When Promises Seem Far Away——
亚伯拉罕信心之旅第十一篇信息Abraham’s Journey of Faith Message No.11
Now let’s take a look at all what God does do好了,我们来看上帝做什么——《Genesis》17《创世记》十七章:When God came what did he do上帝来,他来做什么?
[1]He comes to reveal himself to Abram祂来向亚伯兰显示祂自己/启示祂自己;and he reveal himself clearly to Abram so that he knows who is talking——It is God who is addressing him上帝是很清楚的显明他自己的,好叫亚伯兰知道——很清楚知道谁是在向他讲话——是上帝向他晓谕的:God came to reveal himself上帝来显示他自己。In fact God came and told Abram his name其实上帝来告诉亚伯兰他的名字是什么:He says:I am God Almighty他说:我就是全能的上帝。So God calls himself by name “God Almighty”所以上帝用他自己的名字来自我称呼的——“全能的上帝”。
[2]God not only gave Abram his name,God gave Abram himself a new name上帝不单单用他的名字来称呼自己,他也给亚伯兰一个新的名字:He calls him by his new name上帝用一个新的名字来呼召、来称呼亚伯兰的:Your name will no longer be Abram,your name will be Abraham你的名字不再叫亚伯兰,你的名字是亚伯拉罕了。Now let’s take a close look here我们再来仔细看一看:God gave Abram his name——God’name上帝给亚伯兰他的名字——上帝的名字;So Abram know the name of God好叫亚伯兰知道上帝的名字。And then God gave Abram himself a new name然后上帝给亚伯兰一个新的名字。
In《Isaiah》43在《以赛亚书》四十三章,we read two parellel facts我们读到平衡的两件事:(1)Let’s first take a look at 《Isaiah》43:1我们来看《以赛亚书》四十三章第1节——圣经这样说的:雅各啊,创造你的耶和华;以色列啊,造成你的那位,现在如此说:“你不要害怕!因为我救赎了你。我曾提你的名召你,你是属我的God is saying to Jacob——to Israel;he says:“Do not fear,I have redeemed you;I have called you by name,you belong to me.”So God is saying:God called his people by their name所以上帝按照他的子民的名字呼召他们的。And then in verse 7然后(《以赛亚书》四十三章)第7节:“Those who are called by my name凡称为我的名下的人——So God calls Israel、God calls his people by his name as well(2)所以上帝也是按照祂的名字来呼召以色列他的子民的。God calls us by our name,God calls us by his name上帝用我们的名字来呼召我们;上帝用祂的名字来呼召我们。
What does these mean这两件事是什么意思呢?God calls us by our name上帝按照我们的名字来呼召我们。Our name represents the image of Christ in us that God wants us to conform ourselves to我们的名字代表什么呢?代表我们要效法耶稣基督形象,这个形象是怎么一码事。In other words,God’s will:What our life should be like上帝的旨意:我们的生命应该是怎么样的生命——That’s our name那个就是我们的名字——That’s the meaning of our name这个就是我们的名字的意思:God calls us by that上帝按照这个来呼召我们;but God also calls us by his name但是上帝也按照他的名字来呼召我们。We are baptized in his name我们是按照他的名字、奉他的名字受洗的,the name is Father、Son and Spirit singular它的名字是…一个单数的名字就是父、子、圣灵的。And so God puts his name on ourselves上帝也把他的名字——他自己的名字放在我们的身上——Wonderful truth很奇妙的真理!So here we see God told Abram his name——God’s name;and God gave Abram a new name在这里我们看到:第一上帝给亚伯拉罕祂的名字,叫亚伯拉罕认识上帝的名字;(第二)然后他也给亚伯兰自己一个新的名字。
[3]What did God come to do第三件事上帝来做什么的?God renewed his promise——he intensifies his promise上帝来更新祂的应许——再来说一遍祂的应许,祂深化祂的应许的:We read this in《Genesis》17 verse 1 and 4-8我们在(《创世记》十七章)第1节还有第4-8节读的:He tells his promise to Abram more completely祂把祂的应许再更完整地跟亚伯拉罕说了。
[4]What did God come to do上帝在做什么?He gave Abram…or he establishes a sacrament祂向亚伯兰设立了一个圣礼:a sign and seal of his promise他给了亚伯拉罕这个仪式是恩典之约的记号、恩典之约的印证。We will say more about this in our next messages我们会在下一个星期更详细来讲。
To put it very simply简单地说一次:God is giving a testimony——his own testimony上帝只是在这里做见证,他是在做自己的见证。You see very often in Baptism,we will sing a song《O happy day》,有的时候我们举行洗礼的时候,会常常唱一首歌叫『快乐日』。We think that we are giving a testimony for our faith我们往往认为我们在洗礼的时候在为自己作见证。Now circumcision,this seal is God himself giving a testimony for himself但是割礼这个印证是上帝祂自己亲自为祂自己作见证的。
Let us review我们再来温习一下:[1]God gave his name to Abram上帝把他自己的名字给亚伯兰;[2]God gave Abram a new name上帝给亚伯兰一个新的名字。[3]God intensified his promises to Abram上帝把他的应许更完整的、更深的给了亚特兰。[4]And now God gave Abram a sign and a seal of his promises 现在上帝给亚伯兰一个他的应许的记号、应许的印证。
[5]God renews his standard上帝再一次的更新祂的标准:He says it again再说一遍:He sets the standard for our sanctification 祂再一次的设立我们成圣的标准:Be perfect,be blameless要做完全人。Now he sets the standard for our sanctification because he has first given us justification上帝给我们这个“成圣”的标准,因为祂已经给了我们“称义”这个礼物——《Genesis》15:6《创世记》第十五章第6节:Abram believed God and that was reckoned to him as his righteousness第十五章第6节:亚伯兰信上帝,这就算为他的义。
So in the same way,we are justified and now God requires us to be santified我们已经被称义了,现在上帝要求我们成圣。好,怎么成圣?We are to live out to be who we already are我们已经是怎么一个的新人,我们要活出我们所是的新人。So God came to do these wonderful things所以上帝来做这些很奇妙的工作:He told Abram his name、he gave Abram a new name.He sets his promise again and he set the seal on his promise上帝显示他的名字;上帝给亚伯兰一个新的名字;他再一次的向亚伯兰讲他的应许,而且再刻一个图章、刻印证。And then God again does not lower his standard,but says his standard again然后上帝不会降低他的标准,再次说他的完全的这个标准。
[6]上帝在荣耀中降临God came in glory:What was Abram’s attitude or his response亚伯兰的回应、亚伯兰的态度是怎么样呢?The Bible says:Abram prostrated himself圣经说:亚伯兰俯伏在地敬拜。Now we find other incidents of this kind of response in the Bible在圣经里面我们会看到类似这种的回应的。When God comes,his glory is so great上帝来,他的荣耀那么伟大的;we are overwhelmed我们被这种的荣耀震撼了——《Daniel》8:17《但以理书》八章17节;《Revelation》1:7然后约翰在《启示录》一章第7节;and then《Isaiah》Chapter 6《以赛亚书》第六章。And then Paul on the way of Damascus然后保罗——扫罗在大马色的路上。[a]God’s glory is so great上帝的荣耀是那么伟大;his promises are so amazing他的应许是这么奇妙。[b]And on the other hand we are so unworthy另外一方面,我们太过不配了。So we feel ashamed of our unworthiness,so we can only worship我们感觉自己不配而感觉到羞耻,所以我们只能敬拜。
In《Luke》5在《路加福音》第五章(1-11节):When Jesus performed a miracle of the fishes 当耶稣做了打鱼的神迹的时候,what did Peter say彼得说的是什么?Peter said:Depart from me,Lord.for I am a sinner彼得说的是:主啊!离开我吧,我是个罪人!But God comes in grace and mercy但是,上帝来,充满着恩典和怜悯来。He comes into the midst of his people祂来到祂的子民的中间,and he speaks to us祂向我们讲话。
Now we’ve already talked about his general principal 我们上面已经讲过一些的一般性的原则to discipline us、to reveal himself祂要管教我们、要显示祂自己。He wants to reveal his name祂要向我们显示祂的名字啊,to intensifies his promises他再一次的深化他的应许等等。There are couple of things that we can say in addition all of this除了这一些以外,我们还看到几件事:
[1]First of all第一,God in(《Genesis》)Chapter 17 wants to point out for Abram and Sarai:God wants to point out the promised seed——the promised son Isaac在(《创世记》)第十七章上帝要向亚伯兰跟撒莱指出:上帝应许要给他们的后裔、给他们的儿子以撒:
Isaac will be the son that they awaited for so long以撒就是他们等候多年将要出生的后裔;not Ishmael but Isaac不是以实马利乃是以撒。Only Isaac wiil be the son that God promise to give惟有以撒是上帝应许要给亚伯兰和撒莱的儿子。(《Genesis》Chapter 17)Verse 16第16节:It will be a son that Sarai will give birth to 16节:这个儿子是撒莱要生出的。Verse 19第19节:And the name of that boy will be not Ishmael but Isaac第19节:这个儿子的名字不是以实马利(而)是以撒。Isaac is the promised son以撒是上帝所应许的儿子。
Now when we read《Galatians》Chapters 3-4当我们读到《加拉太书》第三、第四章的时候,we will see that Isaac,the promised son really points to Jesus——the promised descendant以撒这个应许的后代是指向耶稣基督——真正的那位所应许的后代。Jesus is the“true Isaac”耶稣才是那个“真正的以撒”!And so when we put our trust in Jesus所以当我们信靠耶稣基督,when we enter into“in Christ”当我们进入到“在基督里”的时候,we are all “the true Isaacs”、the true descendants of Abraham我们都成为“真以撒”、都成为亚伯拉罕的真后裔。Abraham becomes our father亚伯拉罕成为我们的父——the father of faith信心之父了。So God wants to point out the promised son、the promised seed to Abram and Sarai所以第一件事情这里我们看到,上帝要向亚伯兰跟撒莱指出他应许要给的那位的后代。
[2]God wants to manifest his own power to Abram and Sarai上帝要向亚伯兰跟撒拉彰显祂的大能的:(a)相信神的大能:They are both old他们两个都年纪大了,unable to procreate都不能生育了。But there is nothing impossible for God as long as it is in his plan但是,在上帝没有难成的事、没有不可能的,只要是在祂的计划里面——《Luke》1:37《路加福音》一章37节:Nothing will be impossible with God出于上帝的话,没有一句不带能力的。In Abram’s case(41:05)old woman giving birth在亚伯兰那个时候是一位年纪大的妇女生了一个儿子。When Jesus came耶稣来的时候,it’s a virgin that give birth耶稣来的时候,是一个童贞女生他的。We find in I《Samuel》2我们在《撒母耳记记》上第二章,verses1-10第1节到第10节,we find mother of Samuel Hannah sang praise to God我们看到撒母耳的母亲哈拿唱诗赞美上帝。God turns things upside down上帝会颠覆我们人类的事的:Those were poor,God lifted them up贫穷的,上帝抬举;those were proud,God will make low骄傲的人,上帝使他们降低。So today今天Paul says:We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us所以保罗说:我靠着那给我能力的——就是耶稣基督,凡事都能做——《Philippians》4:13《腓立比书》第四章13节。(b)信心的实践:And so Abraham believed in the promises of God and power of God所以亚伯兰相信上帝、相信上帝的大能——He believed in God’s promises、he believed in God’s power and he took action亚伯兰相信上帝的应许、相信上帝的大能,他采取行动了——《Romans》4:19-22《罗马书》第四章19-22节。
[3]God will fulfill his plan,he will fullfill his covenant上帝必定实现祂的约,他必定成就祂的计划的——Refer to verse 2,《Genesis》17我们来看《创世记》十七章第2节的。What else God come to do on (Chapter)17上帝来还要做什么事情呢——在(《创世记》)第十七章。Thirdly to correct Abram’s foolishness and hasty decision when he married Hagar上帝来要纠正亚伯拉罕的愚蠢、他的鲁莽——他娶了夏甲:So there was maybe a tone of rebuke when God says:『Be perfect』 in(《Genesis》17)verse 1所以当上帝在(《创世记》第十七章)第1节说:『要完全』的时候,好像带着一点点责备的语气。
[4]However 但是第四方面:But God is patient但是上帝是忍耐的:For the sake
Of God’s own plan,he is patient为了上帝的自己的计划,祂是忍耐的。And
for Abram’s own sake——for his maturity,God is patient但是为了亚伯兰的成长——他的成熟,上帝是忍耐的——II《Peter》3:8《彼得后书》第三章第8节说:With the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day主看一日如千年,千年如一日。God sees the end point of his plan主看到祂的计划的终点——最后的那一点;so we must be patient所以我们要忍耐——《Ecclesiastes》7:8《传道书》第七章第8节这样说:Better is the end of a thing than its beginning事情的终局强如事情的起头;and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit所以存心忍耐的,胜过居心骄傲的。God came to do all of these wonderful things上帝来做这么多的奇妙的事;it’s always a good time God comes所以上帝来一定是好的日子的。
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Finaly、fourthly this morning let us see最后第四方面今天早上我们来看一看what did God promise上帝应许什么:
[1]God promised he would multiply the seed上帝应许要使亚伯拉罕的后裔繁殖众多。
[2]God will bless the seed上帝要赐福给亚伯拉罕的后裔:God will be their God;they will be God’s people他们要作上帝的子民;上帝要做他们的上帝。God will establish his covenant forever with them上帝要与他们永远立约的。Here we see the principle of the family in the covenant这里我们看到家庭的原则——在约里面家庭是很重要的。
[3]God will cleanse the seed第三方面上帝要洁净亚伯兰的后裔。
[4]Finaly、fourthly God will glorify the seed第四、最后上帝必使亚伯兰的后裔得荣耀的。
Wonderful promises这些都是荣耀的、奇妙的应许。And we’ll take a close look at how these promises are fit together下一次我们来看这些应许怎么样组成一个整体…the covenant的约。
Brothers and sisters弟兄姐妹,When God comes to do business with us弟兄姐妹,当上帝来跟上帝来我们算账的时候,it’s not always happy不一定是很快乐,it’s always a good time(却)一定是美好的时光;because God is wise因为上帝是智慧的:He knows what we need祂知道我们所需要的是什么;and he knows what he wants to do他也知道他要做什么。So the best time of all所以最好的时光was incarnation and the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ最好的时光就是耶稣基督的道成肉身、他的十字架、他的复活。Not pleasant to get on the cross上十字架不是快乐的事情;for our sake and for God’s plan sake,it was the best time 但是为了我们的缘故、为了上帝的计划的缘故,十字架是最好的的日子。God turns things upside down上帝往往颠覆事情:turns our understanding upside down颠覆我们的理解;turns our evaluation of good days upside down上帝把我们认为什么是好的日子完全要颠覆的。Is it for our good为我们的好处吗——Absolutely绝对是!
Let’s pray我们祷告:天父我们感谢你,直到我们见你面之前,你还是我们的恩主,永远做我们的恩主Father,we are grateful that until our days(48:09) you are a God of grace and you are always be a God of grace for us;teach us how to believe in you and obey you more completely求主教导我们怎么样更完全地信靠你跟顺服你。And most of all we thank you because we have a wonderful savior最重要的是我们因为有这位奇妙的恩主、救主耶稣基督而感谢你!Thank you Jesus谢谢主耶稣。In your name we pray我们奉你的名字祷告,阿们!
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