The First Step of Faith走出信心的第一步

Abraham’s Journey of Faith Message of No.4

亚伯拉罕的信心之旅第四讲 信心的失败与上帝的主权

创世记Genesis 12:10-20


6.Finally Abram found himself in a mess、in a bind亚伯拉罕进到一个一团糟的情况

[A]He will regret the situation这个是他会后悔的一个情况

[B]And there is no way out也没有出路Of course there is a way out——God provide the way out当然上帝提供了一个出路。But he found himself in a mess但是亚伯兰把自己放在一团糟里面。

Brothers and sisters,dear friends弟兄姐妹,各位朋友:How often do we find ourselves in a situation like that:a mess,a bind that we can’t get out of我们有多少次在人生的道路上处于这种的情况:一团糟,没有出路。Very often it’s the result of sin往往是罪带来的后果,but we failed to make the connection很多时候我们没有把它连接起来。Perhaps between the sin and the consequence trans by a few months and a few years可能罪跟后果之间隔了几个月甚至好几年。

You notice the serious consequences of sin你看到吗?罪带来这么多严重的后果:to Sarah、to Pharaoh 、to Lot对撒莱、对罗得、对法老;for Abram’s name、Abram’s blessing、Abram’s situation对亚伯兰的名誉、他的福分 、他的处境!What security拿到怎么样的安全感呢?Far from it一点都没有!

III.What was God doing in this mess在这一团糟的情况里上帝在做什么事情——Amazing Grace奇异恩典

Now fascinatingly第三方面很有意思的是What was God doing in this mess在这一团糟的情况里上帝在做什么事情?I think we can sum up by saying it’s “Amazing Grace”我们可以把这上帝所做的工作用两个字来总结…四个字来总结:奇异恩典。

1.God was actually protection Abram’s life and

security and safty事实上上帝在保护了亚伯兰的性命安全——身体的安全跟安全感的Not through Abram’s plan to protect himself 不是透过亚伯兰自己保护自己的计划,but despite his plan因为虽然亚伯兰有这么糟糕的保护自己的计划,上帝保护了他!Not because but despite不是因为人的筹算乃是虽然人的筹算这么糟糕上帝却保护他

  1. God protected Sarah第二上帝保护了撒莱
  2. God protected Pharaoh from further sin第三上帝保护了法老不进一步犯罪

4.God rebuked and chastised Pharaoh第四上帝在管教在责备法老Now that’s a question and important point here这个很重要的,because the Pharaohs of Egypt were famous for making themselves Gods因为埃及的法老王很出名的就是把自己看为是神明的。For example,in one of those temples for Ramses譬如说在Ramses(拉美西斯二世,古埃及第十九王朝第三位法老)这个法老王的庙里,there are dozens of Ramses’statues他自己,这个王的雕像十几、几十个,huge——very tall,super human size是超人的高度的。So they think of themselves as God他们看自己是神的。Well,God hit him on the head上帝给他一个当头棒喝。

  1. He provided for Abram——wealth祂供应亚伯兰财宝——不义之财!

And through it all,to all this protection在整个过程里面——在上帝保护他的子民的过程里面,he actually provided wealth for Abram至少上帝甚至给亚伯兰很多的财宝,you might call that the mammon of unrighteousness你可以称这个作不义之财。The Bible didn’t say that圣经没有这样说,so we can just say “Amazing Grace”所以我们只能说“奇异恩典”!You see,but the important point最重要的是is the God protected his own plan是上帝保护了他自己的计划。And you know what?His plan just kept moving forward,keeps proceeding你看见了没有,上帝的计划继续前进。God’s plan succeeded上帝的计划成就、成功了,the God’s plan will always succeed上帝的计划每次都必定成功的。

Just when we make our lives a mess我的意思是说,就是当我们把自己的性命、自己的情况弄到一团糟的时候,God makes his plan successful上帝的计划是成功的。Not despite our mess,he makes us successful不是说虽然我们这里很糟糕,但是他们…上帝的计划仍然是成功的。No,through the mess,God proceed his plan不是的,透过我们的糟糕犯罪上帝继续成就他的计划——Amazing Sovereignty奇异主权Yes amazing grace是的奇异恩典,but amazing lordship但是也是奇异的主权就是了

Now let’s take a look at what lessons we can learn from this mess现在我们来看这个糟糕的事件,我们可以学到什么功课:

IV.The first lesson is 第一项功课是Very often God wants us to learn from Non-Believers第一件事情是神往往要我们从非基督徒学习的

In an era where American Christians are so critical of that society around them在今天的日子里美国的基督徒往往对周围的社会是存非常批判的态度的。But very often we can learn a lot from Non-Christians who deal by themselves但是往往我们可以从非基督徒学到很多的功课,包括那些自己认为自己是神明的信徒们的。Remember,Kings in Egypt deal by themselves——they think they are Gods记得吗,法老王在埃及都是看自己是神来的。But here但是在这次:

  1. 神往往要我们从非基督徒身上学习功课记得法老王以及


Pharaoh pay Abraham well for Sarah法老为了撒莱

给亚伯的代价是非常好的。That’s not the point那个不是重点,the point is he didn’t demand that is gifts he returned重点是他没有吩咐亚伯兰把这些礼物还给他。

2.Pharaoh responded to Abram in truth and(30:11)第二法老对亚伯兰的回应是按照事实按照真理也在一种很彼此尊重的地位上回应的

3.Pharaoh talked with Abram with reason and calm法老很平静地跟亚伯兰论理

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Where as very often read American Christians have behaved very badly in the last 45 years in a political run但是我们美国基督徒在过去45年做了非常糟糕的很多的事情。Truth and honor,reason and calm真理、尊重、讲理、平静。

4.Very obviously Pharaoh didn’t punish Abram nor revenge很明显的法老没有惩罚亚伯兰也没有报仇——异教之王使亚伯拉罕蒙羞

He just assigned escorts for Abram to escort Abram and his household、animals out of the country法老就是提供了他自己的…可能是军队陪同亚伯兰离开埃及。You can call it”deportation”你可以称这个作“被驱逐出境”。Jesus says we should be salt and light of the world——《Matthew 》5:13-16:耶稣说我们是世上的盐、世上的光的——《马太福音》第五章第13到16节。But here the Pagan can put Abram to shame但是这次这个异教的皇帝让亚伯兰蒙羞

So sometimes we can learn from non-Christians,

actually quite often所以我们往往是可以从非信徒学习的。Now that’s not to make there lack of faith in Christ——there’s no excuse for that但是这个没有给他们有借口“为什么他们不信基督”。By God’s common grace因为上帝有普遍恩典,sometimes Pagan will live out certain virtues有的时候,因为上帝的普遍恩典,非信徒会活出一些的美德来的——《Romans 》2:12-16《罗马书》二章12到16节。

V.The second lesson we can learn第二个功课我们可以学习的is repent and rise from where you fall第二就是要悔改——从跌倒的地方要起来

As in 《Revelation》Jesus’letters to the churchs正如启示录耶稣对七个教会所讲的:return回去、pick up your first love回去捡起你起初的爱心and do the first works over again起初的爱心跟好行为,重新的捡它起来,再来做就是了。

1.Abram departed from Egypt亚伯拉罕离开埃及——哪里跌倒哪里起来重新做爱心和信心的服侍

So No.1 Abram departed from Egypt所以一方面你看到亚伯拉罕离开埃及了—— end of Chapter 12(《创世记》)第十二章的结尾。And he retuned——《Genesis》13:1-3,然后他回去了——《创世记》第十三章第1节跟第3节,to Negev去南地、to Bethe去伯特利,returned to places where he built altars回去他以前在那里建筑过祭坛的地方。

So where we fall,there we rise up and we do the first works of faith in love我们在哪里跌倒,就要在哪里起来;重新活出起初的信心和爱心。God is gracious神的恩典是足够的——the Grace of efficient。


Abram in Chapter 13 had learned to say goodbye to security and what the River Nile symbolized fertility亚伯兰这次学好功课了:他可以与安全感分离与尼罗河所象征的肥沃的人生道别!I said earlier刚才我说过,immigration itself is not sinful移民本身不是犯罪,but making security our idol is sin但是若安全感成为我们的偶像我们的神那是犯罪。From what Abram did in Chapter 13从亚伯兰在第十三章所做的,we see he learned this lesson about security and he learned well我们看到亚伯兰学到这个安全感的功课,学得好好的。Lot on the other hand didn’t learned this lesson yet但是罗得没有学好这个功课,and he almost cost his life他差不多用自己的性命来赔上。

Abram choose the mountains亚伯兰选择那个山地。God says:I give you the whole land上帝说:我给你迦南全地:north and south,east and west东南西北。So the second less is:where we fall,we rise up;we repent and we do the first works of faith in love我们在哪里跌倒,我们起来;重新做出信心和爱心的功夫。这个是第二个功课。

VI.Our third lesson我们要学第三项的功课is that we learn from Abram and more important we learn from Jesus Christ从亚伯拉罕学习更重要从耶稣基督学习

Six(36:20),our third lesson第六,我们要学到第三项的功课is that we learn from Abram,yes,and more important we learn from Jesus Christ是我们向亚伯兰学习,是的;更加向耶稣基督学习。


[1]God promised Abraham the entire land of Canaan上帝应许亚伯兰整个迦南地;God promise Jesus Christ at the entire universe上帝应许耶稣基督整个宇宙

[2]God promised Abraham descendants上帝应许亚伯兰后裔yes,Isaac是的,以撒;yes,the people of Israel是的,以色列民;yes all of us in the church jusify by faith是的,我们所有因信称义的教会;For Jesus Christ:Jesus Christ himself is the true Isaac,the true descendant耶稣基督呢?耶稣基督他自己就是真的以撒、真的后代——《Galatians》3《加拉太书》第三章。And God promise Jesus Christ all of his people——the globle church in the Old and New Testament上帝应许给主耶稣基督整个人类的教会——从旧约到新约

[3]God promised Abram a great name上帝应许亚伯兰他的名必为大God promised Jesus Christ the greatest name of all上帝应许耶稣基督天上地上最伟大的名——《Philippians 》2:10《腓利比书》第二章第10节;and with that the greatest authority与此一起来的是天上地下一切的权柄——《Matthew 》28:18《马太福音》二十八章18节;God’s command to Abram:faith and obedience上帝吩咐亚伯兰——信心、顺服。God’s command to Jesus Christ:obedience上帝要求耶稣基督所做的是完全的顺服。God’s test in Abram——(《Genesis》)Chapter 12、chapter 16 and chapter 22上帝在《创世记》第十二章、十六章、二十二章考验亚伯兰。God tested Jesus Christ through the devil and through all of his life and through death itself上帝考验耶稣基督是透过魔鬼、还有耶稣在地上的一生、最后透过死。

How did man response人怎么回应呢?For Abram:(《Genesis》)Chapter 12 and 16对亚伯兰在《创世记》十二章、十六章:fear and worry用恐惧、用忧虑来回应;natural logic用自然的逻辑来回应。Jesus Christ?Responded with completely obedience——《Hebrews》5:8《希伯来书》第五章第8节。And Abram at last learned a lesson of obedience in (《Genesis》)Chapter twenty two当然亚伯兰在《创世记》的二十二章也学到顺服的功课了,Result结果是什么呢?For Abram growth in faith、in  maturity and in obedience亚伯兰在信心、在顺服、在成熟上成长了;for Jesus Christ,what’s the result对耶稣基督结果是什么呢?Salvation for all his people他的子民所指明的救恩and glory for himself as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords对他自己的结果就是荣耀尊贵——万王之王,万主之主。What is off this mean for us (40:14) 对我们来说有什么意义呢?Abram through this example and often a bad example——warning亚伯兰是一个榜样,很多时候是个坏的榜样、是个警告;but Jesus Christ is a perfect example耶稣基督是最完美的榜样。But not only that不仅仅是榜样,he provides hope and salvation他给我们盼望、给我们救恩。


Finally seven(40:40)today今天最后的第七点:What’s the application对我们有什么应用呢?Brothers and sisiters,please remember弟兄姐妹们,请记得:God’s plan always proceeds with or without our obedience上帝的计划——不论我们顺服或者不顺服一定是往前前进的。And he tests us for our faith and obedience他考验我们——考验我们的信心跟顺服。He tests our faith and obedience in the mind、in the heart、in our choices考验我们在思想上的信心跟顺服心中动机的信心跟顺服还有我们所做的选择跟行动上的信心跟顺服。And of course along the side还有从旁的,he tests us how we might be an example to other people当然他也会考验我们怎么在人的面前做好的榜样

Now God’s grace is always sufficient for these tests上帝的恩典是足够给我走过这些考验的。And whether we obey or we fail无论我们顺服或者我们失败,God protects上帝保护、God provides上帝供应。Very often God chastises us很多时候上帝责备管教,and provides remedial training in the following months and years然后在日后的日子给我们补课,but the tuition fee will be more expensive学费会昂贵一点,that’s why we have scars所以我们生命中有疤痕But Jesus Christ even in our scars is our sufficient Savior但是耶稣基督就算在我们的疤痕——在我们经过了罪之后的后果的情况他是大能有效的完备的救主。Cling to him and his promises抓住他、抓住他的应许。

Let’s pray together我们一起祷告:Our Lord Jesus Christ,we’re grateful that you are sufficient Savior感谢耶稣基督,你是我们全备的救主。And our dear father in heaven我们在天上的父,we are grateful for all that you provide for us谢谢你为我们预备这么多的恩典:grace、protection、provision、promise你的恩典、你的应许、你的保护、你的供应。Even as we sin against you就算我们得罪你,even as we plan for ourselves with natural logic就算我们用自然的逻辑来计划,even as we take (43:48) in your own hands就算我们自己自己做主、来做主张,you are still sitting on the throne你仍然坐在宝座上!And we often make a mess of our life我们常常把我们自己的生命弄得一团糟,through it all,somehow,somehow you work out your gracious purpose in our messy lives但是,你总是在我们这一团糟的生命中,你成就你充满着恩典的、慈爱的计划。And we worship you for that 为此我们敬拜你,and bow before thee在你面前俯伏敬拜!For you get the glory荣耀归给你,have mercy on us怜悯我们。In Jesus’s name奉耶稣基督圣名求!阿们!

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