


主讲:林慈信牧师_校对:刘加立弟兄_文字: 凝香百合姐妹





他说:要处理这些的问题,就是说神明明的定意一些事情,但是祂又表达祂不愿意。比方祂不愿意人敬拜偶像,但是每一件事情都是祂所定旨的。他说要处理这些问题呢神学家可能用了上帝的定旨和上帝的启示这两种的旨意,上帝的定旨the decretive will of God是掌控万物的、万事的。the perceptive will上帝启示的旨意expresses God’s commands and preferences to rational creatures.上帝启示的旨意就表达了上帝向有灵魂的被造物就是人和天使,祂的吩咐和祂的心意。Both can be described as God’s “desires,”不论是神永恒定旨的旨意或者神所启示的旨意都可以称为神的心意或者心愿。but they somehow represent different sectors of the divine psychology.但是这两样好像指向上帝的心里的不同的部分,This distinction can be useful,这样来分辨是可以说有用,but, as Van Til would say, it leaves much mystery.但是还是留下很大的奥秘。God is, after all, one.神是一,His mind is not neatly divisible into psychological compartments.上帝的心意并不是能够很整齐的被分为不同的心理的格子或者抽屉的。To say the least, it is not clear how God would want, and at the same time not want, sin to enter the world.至少我们这样说:上帝怎么可能是愿意罪进入世界,又同时不愿意罪进入世界呢?祂怎么样可能同时愿意又不愿意呢?这个是不清楚的。Here we must invoke Van Til’s doctrines of paradox and analogical thinking.这里我必须要用范泰尔的吊诡,就是似乎的表面上的矛盾和类比思维,But, as Van Til often tells us, we should not deny one side of the paradox in order to embrace the other side,范泰尔常常告诉我们:我们不能够把吊诡的一边否定,好叫我们能够接受另外一边,for Scripture clearly teaches both.因为《圣经》在这两方面都有正面的教导。


In his strange idea of preaching the gospel freely to a “generality,” Van Til himself seems to have violated his own principle.这里弗兰姆又对范泰尔有一个批判,他说:范泰尔说福音是传给一个一般性的。他说在这点上范泰尔是He evidently resorts to this formulation on the grounds that God could not desire the salvation of an actual reprobate person,说到要用这样的想法很可能就是因为上帝不可能愿意一个具体的得救,上帝不可能!祂既然预定他不得救,祂就不可能愿意祂得救嘛。only of a generality including elect and reprobate together.一群人类就是包括选民跟非选民泛泛的全人类得救。But that assumption is unbiblical and quite unnecessary但是这个假设是不符合《圣经》的,也非常不需要的。if we follow Van Til’s earlier advice and take seriously the transitions of history.范泰尔所坚持就是我们必须要对历史上的转折点非常的认真的正视的话,Following the transition of the Fall and preceding the transition of the Last Judgment, God wants all individuals to repent, whether or not he has foreordained for them to do so.在人类堕落之后,无论上帝有没有定旨某某人要悔改,上帝都愿意这个人悔改的。这个是弗兰姆的结论。讲到这里这段就讲完了,我再讲一次,在堕落之后,在最后审判之前定旨某人必定会悔改,上帝是愿意每一个人悔改的。


III. 丹雅各布的批判Daane’s critics

DaaneD-a-a-n-e,对范泰尔的批判,弗兰姆当然就会批判Daane的批判,一个改革宗的神学家,在这里弗兰姆要批判的是James Daane的书Grace《恩典的神学》。It is interesting to note that Van Til’s doctrine of common grace has been subjected to two book-length critiques弗兰姆说很有趣的,范泰尔的《普遍恩典论》有两本,整整两本的书来批判exceeding by far the critical analysis available on any other aspect of his teaching.,这个是比他范泰尔的教导任何其他的方面都批判来的多。


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Later we will look at Gary North’s Dominion and Common Grace下文呢我们会讨论Gary North他的书《掌权与普遍恩典》。在这里我们略略地来考虑James Daane《恩典神学》A Theology of Grace. Daane’s book is very thorough and ingenious, Daane的书是非常的彻底,也写得很聪明, but in the final analysis it is rather bizarre.但是至终来说这本书是非常的怪异的。Daane was originally impressed with Van Til’s emphasis “upon the necessity of taking time and dates seriously in our doctrine of common grace, and because of his emphasis on the equal ultimacy of universality and particularity in the principle of the ontological trinity.”本来对范泰尔一些的强调的要点是非常欣赏的,比方说我们必须在我们的普遍恩典论里面正视时间、日期,还有范泰尔强调普遍性和个别性,就是共相跟殊相两样都是至终的。就是因为本体论的三一论的缘故,Daane曾经发表过两篇文章支持范泰尔的观点,但是后来他有一点的怀疑,在这本A Theology of Grace《恩典的神学》他宣称“laid bare” the “philosophical categories”他就暴露了范泰尔讲法背后的哲学范畴,就是哲学的观念。


下面弗兰姆有点冷眼地来讲一段话,很有意思的。那这段话本身是有它的教训,当我们读完之后我们知道这段话不是只是讨论神学这么简单的,Van Til has sometimes been accused of criticizing others unfairly on the basis of his speculative reconstructions of philosophical categories supposedly underlying their thought.有的时候神学家会批判范泰尔,说他是很不公平的,因为他用猜测的方法来重建一些其他人的哲学观念,他认为这些观念是那些人背后的预设的。比方说G.C. Berkouwer会批判范泰尔是这样子批判巴特的,Berkouwer的书是The Triumph of Grace in the Theology of Karl Barth是在巴特神学里的《恩典的得胜》1956年(版)的386页。If those accusations are true,假如这样批判范泰尔是正确的话,就说假如范泰尔真的是把别人的一些观念他就说穿,说到一些的假设是不公道的话,then in A Theology of Grace Daane has given Van Til a dose of his own medicine!假如是这样的话,Daane的书里面呢就用这个方法来批判范泰尔的。He takes Van Til’s talk about generalities and so on to reflect philosophical idealism and various dialectics between being and nonbeing.当范泰尔讲到我们传福音是向一个一般性来传福音的时候呢,Daane就说这个就反映出范泰尔的哲学是唯心主义或者理想主义,然后范泰尔在存有跟非存有之间有各种的辩证性的。


He focuses much attention on this text from Van Til: Daane特别多次地指向范泰尔这句话,这句话是“If we make the earlier our point of departure for the later, we begin with something that believers and unbelievers have in common.假如我们把更早的当作我们的出发点,而不是用更迟的作出发点的话,我们的出发点就是信徒跟非信徒都共有的一个东西,That is to say, they have something in common because they do not yet exist.就是说他们有一些共通点,因为他们还没有存在。Yet they do exist.但是他们又是存在的,They exist in Adam as their common representative.”他们在亚当里存在的,亚当是他们共有的代表。这里是范泰尔在《普遍恩典与福音》第72页里面讲的一句话,他说:假如我们把历史当作是开始点的话,那我们就可以说选民跟非选民都有一个共通点,是什么呢?就是他们还没有存在,不过他们又存在的,他们在亚当里存在的,亚当是他们的全人类的代表。Daane pounces on the clause “because they do not yet exist” and belabors it over and over again throughout his book.就特别用这句话“因为他们还没有存在”,多次地用来击打范泰尔,He construes Van Til’s position to be that:他就把范泰尔的立场丑化成为“the only thing that the elect and reprobate have in common – without a difference – is their non-existence.”选民和没有被拣选的人只有一件事情是共通的,就是他们是不存在的。Their commonality, therefore, is supratemporal and mystical.因此他们的共通点是在时间以先,也是奥秘的,神秘的。Even Adam himself “does not exist” as a historical figure.甚至亚当身为一个历史上的人还没有存在,Van Til reduces Adam, says Daane, to a mere generality.因此Daane说范泰尔就把亚当约化成了一个一般性而已. Common grace is given only to nonexistent people所以按照这个说法上帝的普遍恩典只不过是给一些还没有存在的人,once they come to exist, there is no common grace人一开始存在就没有普遍恩典了。As Van Til criticizes Hoeksema and Barth for denying any real significance to historical events, so Daane makes the same charge against Van Til.正如范泰尔批判Hoeksema,也批判巴特,他们把历史的事件不当为是重要的;同样的Daane对范泰尔也作出这样的批判。

弗兰姆说:I said that Daane’s critique was rather bizarre.,我已经说过Daane的批判是非常的怪异的。That should be plain to anybody who has even a slight knowledge of Van Til’s writings.假如说有人甚至乎只稍微地读过范泰尔的著作这一点是非常明显的,就是Daane的批判是非常的奇怪的His emphasis on the actual historical existence of Adam and the significance of redemptive events in history requires no documentation.我们不需要引经据典就可以看到范泰尔在很明显的强调亚当在历史上是真的存在的,而且在救赎历史上的事件是重要的


弗兰姆就这样继续说I do think that the sentence about nonexistent people in Adam could have been better formulated.但是(弗兰姆说)范泰尔讲到人在亚当里还没有存在这句话呢可能可以讲得更好一点,Certainly it is true in one sense.是的,从某种意义上来说这句话是对的。When we were judged in Adam, we did not exist as distinct individuals.当我们在亚当里被上帝审判的时候,我们还没有存在,我们还不是一个个别的个人,And it is true that people who do not exist have their nonexistence in common!当然所有不存在的人,他们的不存在是共通点,那个没有错。But that is really irrelevant to Van Til’s argument, and, cute as the point is to philosophical readers,他说这一点呢范泰尔提出虽然是很可爱,很好玩,但是跟范泰尔的论据是没有关系的。he should never have made it.是的,对哲学家来讲这句话好像很好玩,但是我认为范泰尔不应该讲这句话。The commonness of common grace, for Van Til, is not based upon the nonexistence of individuals in Adam; rather, as Van Til hastens to add, it is based on their common existence in Adam as their representative and their continued existence through the temporal transitions of history.普遍恩典之所以是普遍,不是因为人在亚当里不存在,范泰尔他自己说的。普遍恩典的普遍性就是因为他们在亚当里的存在,共同的存在,亚当是代表,而且他们继续地在历史上继续地存在。

这里有一个小小的注脚,弗兰姆这样说:I believe that Van Til was often led astray by the opportunity to employ a cute but misleading phrase or a fetching illustration.我相信有的时候范泰尔他有机会他就用一些很可爱、很好玩的一些的短句,或者一些令人注意的一些比喻,但是这样子他会走歪路了。We saw that tendency in the extreme formulations of antithesis在我们讨论到势不两立的时候也能看到他的极端的说法也有这种趋向。


好,我们继续看弗兰姆的正文。Van Til’s talk about “generalities” is also unfortunate, as I indicated earlier in this chapter,* and it is contrary to the main thrust of his book.范泰尔说福音是向人的一般性传讲的,这个也是很不幸的,因为这个跟他的整本书的重点是背道而驰的。His main argument is in essence a plea for the importance of historical particularities, not generalities,因为范泰尔的书重点就是说我们要强调历史上的殊相,个别的事情,而不是强调一些一般性的东西。And for the importance of temporal transitions.还有就是时间上有一些的转折点也是重要的,这个是范泰尔的要点。


Daane’s first thoughts about Van Til’s Common Grace were far sounder than his second thoughts. Daane对范泰尔的普遍恩典的正面支持的要点是比他的批判更加的正确。Van Til’s utterances about nonexistence and generalities are unfortunate lapses,很不幸地范泰尔讲到什么人不存在啊,一般性啊,这些是很不幸的一些的滑跌。not keys to the discovery of vast ranges of heresy in his thought.你不能把这种说法当作一条钥匙来发现“哇,范泰尔思想里面有广阔的异端”,不是的, Daane makes the mistake of elevating jokes, obiter dicta, and unfortunate misstatements to the status of programmatic pronouncements.弗兰姆说:Daane哪,你把范泰尔的一些的笑话和不幸的说法,把它提升成为整个范泰尔程序里面的一些的宣告Then he rather violently forces everything else Van Til says into the mold of this alleged philosophical program.然后Daane就把所有其他范泰尔所讲的都塞进这个所谓范泰尔所建立的这个程序。

Daane’s remarkable performance illustrates这个非常出色的表演给我们一个的怎么的展示呢?illustrates the need for more sense of proportion – and more sense of humor – in Reformed theology.展示了我们在从事改革宗神学的时候,我们需要有更多的分寸和更大的幽默感。而幽默感和分寸又是彼此相连的。我们听、我们读的时候,我们看到弗兰姆很重视哪些是真的是重要的,哪些很不幸地范泰尔说过我们就略过就算了。范泰尔不是十全十美的,所以弗兰姆也给我们一个很好的一个提醒,不是迷信一个人,然后对那些批判范泰尔这个伟人的那些作家我们也需要有所保留。


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