
When Promises Seem Far Away——

亚伯拉罕信心之旅第十二篇信息Abraham’s Journey of Faith Message No.12


经文:《创世记》Genesis 17:1-14《Genesis》17:1-14




First of all we’ll see from these verses首先我们从这几节经文看到——verses1-7 and verse 9从第1-7节和第9节看到:It is God himself who established his covenant上帝亲自设立祂的约的。 Verse 2第二节 … that I may make my covenant between me and you我就与你立约——立我的约……。Verse 7第七节 And I will establish my covenant between me and your offspring after you我要与你并你世世代代的后裔坚立我的约……。You see that Man doesn’t reach out to God to establish this relationship(“立约”)不是人伸出手来,与上帝设立这关系的。The covenant is not the result of negotiations between God and you约不是上帝和你谈判,然后定一个合同的——不是这样子的。It is God all planed it——only God是上帝,唯有祂先计划好,and comes to man to establish it然后祂来到人间,与人设立这个约的。In eternity,God planned it unilaterally在永恒里,上帝单方面计划这个约的——does not need our help我们帮不上忙的。And then in God’s time,God established it also unilaterally在上帝所定的时间,祂来单方面设立这个约的。Man does not have a hand in its planning and establishment.Man only responds and obeys人没有参与计划这个约,没有参与约的设立——人是回应、人是顺服。We are servants我们是仆人;God is Lord祂是主;Do not forget this principle不要忘记这个原则。God established covenant是神设立这个约。

[2]The covenant is an eternal covenant这约是永远的约。

From these verses从这些的经文,the covenant is an eternal covenant这约是永远的约。It is a covenant which God made with all of Abraham’s descendants“约”是上帝与亚伯拉罕和他所有的后裔所设立的。(《Genesis》Chapter 17)Verse 7 again(《圣经》第十七章)第七节:I will establish my covenant between me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant我要与你并你世世代代的后裔坚立我的约,作永远的约的an everlasting covenant永远的约。《Isaiah》55:3 repeat this theme《以赛亚书》五十五章第3节也重复这个概念、这个题目的:Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live; and I will make with you an everlasting covenant, my steadfast sure love for David你们当就近我来;侧耳而听,就必得活。我必与你们立永约——永远的约,就是应许大卫那可靠的恩典。

We see here God’s power and God’s faithfulness我们看到上帝的大能和上帝的信实。From the time of Abraham onward,God shows that the covenant which he has established,the salvation he is accomplishing,the plan of salvation which he is revealing,will never change从亚伯拉罕的时期开始,我们看到——上帝很明显地给我们看见:上帝所设立的约是永远不改变的;祂所成就的救恩是永远不改变的;所启示的救赎计划是永远不会改变的。There is only one plan——there is no Plan B没有第二号计划的, no emergency plan没有紧急计划的…one plan which is unfolded ever more richly as time goes on这个一个的计划随着时间、历史,不断地、更丰富地显明出来。One more thing还有一件事:We see that God makes his covenant with families of those who believe him我们看见,上帝是与他的子民的家庭立约的。Family is the basic unit in the covenant people community家庭是整个约的群体里面最基本的单元的。We will discuss this in greater detail when we come to circumcision下面我们讨论到割礼的时候会更详细的讲。

[3]The essential meaning of the covenant relationship is: God will be God of his people“约”的最核心意义:上帝要作他子民的上帝

From these verses从这些的经文我们看见,the essential meaning of the covenant relationship“约”的最核心意义就是:God will be God of his people上帝要作他子民的上帝——Not a tribal God不是一个部落的守卫神,but nevertheless their God.God made heaven and earth is their God不过,创造天地万物的神的确是他们的主就是了。

(《Genesis》Chapter 17) Verse 7第七节:An everlasting covenant to be God to you and to your offspring after you作永远的约,是要作你和你后裔的上帝。Verse 8第八节——最后: I will be their God我必作他们的上帝的。“God will be our God.We will be God’s people上帝作我们的上帝,我们作上帝的子民”——Now God repeats this principle over and over again in the Old Testament and in the New Testament上帝不断的在《旧约》和《新约》,不断的向祂的子民讲这句话。This is salvation这个是救恩;this is God’s special love是上帝特别的爱;this is how God says“I love you”这个是上帝说“我爱你”的方法。In the New Testament, this love is expressed as Christ’s love for his bride——the church在新约时期,上帝这样表达祂的爱:基督爱祂的新妇、爱祂的教会的。上帝作我们的上帝God is our God”. Paul also repeated in《Corinthians》II 6:17-18在《哥林多后书》6:17-18节保罗也用类似的说法的。“Covenant”is a relationship“约”是一个“关系”的。

[4]God makes promises of salvation to his covenant people:God will save them上帝给他的约民救恩的应许:上帝必定拯救他们。

From these verses we see that  God makes promises of salvation to his people:God will save them上帝给他的约民一些应许的:上帝必定拯救他们——上帝给他们救恩的应许的。Verse 2第2节 and verse 5第5节、and also verse 8第8节:God gave different promises上帝给不同的应许:lands、descendants、nations and kings要给他们地、给他们后裔、大国、君王。Now remember in the Old Testament all these promises of God that he made concerning this life:descendants、the lands and so on are symbols of spiritual blessings不要忘记,在旧约时期上帝所应许的一些今生的福份:要给亚伯拉罕后裔、应许之地等等,是象徵着属灵的福分的。And all that God has promised are fulfilled in Jesus Christ and his great work上帝所应许的——一切的应许,都在耶稣基督身上,藉着耶稣基督的大工完全应验、完全成就了。Jesus is the one most important descendant of Abraham耶稣就是亚伯拉罕那一位独一无二的、最重要的后裔——《Galatians》3:16《加拉太书》第三章16节。And now,through our faith in Jesus Christ, we become children or descendants of Abraham现在我们藉著信耶稣基督,就成为亚伯拉罕的后裔了。Today, the descendants of Abraham are not just the ethnic Jews (Jews according to the flesh), but all those who trust in Jesus Christ今天,亚伯拉罕真正的后裔不仅仅是血缘上的、肉体上的犹太人了,乃是所有真正信耶稣基督的人。Paul emphasized this through and through、again and again in 《Romans》and 《Galatians》保罗在《罗马书》、《加拉太书》不断地强调这个事实的。Now God also speaks for the future as definitely something will happen上帝预告将来的事是确定的——必然会应验的。And so God uses a past tense,it is well expressing that it will definitely happen虽然上帝用过去(时态),但是意思就是必然应验的。Up to here, we see that everything is by God’s sovereignty and God’s grace讲到这里,我们看到一切都是上帝的主权、他的恩典的。

[5]God also makes requirements; his people must obey上帝对祂的子民有所要求,他们必须遵守。

Now let’s see man’s part现在我们来看人要作的部分:

1.(神的应许和命令):(《Genesis》Chapter 17) Verses1-2:…walk before me,and be blameless第1节:……你当在我面前作完全人……。Verse 9 第9节:……you shall keep my covenant……你要遵守我的约。God’s promises never change上帝的应许永不改变;now God’s commands never change上帝的命令也永远不改变。And God will hold on binding himself to his promises,and his commandments are also binding上帝自我约束——必定守住祂的应许的,也必定坚持祂的命令的。

2.Now man’s responsibility人的责任是什么呢 is to trust his promises and obey his commands人的责任就是要信靠祂的应许、遵守祂的命令!So God does make requirements上帝有所要求的:There are things his people must obey有些事情是他的子民必须要遵守的。Now but remember请注意:Meeting God’s requirements is not the condition to enter the covenant满足神的条件“遵守他的命令”不是进入到约的条件;entering into the covenant is by sheer grace but through faith进入约,完完全全是白白的恩典,藉著信心的。Now meeting God’s requirements(faith and obedience)allows his people to enjoy the blessings of the covenant“信靠神的应许,遵守他的命令”,是要让祂的子民能够享受到约里的福份。So continuing  to remain in the covenant enjoying God’s blessings that depends on our obedience所以我们要继续留在约里面享受神的约里面的部分,是要看我们有没有遵守他的命令的。

[6]Our God does not change我们的神是不改变的。

A.God has unlimited freedom上帝的自由是无限度的:God’s sovereignty is infinite上帝的主权是无限的;but God is not moody,God is not capricious但是上帝不是任意行事的。He is not reckless他不是挥霍的——even though some pastors like to talk like this虽然有些牧师喜欢这样来表达。God is not reckless or capricious上帝不是任意、随意挥霍的。He is unchanging in his holiness and in his love祂的圣洁不改变,祂的爱永不改变。

B.What does that mean for us这对我们有什么启迪呢?Brothers and sisters: Our freedom is limited弟兄姐妹,我们的自由是有限的;God’s freedom is unlimited上帝的自由是无限的,but God does not act arbitrarily但是上帝并没有随意地行事,God used his freedom according to his plan and standards 上帝是按照祂自己的计划和他的准则来行使祂的自由的。How much more should this be as we use our limited freedom那么我们用我们的有限的自由岂不更加是如此吗——《Galatians》5:1《加拉太书》第五章第1节:基督释放了我们,叫我们得以自由For freedom Christ has set us free;所以要站立得稳,不要再被奴仆的轭——就是罪,辖制stand firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery. In another words换言之,Don’t use freedom to sin不要用自由来犯罪。Submit to God and live as his servants要顺服神,作祂的仆人的。Now so far as sin,the meaning of the covenant in these verses in 《Genesis》17所以刚才我们从这些经文里看到“约”的意思。

Now let’s take a look at the meaning of the sign and seal—— circumcision现在我们来看割礼这个记号、这个印证的意义——(《Genesis》17)verses 9-14(《创世记》第十七章)第9节到第14节:


 God remembers,therefore we should remember上帝记念,所以我们也理所当然的要记念:The covenant and the sign约和记号。

[1]There is an extremely close relationship between the covenant and the sign 约和记号之间的关联是非常密切的:

So close is the link that the sign is called“the covenant.”这个关联是那么的密切;这个记号就称为‘约’。(《Genesis》17)verses 10第10节:This is my covenant which you shall keep这个割礼就是我所立的约——the sign is the covenant 这个记号就是约,it doesn’t mean that if you receive the sign,you automatically are God’s covenant people这个意思不是说你领受了记号,马上就是…不论什么样就是神的子民——不是这个意思。But the point is:It is not“just” a ceremony这个记号不仅仅是‘仪式而已’、‘仪式罢了’!So when we Christians speak about the sign、the seal of the covenant、the baptism and so on,we must not say: it’s always“just” a ceremony所以我们基督徒,当我们讲到约的记号和印证时,当我们讲到洗礼的时候,不要说“哦,只不过是仪式‘而已’”啦——不能说‘而已’的not say‘just’!The relationship between sign and reality is very close仪式、记号和实质之间的关系在圣经上说的非常密切的。

[2]Circumcision is a sign of the covenant: an outward symbol of an inner reality割礼是约的记号:是内在的一个事实的外表的表征;an outward symbol of a spiritual reality是一个属灵事实的外表的表征:

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《Genesis》17)verses 11第11节:You shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and you你们都要受割礼;这是我与你们立约的记号——中文圣经是“证据”。You may ask你可能问这个问题:代表什么属灵事实What spiritual reality does the circumcision will represent?Well,the sign represents: God’s great work of cleansing his people答案是:这个记号代表上帝洁净/洗净祂的子民(的大工)——God cleanses their hearts上帝洁净他们的心的。

In the New Testament, Jesus says that we must be born again of water and spirit在新约圣经耶稣基督说:我们必须要从水重生、从(圣)灵重生——《John》3:3-8《约翰福音》第三章3-8节。Now water does not represent the baptism,water represents cleansing‘水’是代表洁净。In the Old Testament,circumcision represents cleansing在旧约圣经里,割礼这个记号代表洁净。Now circumcision was never just a matter of the body割礼从来就不仅仅是一件肉体上的事而已的,they will represent an inward、spiritual work by God这个是代表着上帝在人心里所作的一件属灵的事的。

[3]The people must obey and keep this sign and seal约里的子民必须遵守这个命令,不可违背的They must not break this command:

《Genesis》17)verses 9第9节:You shall keep my covenant你必定要世世代代遵守我的约。Verse 14第14节:Any uncircumcised male has broken my covenant 不受割礼的男子是背了我的约的——not obey this command but break this covenant你不遵守这个记号就等于背了约。That is how serious God is about his covenant and sign and seal上帝是那么的认真面对祂的约和他的记号和印证的。It is not“just” a ceremony不仅仅是一个仪式“而已”!For God is not just a ceremony对上帝来说不仅仅是仪式。Compare with our casual attitude toward baptism and the Lord’s Supper相对之下,我们对洗礼、圣餐的态度太过轻率了!

[4]The sign and seal on the body of the people is a reminder to them forever,that God’s covenant is eternal所以这个记号和印证印在子民的身体上,提醒子民:上帝的约是永远的。God will save them to the end上帝必救他们到底的:

Now God says again and again that his covenant is eternal上帝多次地、再次地说:他的约是永远的。The sign and seal on the body of the people is a reminder to them forever,that God’s covenant is eternal所以这个记号和印证印在子民的身体上提醒子民,教他们不要忘记:上帝的约是永远的。God will save them to the end上帝必救他们到底的。

《Genesis》17)verses 13第13节:My covenant shall be in your flesh an everlasting covenant我的约就立在你们肉体上作永远的约。God knows that we easily forget,our hearts go astray上帝知道,我们容易忘记、容易分心。So we uses his way to remind us因此上帝用祂的方法来提醒我们——God remembers,he doesn’t forget上帝记得,他不会忘记的;we forget我们会忘记。So God establish a lasting sign and seal上帝设立了持续性的一个的记号跟印证的。


[1]Cleansing:God’s Great Work;Man’s Responsibility洁净:上帝大能的工作;人的责任:

Now let’s go on to look at the rest of the Old Testament我们再来看旧约圣经接下来的历史。The history of the Old Testament can be read as the history of our sanctification旧约的历史就是我们成圣的历史。你看…in…Let us see in 《Deuteronomy》在《申命记》four verses四段的经文:God repeats that the covenant is his great work and man’s responsibility is good上帝再次地说他的约是他大能的主权的工作,人也有责任的。《Deuteronomy》10:16《申命记》第十章16节:Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart你们要将心里的污秽除掉(或者说“在心里面要行割礼”)。《Deuteronomy》30:6《申命记》第三十章第6节:So that you will love the Lord your God with all your heart好叫你尽心尽性爱耶和华你的上帝……。《Deuteronomy》30:8《申命记》第三十章第8节:You shall again obey the voice of the Lord and keep all his commandments你必归回,听从耶和华的话,遵行祂一切的诫命……。So God continuously reminds his people上帝不断地提醒祂的子民 that we must cleanse our heart必须不断地洁净我们的心;but this cleansing is done by God但这个洁净是上帝所行的工作

[2]Repentance Brings Blessings悔改带来福份:

《Deuteronomy》30:9在《申命记》第三十章第9节:The Lord your God will make you abundantly prosperous上帝必使你手里所办的一切事都绰绰有余……。So as we obey God and repent and cleanse ourselves continuously,God brings blessings当我们顺服上帝:不断地洁净我们、不断地悔改;那么上帝有福分等着要给我们的。当然,今生的福份象征着属灵的福份Remember that the blessings in this life for Israel are real,but it symbolize the eternal or spiritual blessings.

[3]The Prophets Preach the Same Message: Cleansing is God’s Work, and Man’s Responsibility先知传讲同样的信息:洁净是上帝大能的工作,也是人的责任:

Now the prophet Jeremiah in a similar way admonishes God’s people那么先知耶利米也同样的劝勉以色列民——《Jeremiah》4:4《耶利米书》第四章第4节:Circumcise yourselves,remove the foreskins of your hearts你们当在上帝面前自行割礼,归回耶和华,将心里的污秽除掉……。This is God’s work,but men must do our part: repentance这个是上帝大能的工作,但是我们也不断地要尽自己的本分:认罪悔改——and also《Jeremiah》4:1《耶利米书》第四章第1节:God will protect us and keep us上帝会保护、坚立我们的。

[4]The Great Day of the Messiah: God will cleanse hearts in the nations弥赛亚日子;上帝伟大的工作:在列国中洁淨人的心:

Then 《Jeremiah》9:25-26那么到了《耶利米书》第九章25-26节,we see a wonderful vision for the future我们看到未来的一个奇妙的异象:When the day of Messiah coming arrives当弥赛亚的日子来到的时候,God is going to  cleanse the hearts for people in the nations—— both hearts of Jews and hearts of Gentiles上帝要在列国里面洁净人的心——犹太人的心、外邦人的心。So we see the God’s principles don’t change上帝的原则不改变;His love doesn’t change祂的爱不改变——but his love will extend to a greater extent但祂的爱会不断扩展就是了。

Now we come to the New Testament我们来到新约圣经:


  Jesus Circumcises us耶稣向我们施行割礼;Jesus cleanses us耶稣洁净我们。

[1]Baptism in the New Testament Fulfills Circumcision in the Old Testament新约的洗礼成全了旧约的割礼

Brothers and sisters弟兄姐妹,we read already in 《Colossian》2:11-13刚才我们读过《歌罗西书》第二章第11到13节,when we are baptized当我们受洗的时候,Jesus himself circumcises us耶稣在我们身上行割礼。

[2]God’s Covenant Principles Do Not Change in the New Testament, although outward forms changed在新约,上帝立约的原则没有改变,虽然外表形式改变:

You see God’s covenant principles don’t change上帝约的原则没有改变的,when we come to the New Testament,his covenant doesn’t change,although outwards forms changed到了新约的时期,旧约的“约”这个“约”没有改变,只是外表的形式有点改变而已。

[3]In the New Testament God still sovereignly establishes his covenant新约时期上帝还是单方面主权地设立祂的约的:

[4]And the essence of the covenant is still Grace——God will be our God约的核心意义仍然是恩典:上帝作我们的上帝。

[5]We enter the covenant completely by grace through faith我们也是完全依靠祂的白白的恩典进入约里面,但我们必须要有信心。

[6]And Holy Spirit God continues to cleanse our hearts上帝——圣灵继续不断地洁净我们的心的。

[7]God promises blessing those who repent上帝向悔改的人不断的有应许的福分要赐给他们的。


So the principles don’t change约的原则不改变的。And another principles don’t change另外一个原则不改变的:Your children are included你的儿女是包括在内的。Covenant blessings extend to believers’children约里面的福份,信徒的孩子们是包括在内的——I 《Corinthians》7:14《哥林多前书》第七章第14节:Paul says that our children are holy保罗说信徒们的儿女是圣洁的;even when only one parent is a believer虽然父母只有一位是信徒。Paul says your children are holy保罗说我们的孩子们是圣洁的。And it means not that they are  holy without trusting Jesus意思不是说他们不信耶稣也圣洁,不是这个意思。Paul means our children are set apart保罗的意思是我们的孩子们是分别出来的:they are different from children who are unbelievers与非信徒生下来的孩子是不一样的。That is why we especially Presbyterians and others like Lutherans、Methodists and so on claim God’s covenant promise by giving the sign and seal of the covenant所以我们,特别是长老会,另外还有其他的卫理公会、信义宗等等,为我们的孩子们施行约的记号和印证的。

Now you may ask a question你可能问一个问题:When a child is baptized as a

baby,they don’t know what’s going on 一个婴孩接受洗礼的时候,他们不知道

发生什么事吗?Answer回答:Yes,many things in our lifes happen to us and we

don’t know what’s going on 人生很多事情都是这样子的:发生在我们身上,我们

不知道发生什么事。This is God’s providence、God’s gifts to us(这是)上帝的

护理、上帝带领我们、上帝给我们的恩典——各种的恩典和各种的恩赐。We usually

don’t know what’s going on at that moment当时我们也不知道发生什么事的。Now of course,the child needs to respond in due time当然儿女们也必须迟

早要回应,in their time they need to trust in Christ as savior, repent of sin and continue to obey God’s commands儿女们必须知道要信耶稣基督做救主:认罪悔改,继续的遵行祂的诫命的。Now you say what if they didn’t do that你说假如他们不如此行又怎么样呢?Well,they are judged just like the Old Testament passages judging the unbelieving people Israels他们是服在上帝的审判之下的——《旧约圣经》,上帝多次的警告以色列人若不遵行、若不顺服的话。

Blessings of covenant children‘约’里儿童的福份:

Having said that the children in the covenant do have blessings which other children don not have但是话说回来,约里面的孩子们是有一些福份临到他们,是其他孩子们没有的。The Holy Spirit begins working in their hearts圣灵开始在他们心里面动工,the Holy Spirit gives them the seed of faith圣灵给他们信心的种子; and then grows their faith圣灵会让这个信心长大。So therefore the child、parents  and church所以孩子们、父母亲和教会all have the responsibility to see what this faith growth大家——孩子们有责任、父母有责任、教会有责任要鼓励这个信心成长;to teaching,to prayer ,to example透过祷告、透过教导、透过设立好榜样。

And so as parents we cling to God’s promises所以,作为父母亲,我们抓住神的应许;as our children grow and become adults我们孩子们会长大成人的,they continue to be in God’s hands他们仍然是在神的手中的。It’s not easy for a father and mother to believe in this way这样子的相信对一个基督徒的父亲母亲是不容易的。But remember God does not change,God does not forget但是不要忘记:上帝不改变,上帝没有忘记。


God remembers us上帝记念我们,God remembers our children上帝纪念我们的儿女。He remembers forever祂永远记念、永不忘记的。Signs are not just ceremonies记号、印证不仅仅是仪式的。God has given his testimony上帝给了祂的见证!Now there are conditions有条件:We must obey我们必须顺服。But God doesn’t forget his testimony但是上帝不会忘记祂的见证的!So let us also remember his great love and continue to trust him让我们继续记念上帝的大爱、继续地信靠祂。

Let’s pray together我们一起祷告:Father we are grateful that you show us you are Lord,but we also have our responsibility上帝,我们感谢你给我们看到你有你的主权,我们有我们的责任的。And our children are included in this relationship between you and us当你跟我们设立关系的时候,我们的孩子们也包括在内的。Give us faith求主赐给我们信心to commit our children and ourselves to you让我们有信心把我们自己和孩子一并的都交托在你的手中。Let us face to believe you don’t change and you don’t forget求主给我们信心,相信你不改变,你也永不忘记!Thank you for your covenant感谢主赐下约,thank you for your grace感谢主你不断地施恩于我们!In Jesus’s name we pray我们奉耶稣基督的名祷告。

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