other men.好像他这样做,就是做对了,他也与其他的教父一样同意的。Yet in the meantime he did not cease to prate that Christ was created and had a beginning, 一方面,亚流说基督是神,基督是神的儿子。但是,他又感无羞耻地说基督是被造的,基督是有一个起点的,就像所有被造一样。The ancients, to drag the man’s versatile craftiness out of its hiding places,所以,早期教父(这里基本上是讲阿他拿修)为要把这些狡猾的教义从他们的隐藏处拖拉出来,went further, 所以,《尼西亚信经》就再进一步说Christ the eternal Son of the Father,就说明基督是父神永恒的儿子, consubstantial with the Father.与父是同质的。Here impiety boiled over when the Arians began most wickedly to hate and curse the word homoousios. 这样做的时候,在尼西亚大会亚流派就非常的不高兴,就开始恨恶和咒诅 homoousios,同质,圣子与圣父“同质”这个字啦。But if at first they had sincerely and whole-heartedly confessed Christ to be God, 他们本来是很诚恳地相信、承认基督是神。they would not have denied him to be consubstantial with the Father.他们应该是不会否认基督是与父同质的。Who would dare inveigh against those upright men as wranglers and contentious persons because they became aroused to such heated discussion through one little word, and disturbed the peace of the church? 谁敢说阿他拿修这些教父他们是无谓的争辩、带起争端、只不过是他们兴起为了这一个字homoousios“同质”来讨论呢?谁敢控告阿他拿修与正统的教父,说他们是破坏了教会的和睦呢?Yet that mere word marked the distinction between Christians of pure faith and sacrilegious Arians.  Homoousios这个字、“同质”这个字就分辩出纯正信仰的基督徒和亵渎的亚流派。



撒伯流,刚才我说《信徒神学》这本书的作者,所用的这个观念(圣父、圣子、圣灵)是一个神,不过他带了三个面具而已。这个是撒伯流主义的异端,他说后来撒伯流兴起。who counted the names of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as almost of no importance,他说撒伯流把父、子、圣灵三个名字(这个名字是字、没有意思的,就是名字是不代表三个真正的位格的)arguing that it was not because of any distinction that they were put forward,用这三个名字不是因为这三位之间真的不同。but that they were diverse attributes of God,这些名字只不过是神的属性。of which sort there are very many.其实神的属性是有很多种的。If it came to a debate,假如撒伯流或者撒伯流派在争辩的时候he was accustomed to confess that he recognized他们也愿意这样说,Father is God, the Son is God, and the Spirit is God他们也愿意说父是神、子是神、灵是神。but afterward a way out was found,但是他们又有一条后路可以走出去的,contending that他们说he had said nothing else than if he had spoken of God as strong, just and wise.他说,是啊,父是神、子是神、灵是神,什么意思呢?就好像我们说父是大能有力的、父是公义的、父是智慧的一样罢了。只不过父子灵是三位不同的属性。And so he re-echoed another old song, 所以撒伯流就让我们想起另外一首旧歌,就是另外一种的旧的异端。这里所指是“圣父受苦论”the Father is the Son,父就是子,the Holy Spirit is the Father,圣灵就是父,without rank, without distinction没有等级、没有分别。“圣父受苦论”这个异端就是说圣父变成圣子,所以挂在十字架上的是圣父。也是圣子,不过这是圣父。

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这个“圣父受苦论”最近我发现在台湾出版的一份圣诞神曲,Christmas Cantata Mary can you see? 这一份圣乐里面的旁白,第一句就犯了“圣父受苦论”的错误。我们不能说父神道成肉身,不能这样说的。就是创造天地的父神道成肉身成为耶稣基督,不能这样说的。是圣子道成肉身,也不是神道成肉身。是圣子、不是圣父、不是圣灵、不是三位一体,是圣子道成肉身。

To shatter the man’s wickedness,为要完全击败撒伯流的邪恶,the upright doctors,doctors就是教师,那些正统的、正直的教师们,who then had piety at heart,他们心中是虔诚的,loudly responded that three properties must truly be recognized in the one God.你说神是大能有力,公义的智慧吗?这些的 property6,这些的属性,或者是attributes呢,在一位神、神的全部都有的,就是圣父、圣子、圣灵三位一体都是大能的、公义的、智慧的。不能说只有圣父是刚强的,圣子是公义,圣灵是智慧的等等。And that they might fortify themselves against his  tortuous cunning with the open and simple truth,为要让教会站起来,有能力抵挡这种的狡猾。they truly affirmed这些正统的教父就肯定说,a trinity of persons subsists in the one God,三个位格生存在一个神格里,一个神有三个位格。用Subsists这个字,就是生存形态,父是父、子是子、灵是灵,但是一个神,or, what was the same thing, a trinity of persons subsists in the unity of God. 三个位格是生存在神的一里面。


If, therefore, these terms were not rashly invented, we ought to beware lest by repudiating them we be accused of overweening rashness.假如这些名词不是很鲁莽的、很随便的发明的话,我们就要很谨慎了,不要随便的去推翻这些名词。Indeed, I could wish they were buried, if only among all men this faith were agreed on,我也不想用这些词,只要所有信神的人都同意这点就可以了,可以不用这些词了。同意什么呢?that Father and Son and Spirit are one God.父与子、与灵是一神,假如我们都同意这点的话,是可能不用什么本质、位格这些词的。yet the Son is not the Father, the Spirit is not the Son,子不是父,灵不是子。but they are differentiated by a peculiar quality. 祂们中间某一方面的素质是不一样的。假如我们可以同意父、子、灵是一个神,父不子、子不是灵、灵不是父,祂们是不同的,是一个神,就可以啦。但是不行嘛,因为有这么多的异端兴起。

(好,我继续,我是读英文的。)Really, I am not, indeed, such a stickler as to battle doggedly over mere words.我也不原意为了用词方面多加一些的争论,For I note that the ancients,因为我看到古代的教父们who otherwise speak very reverently concerning these matters, agree neither among themselves nor even at all times individually with themselves.他说这些古代的教父,他们讲到三位一体的时候,是非常的敬虔的,就是说这些正统的教父,其实他们之间用词也不一致,甚至同一个人用词也不一致的。

What, now, are the formulas employed by the councils and excused by Hilary?尼西亚、加克盾这些是怎么用词的呢?With what great freedom does Augustine sometimes burst forth?有一首奥古斯丁也freedom,可能夸张了一点。How unlike are the Greeks and the Latins?希腊语的跟拉丁语的教父们他们用词也不一样,就是说古代的教父用词也是不一致的。 One example will suffice. 我只提出一个例子就够了。When the Latins wished to translate the word homoousios, 拉丁文就是罗马帝国的西边的教会,意大利、北非洲、法国,they said “consubstantial,”他们翻译homoousios的时候,他们翻译的是Consubstantialis。indicating that the substance of the Father and the Son is one,就是说父和子本质是一,thus employing

“substance”,所以他们用的词是“substance”本质、同质instead of “essence”他们没有用“essence”这个字,他们用的是“substance”这个字。

Hence, likewise, Jerome到了第五、六世纪的耶柔米,in a letter to Damascus calls it sacrilege to predicate three substances in God. 耶柔米说神里面没有三个substance,只有一个,所以“substance” “substantia”这个字,耶柔米是指本质、指“ousios”那边。Yet you will find more than a hundred times in Hilary that there are three “substances” in God.但是Hilary西拉流他就是神里面有三个“substance”。他们用词不一样Jerome说神里面只有一个“substance”,他的意思是一个本质。Hilary说神里面有三个“substance”因为他用了 “substance”这个字来指hypostasis。

But how confused is Jerome by the word “hypostasis”,这个 Jerome说神只有一个“substance”是很混乱的,因为“substance”这个字一般是指位格,而不是本质。For he suspects poison lurking when three hypostases in one God are mentioned! 因为说一个神里面有三个hypostases,或者三个substance呢,他就在感觉在两三个本质了。Even if one uses this word in a pious sense, he does not, nevertheless, hide the fact that it is an improper expression.总之他不喜欢这样讲,虽然这样说是正统的,他就不喜欢。他喜欢说神里面有一个“substance”,用“substance”来指本质,而不是好像其他的教父用“substance”来指位格。This would be true even if he spoke sincerely, rather than tried willingly and knowingly to charge the Eastern bishops, whom he hates, with unjust calumnies! 这里呢,他就说其实耶柔米就算他很诚肯地说话,他也跟其他人不一样,也就是把事情搞乱了。何况当他去批评东方的,就是希腊语的教父的时候,Surely he shows little candor in asserting that in all profane schools ousia is nothing else but hypostasis,耶柔米说世俗的的schools,就是哲学学派呢,ousia跟hypostasis,是同义的。加尔文的意思就是说其实这两个字是不一样的。an opinion repeatedly refuted by common and well-worn usage.一般人是多年来把 ousios跟hypostasis,是用作不同意思的。这里说明耶柔米他就是不跟大部份的教父用“substance”这个字。耶柔米用“substance”这个字是指本质而不是指位格。

Augustine,奥古斯丁,is more moderate and courteous,比较有礼貌,比较谦逊。since even though he says that the word hypostasis in this sense is new to Latin ears, yet he leaves to the Greeks their manner of speaking. 奥古斯丁说hypostasis这个字对拉丁文的教父们是很新的,但是他也愿意允许希腊语的教父这样来用hypostasis就是是指位格。so much that he gently bears with the Latins who had imitated the Greek phrase.所以拉丁语的教父就效法希腊语的,没有问题。And what Socrates writes concerning hypostasis in Book 6 of the Tripartite History,这里苏格拉底不是希腊古代的哲学家,这个苏格拉底是指奥古斯丁时期的一位教会历史的作者,这位苏格拉底在他三部的教会历史的第六部分里面讲到hypostasis。suggests that it was wrongly applied to this matter by unlearned men. 又说这个字是由没有文化的人误用了。But the same Hilary accuses the heretics of a great crime,Hilary又控告异端, by their wickedness he is forced to submit to the peril of human speech what ought to have been locked within the sanctity of men’s minds)  Hilary说你用这些词其实都在讲奥秘,所以最好不要乱用。and he does not hide the act that this is to do things unlawful, to speak things inexpressible. 你这样讲 hypostasis的时候,其实是不合法的,因为是讲一些不能表达的事。to presume things not conceded. 是不能去用理性、用言语去承认, 所以Hilary就放弃,就说: 这些都是奥秘。


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