应许遥不可及时——亚伯拉罕的信心之旅When Promises Seem Far Away: Abraham’s Journey of Faith (6):『我宁愿有耶稣胜于人的声望I’D RATHER HAVE JESUS THAN MEN’S APPLAUSE』——《创世记Genesis 14


II.LESSON #2第二方面的功课:BE READY TO DO GOOD PROACTIVELY IN THE WORLD随时要准备好主动地在世界里行善(VV.13-16经文是(《创世记》)13-16)

Here we see 『Love in action』这里我们看到爱心采取行动』:Somebody escape from the ward and gave Abram the news that his nephew has been captured有人逃出来告诉亚伯兰这个坏消息:他侄儿被掳了。And so Abram organized servants as well as his neighbors所以亚伯兰把自己的仆人还有他的邻居组织起来,and he went to war and defeated four Kings他出去反击,战败了四王的。

I see『Love in action』in seven ways我看到爱心采取行动有七方面的榜样

1.First of all we read here that Abram was blessed by

God with resources——the word we see here is servants第一我们看到上帝赐福给亚伯兰给他很多的资源——这个资源是以仆人来计算的。Now with resources,brothers and sisters,comes with responsibilities当上帝给我们资源的时候同时也给我们责任的Resources are not for us to enjoy in a self-centered way资源不是让我们很自私的来享受的。

2.Abraham instructed his people and let his people to do good and serve God亚伯兰教训他的下属带领他的下属行善服侍上帝Note later on in Chapter 17我们注意到(《创世记》)后面的第十七章: He circumcised all his men and their sons他为他所有的下属——男性和男孩子行割礼的。So he was leading his huge household spiritually他是带着这么庞大的一个家族来过属灵生活的。

Resources、spiritual example有资源、有属灵的榜样..。

3.Abraham was wise to discern when is the time for peace  and when is the time for war亚伯拉罕有智慧懂得分辨什么时候是与人和睦相处的时候什么时候是出击打仗的时候——Chater 13 it was time for peace(《创世记》)十三章是和睦的时候,so he made peace with Lot所以他主动地跟罗得和睦;Chapter 14 was time for war十四章是一个打仗的时候。Do we have this discernment我们会分辨吗?Are we fighting wars when it should be time of peace当我们应当和平相处的时候我们是在打仗吗When it’s time for war,do we act as if it’s time for peace该打仗的时候我们是不是还是在喊叫平安平安呢?——Spiritual discernment know the times属灵的分辨要认别时候

4.Abraham was wise to recruit allies for war第四,亚伯拉罕有智慧征募同路人去打仗——that is his neighbors就是他的邻居。His neighbors or rather his relationship with his neighbors他跟他的邻居的关系 was the fruit of peace and conquered这个是他跟他邻居和睦相处所累积的一个的成本。Now he vests this fruit for its war defence现在亚伯兰投资这个累积的成本来为维护他的亲友出击打仗。

5.Abraham was courageous to face the odds第五.亚伯兰勇敢地面对比他强的敌军,he trusted God to fight for him他信靠上帝为他争战

6.He wasn’t only courageous第六.他不单单是勇敢而已he was also wise in war’s strategy同时也是他有战术的智慧的Tame as doves,wise as serpents纯洁像鸽子,但是也要非常的眼睛很明亮像蛇一样。

7.Abraham did all of this to help his relative Lot第七.亚伯兰作这一切是为了帮助营救他的亲戚罗得to rescue his relative Lot是为了营救他的侄儿罗得的。So Abram has forgiven Lot’s past wrongs所以亚伯兰已经原谅了罗得以前所亏欠他的。What can we learn from this example我们可以学到什么呢

[1]First of all let us ask ourselves我们先问问我们自己What resources has God put at your disposal上帝放在你手中的有哪些的资源Your talents你的恩赐才干;opportunities上帝给你很多的机会;your network or allies你的人际网络、你所认识的人;spiritual character 属灵的品格;material resources including finances上帝给你的物资包括经济上的资源……。What has God given you上帝给你什么?Sometimes God gives you all of these for such a time as this是为了现今的机会——《以西结书》第四章《Ezekiel》4。

[2]第二个问题是Will you use them,invest these resources when necessary when duty calls whatever the cost、whatever sacrifice in order to serve God and serve other people你愿不愿意当有需要的时候当需要担起你的责任的时候不论代价不顾牺牲用上这些资源投资这些资源来服侍上帝帮助别人That means we need to plan ahead in our budgeting so we are ready to help意思就是说我们要事先做出一些的准备甚至预算,包括财务方面的预算,好叫我们预备好,需要的时候我们也去帮助人的。

[3]第三Have you been building relationships of peace to become reserves for battle day你是不是未雨绸缪与别人和平相处这样子累积些成本在争战之日有资源可以使用呢Time for peace和睦之日as asset for times of war作为打仗之日所需要的成本,那么full你是否未雨绸缪与人和睦相处好叫争战之日有资源可使用Have you been building relationships of peace – for a battle day?

[4]第四make plans to do good proactively有的时候要主动计划行善:It means to plan ahead就是要事先做好计划的。SO WHAT IS LOVE爱是什么?(1)Love is commitment 爱是委身献上自己——be prepared事先预备;(2)Love is discernment爱包含了分辨的能力:what time to do what什么时候做什么事;(3)Love involves planning and strategizing爱包含了计划谋略;(4)And finally love is action最后爱是采取行动。In all of these,emotions are very secondary在这一切的一切中,感觉、情感是非常次要的,emotions become the fruit that follows情感是我们爱之后的义所结出的果子


Those who fear God are watchful敬畏上帝的人是有警觉的人Notice later on in《Genesis》how Joseph

responded to the seduction of Potiphar’s wife——his master’s wife在《创世记》后面我们读到约瑟怎么样回应他的女主人的诱惑:He’s prepared他准备好的,he’s alert他警醒的。Now here in Chapter 14 这里在《创世记》第十四章:The King of Sodom offered this to Abraham在这里索多玛的王要给亚伯兰的是:『Give me the soul,take thou the substance性命留给我,物质你拿去』。Abram’s response亚伯兰怎么回应呢三方面three parts of response:

1.He took an oath第一他发誓God knows our truth and sincerity上帝知道我们是否诚实的,上帝会察验的。

2.Abram gave the reason for his oath and his refusal第二亚伯兰也提出原因他为什么发誓他为什么拒绝『lest thou shouldst say:I have made Abram rich不然你会说:我使亚伯拉罕致富的』。This is unnecessary、un-spiritual indebtedness这里牵涉到一个不必要的负债』、不属灵的负债——receiving the offer would be a reproach on God’s provision若接受索多玛王的善意的话,就羞辱了上帝的信实和供应;receiving King of Sodom’s gift would also be hurtful on Abram’s piety若领受了索多玛王的礼物,也有损亚伯兰的敬虔和他的灵命的So if at all possible,don’t owe people所以是可能就不要欠别人的债Now please don’t misunderstand不要误会,don’t misapply this principle不要误用这个原则We live in a world of mutual obligations我们活在这个世界是彼此欠债But when“owing”becomes a trap for greed但当我们欠别人的时候就成为一种贪心的陷阱when we owe somebody and it becomes harmful to our walk with God当我们欠别人的时候,对我们与神同行是有损的时候,this is time to resist就要抗拒。

3.第三方面The third part of Abram’s response亚伯兰拒绝索多玛王的第三方面He did not obligate other people in his commitment当他在自己做出坚持做出委身的时候他没有连累别人的His servants can take what they want to take他的仆人们可以拿他们要拿的。We are responsible for our own commitment我们为自己的委身负责。Again don’t misapply the principal不要误用这个原则:We do want to educate our children我们要教训孩子们的,and we need to bring them to the Lord我们要把他们带到上帝的面前。But when we do something to express our faith and our obedience,be careful that other people be given the opportunity to exercise theirs但当我们做出一些行动来表达我们的信心和顺服的时候要给其他人机会让他们自己来表达他们的信心跟顺服的


[1]Let us ask ourselves我们来问我们自己:What are the temptations there before you弟兄姐妹,摆在你面前的有哪些的试探Is that you feel you’re a poorer and the temptation is…the temptation of riches你觉得自己贫穷,面对着致富的诱惑吗?Or you are in pain,or you feel very uncertain about the future,and so temptation is to seek comfort and security还是说你感觉自己有痛苦,前途不明朗;所以你的试探是想要追求舒服的生活和安全感呢——this temptation facing people who migrated to cities or overseas 这个是搬到城市里还有海外移民的试探。Or you feel you are rejected by other people and the temptation is to seek acceptance by other‘s applause and self-esteem还是说你觉得不被别人接纳所以你的试探是追求别人称赞——所谓自我形象呢

[2]This world and what it offers you这个世界和世界要给你的,are they more important to you than God——what God promises and God provides对你来说是否比上帝更重要——比上帝要给你的更重要呢

[3]The third question to ask yourself第三方面可以自我反省的问题是What are something which you can do WITHOUT有哪些的东西是你可以放弃的Without them you can still live perfectly well没有这些东西,你还是活的好好的。

[4]One of things you should seek MORE OF第四是有哪些东西你是必须更加努力去追求的


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So what is God doing in Chapter 14所以上帝在(《创世记》)第十四章在做什么?祂差遣了麦基洗德(基督的预表)He sent Melchizedek who is a type of Christ to meet Abram祂差遣了这个耶稣基督的预表麦基洗德来与亚伯兰相遇。Brothers and sisters弟兄姐妹:Will you give up an opportunity to meet Christ你会愿意放弃一次与耶稣基督相遇的机会吗?Will you give up an opportunity to have fellowship with Jesus Christ你会放弃一次与基督交通的机会in exchanging for 15 minutes of fame before the world换取得来的是十五分钟在世界面前亮相Now Abraham didn’t know what God was offering him亚伯拉罕并不知道上帝那天要给他什么的;Melchizedek just appeared on the scene麦基洗德就这样子出现在他眼前的。No wonder Jesus said难怪耶稣说『Abraham saw my day and rejoiced亚伯拉罕看见我的日子就欢喜快乐的』——《John》8:56《约翰福音》第八章56节。Who was Melchizedek麦基洗德是谁?What did he offer to Abraham他给亚伯拉罕什么东西?What did he say to Abraham他也对亚伯拉罕说了什么呢?


Now the scripture references would be《Hebrews》Chapter5:7-10 & 7:1-7参考的经文是《希伯来书》第五章7-10节,还有《希伯来书》七章1-7节;《Psalm》110:1-4《诗篇》一百十篇1-4节;《Matthew》22:41-45《马太福音》二十二章41-45节。《Hebrews》7 tells us that Melchizedek was greater than Abraham.So the greater blessed the lesser《希伯来书》第七章告诉我们麦基洗德比亚伯拉罕更大,是大的祝福小的——他赐福给亚伯拉罕的。Melchizedek was a type of Christ麦基洗德是预表耶稣基督的一个人。So Abram on that day saw Christ and rejoiced所以那天亚伯拉罕看到耶稣基督而欢喜的In《Psalm》110在《诗篇》一百一十篇:The Messiah was called the Lord弥赛亚被称为主耶和华——the priest after Melchizedek按照麦基洗德的等次作祭司的。And this is indeed what《Hebrews》5 & 7 tells us是的,《希伯来书》第五章7-10节和第七章1-7节就是告诉我们。So this was an appearance of Jesus Christ without becoming incarnate这个是耶稣基督没有道成肉身取得人性、但是基督在亚伯兰面前显现的。


Food and wine饼和酒——ordinary elements平凡的物质,used and offered Abram for extraordinary purpose但是用来做在非常不平凡的用途的similar to a press preview of the Lord’s supper与圣餐的饼和酒一样可能是一次的预演Fairly fascinating that in Old Testament History when do these moments of sacramental fellowship occurred这种与上帝相遇相交的时刻——圣礼的时刻,在什么时候发生的?Here in Chapter 14 is after battle这里是在打仗之后。Chapter 17 circumcision is after great failure第十七章行割礼的时候,是亚伯拉罕又再一次大大失败之后。In 《Joshua》the second circumcision occurred before battle《约书亚记》前面的那个割礼是在打仗之前。God has his own timeing上帝有他自己的时间He knows what is the best time to give us a special confirmation of his presence他知道什么时候是最好的,来给我们再一次地确认他与我同在。


我们先要讲英文:He blessed God and he blessed Abram他称颂上帝、也赐福给亚伯兰。英文是同一个字:bless——worship and blessing敬拜,得到福分。Will you give this up and trade it for man’s applause弟兄姐妹,你宁愿要人的称赞来换取来放弃与基督相遇吗for some war surplus materials只是为了一些战后的剩余物资吗?for 15 minutes of fame为了十五分钟在世界人面前亮相吗?In our opportunity to receive from Christ这只是一次机会,从耶稣基督那里领受福气。The blessings of worship and blessing from God himself敬拜上帝,把荣耀归给他,同时直接从上帝领受福分。


Four lessons四方面:The world will eat you up世界会吞噬你的灵命的,and will give you temptations也会试探你的But we can live in the world and live out of faith in love但是我们可以活在这个世界里面把我们的信心活出来成为爱心的Abraham on that day lived for God’s glory and not man’s praise那天,亚伯兰为上帝的荣耀而活,不是为人的称赞。

This remind me of another example from the 20th century让我想起二十世纪另外一个的例子,the example of very little the Scottish missionary to China埃里克·里达尔(Eric Henry Liddell,中文名李爱锐、李达。1902年1月16日出生于中国天津。苏格兰田径运动员,基督教新教传教士),苏格兰人,到中国做内地会的宣教士的。Perhaps you are very familiar with the story in the movie《Chariots of Fire》可能你很熟悉他的故事,在那套的电影《(烈)火战车》。You see it’s not sinful to live in the world活在世界中本身不是罪,it is not sinful to do your best and somehow we see the world’s applause得到人的称赞不一定是犯罪的。Eric’s little sister was wary that he would never go to China for missionary他的姐妹很忧虑:你总是不去中国……你是不是要去中国做宣教士的?This was Eric Liddell’s response他这样回答:I knew God made me for China他说:我知道上帝造我是要我去中国的。But he also made me fast但上帝也造我跑得这么快,and when I run I feel his pleasure我跑的时候我感觉到上帝喜悦的。And so he ran all the way to the Paris’Olympics所以他一直跑到巴黎的奥运会。But because his meet occurred on Sunday,he withdrew但因为他那场的赛事是在礼拜天举行,所以他就退出。At last minute his friend took his place and gave him a weekday slot最后一分钟,他的朋友代替了他,让他在周间比赛。And the movie shows that when he was ready to run这个电影有一幕:当他快要起步要跑的时候,the American run and give him a little piece of paper美国的选手给他一张纸条,it says that the Good Book says:He who honors me,I will honor他说圣经说:上帝说尊崇我的我也会尊崇他He got the gold他拿到金牌了,went to China去了中国,and he died in China还在中国死了。

So sometimes God puts us in positions of influence,and he wants us invest those positions and opportunities but for his glory很多时候上帝会把我们放在一些很有影响力的地位——给我们一些的机会是要我们荣耀他——在世人面前荣耀他的Can you do it你能这样做吗?Yes because Jesus did能,因为耶稣基督做到了。You see how Jesus responded to Satan’s three times temptation耶稣怎么样回应撒旦的试探:First the temptation for food and material security第一个是食物跟物质安全感的试探another one is for land and territory另外一个是为了地域跟世界权势的试探and one to jump from the top of the temple然后他要他从圣殿的楼顶跳下来——a temptation to receive man’s applause and wonder是得到人的称赞——诧异惊讶的试探Jesus resist every one耶稣每一个都拒绝了——with the word of God用神的话,especially from 《Deuteronomy》 特别是从《申命记》——an  Old Testament book which many scholars rejected这个是批判《圣经》的学者常常怀疑的一卷书,Jesus quoted it many times耶稣多次的引用的。

You see,brothers and sisters弟兄姐妹:our choices,the choices that we make reflect our hearts’sensibilities:Are we sensitive我们做出的选择是反映出我们的内心是否对属灵的事敏锐敏感do we desire holiness我们是不是追求渴慕圣洁的Sometimes there come up opportunities for service有的时候服事的机会会来到,but are we ready但是我们准备好了吗?The routine of obedience、a lifestyle of obedience is the preparation that we need,so we can meet these opportunities prepared日常的顺服纪律的生活是预备的功夫让我们准备好迎接这些的机会的。So when  opportunity comes,we can invest our spiritual resources for service好叫机会来的时候我们可以投资我们属灵的资源来服事的。How often we serve with our adequate preparation很多时候我们服事,但是没有预备好。We serve when time is not yet come我们服事,但是事实上时候还没有到。We fight but we fight wrong battle我们打仗但是可能我们所打的那场仗是不要打的   Christ will help us耶稣基督会帮助我们to discern好叫我们有分辨能力,because he through the Holy Spirit  still works in our hearts因为他透过圣灵仍然在我们心中动工的

Let us pray我们一起祷告:Father we are grateful that you put us in this world,not to conform to it,but to fight the good fight in it感谢天父你把我们放置在这个世界,不是要我们效法这个世界,乃是要在里面打美好的仗。We pray that you are deeply in our hearts in our minds求主在我们心中、在我们思想里面的深处做工,give us discernment给我们分辨的能力,give us a deepened commitment给我们更深的愿意奉献自己的心志;so that we make all the adequate preparation好叫我们做充分的准备,so that we store up assets好叫我们累积属灵的成本,so that we know to choose the right battle好叫我们知道选择哪一场仗是应该去打的,and which battles to ignore哪些的争战是不需要理睬的。Teach us if at all possible to be at peace with all men教导我们,若是能行,总要与别人和睦。But give us sensiblity for spiritual battle又教导我们警醒,打属灵的仗。All by reling on the Holy Spirit全部让我们靠圣灵而行。On Jesus’s name 我们奉耶稣基督圣名祈求,阿们!

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