
In our historical approach to philosophy, we should begin at the beginning.


And on a Christian view of things, the beginning is the creation of the world by God.


The biblical doctrine of creation establishes a worldview that antedates the views of all other religions and philosophies and is also unique among them.



The first element of this worldview is the Creator-creature distinction itself.


In the biblical metaphysic, there are two levels of reality: that of the Creator and that of the creature.

Van Til illustrated this relationship by two circles, the larger one representing God, the lower (and smaller) circle creation; see fig. 1.2.

图1.2. 创造主和被造物的区别。

Fig. 1.2.  The Distinction between Creator and Creature


These may never be confused (as in Spinoza, who believed that nature could be called God; Deus sive natura): the Lord is always Lord, and the creatures are always his servants.

根据基督教,创造大工是『从无有创造』 (拉丁文:creation ex nihilo, out of nothing)。
In Christianity, creation is ex nihilo, “out of nothing.”


The world is not an emanation from God’s essence, a piece of God, as it were (as in Gnostic philosophy, for example).


It is entirely and irrevocably distinct from God.


But as a creature of God, it is capable of fellowship with God.

这两个层面之间,也没有其他层面(例如:诺斯底主义,他们在至高的存有和物质世界之间设定了一系列,整个连续统 continnum的中介 )。

Nor is there anything in between the two levels (also as in Gnosticism, which posited a continuum of mediators between the highest being and the material world).


Van Til did sometimes put two vertical lines between the two circles, meaning that God was able to “connect with” his creation, that he was free to act in the world and communicate with it.

但是宇宙没有第三个存有层面(level of being),只有两个。

But there is no third level of being, only two.

[ 注脚二十二。我的好友,彼得琼斯博士 Peter Jones 指出:违背创造主和被造物的区别,在目前当代的新异教,即新纪元思想中泛滥;这和古代的诺斯底主义是换汤不换药,力争万物都是『一』,本为『一』。]

[Footnote 22.  My good friend Peter Jones has noted that violation of the Creator-creature distinction is rife in modern neo-paganism (“New Age thought”), which (parallel to ancient Gnosticism) tries to argue that all things are one.

在这个语境中,琼斯描述基督教的世界观为『二主义』(two-ism),新异教(新纪元)的世界观是『一主义』(one-ism)。(译者按:『一主义』 (one-ism)的传统称谓是『一元论』(monism)。)

In that context, he describes the Christian worldview as Two-ism and neo-pagan pantheism as One-ism.

That distinction enables him to clearly communicate some of the major problems in modern culture.

见琼斯的著作。(译者按:琼斯的事工是 truthXchange: http://truthXchange.com。)]

See Peter R. Jones, Capturing the Pagan Mind (Nashville, TN: Broadman and Holman, 2003); Peter R. Jones, One or Two: Seeing a World of Difference (Escondido, CA: Main Entry Editions, 2010).]


Someone might object that this distinction between God and the world is not compatible with the union of God and man in Jesus Christ.


But it is in Christology that the church has made the most zealous efforts to keep God and man distinct.

迦克墩会议 (Council of Chalcedon, A.D. 451) 宣称,耶稣基督的位格里有两个清晰不同的本性,神性和人性:

The Council of Chalcedon (A.D. 451) declared that in Jesus there are two distinct natures, divine and human:

  1. 我们跟随圣教父,同心合意教导人宣认同一位子,我们的主耶稣基督,有完全的神性,也有完全的人性;
  2. 真是神,也真是人;有理性的灵魂,也有身体;
  3. 按神性说,与父本质相同(同质,homoousios);按人性说,与我们本质(substance,essence)相同,凡事与我们一样,只是没有罪;
  4. 按神性说,在万世之先,为父所生;按人性说,在这末后的日子,为了拯救我们,由上帝之母,童女马利亚所生;
  5. 这位基督,既是子,又是主,也是神的独生子;具有二性,不相混乱,不相交换;不能分开,不能离散;
  6. 二性的区别不因联合而消失,各性的特点反而得以保存,联合于一个位格、一个生存形态(subsistence)之内,不是分离成为两个位格,而是同一位子,是神的独生子,是道,是上帝,是主耶稣基督;
  7. 正如众先知一开始论到祂时所讲的,也如主耶稣基督自己所教训我们的,又如诸圣教父的信经所传给我们的。

(『迦克墩信经』,摘自赵中辉等译,《历代教会信条精选》(基督教改革宗翻译社,2009),6。马来西亚梳邦城市门徒长老会https://mandarin.cdpc.org.my/?page_id=1465 。译者修。)

“So, following the saintly fathers, we all with one voice teach the confession of one and the same Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: the same perfect in divinity and perfect in humanity the same truly God and truly man, of a rational soul and a body; con-substantial with the Father as regards his divinity, and the same consubstantial with us as regards his humanity; like us in all respects except for sin; begotten before the ages from the Father as regards his divinity, and in the last days the same for us and for our salvation from Mary, the virgin God-bearer as regards his humanity; one and the same Christ, Son, Lord, no confusion, no change, no division, no separation; at no point was the difference between the two natures taken away through the union, but rather the property of both natures is preserved and comes together into a single person and a single subsistent being; he is not parted or divided into two persons, but is one and the same only-begotten Son, God, Word, Lord Jesus Christ, just as the prophets taught from the beginning about him, and as the Lord Jesus Christ himself instructed us, and as the creed of the fathers handed it down to us.

[Footnote 23.  Dogmatics: Definition of the Council of Chalcedon, available at http://www.ewtn.com/faith/teachings/incac2.htm.  ]


Notice the four Greek adverbs that are translated “no confusion, no change, no division, no separation.”

基督的位格里,上帝和人有着最密切的联合,《伽克墩信经》用『没有分割,没有分离』 (no division, no separation)来表达。

In Christ there is the most intimate possible union between God and man, which the Chalcedonian Declaration expresses by saying that in him there is “no division, no separation.”


But even in Christ, God and man are distinct.  They are not “confused”; neither is “changed” into the other.

我认为『从无创造』 (creation ex nihilo) 是《圣经》的信仰所独有的。

I believe that the doctrine of creation ex nihilo is unique to biblical religion.


Judaism and Islam give some respect to it, but that is because of the influence of the Bible on those faiths.

Among “secular” thinkers, creation ex nihilo is nowhere to be found.

[ 注脚二十四。我在《上帝论》,英文原著页298-302,用解经维护了『从无创造』这教义。]

[Footnote 24.  My exegetical argument of creation ex nihilo is in DG, 298-302.]


[ 注脚二十五。从这里开始,我诠释我在《神学认识论》和其他著作力争的,用『三视角』来理解世界。我的好友,浦韦恩 Vern Poythress 也有诠释,例如他的《救赎哲学》一书。我在本书书末会讨论他的思想。]

[Footnote 25.  At this point I begin to expound the tri-perspectival understanding of the world that I have previously argued in DKG and elsewhere.  It can also be accessed in the writings of my friend Vern S. Poythress, for example in his Redeeming Philosophy: A God-Centered Approach to the Big Questions (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2014).   I will discuss Poythress at the very end of this book.]


Let us look now at the upper level of reality according to Scripture.


What sort of being has created the world out of nothing?


Of course, many things can be said about the nature of God.

但是对哲学特别重要的是:上帝是绝对位格 (God is absolute personality)。

But of particular philosophical importance is that God is absolute personality.

称上帝为『绝对』的意思是:祂是自足的(self-sufficient),自存的 (self-existent),这是神学家所指的自存 (拉丁文a se,英文 aseity)。 (译者按:反泰尔称之为『自含』self-contained。)

To say that he is absolute is to say that he is self-sufficient, self-existent, or, as theologians say, a se.

因此,上帝并不需要依靠任何事物 [ 注脚二十六],反之,万物都依靠祂。

He therefore does not depend on anything else [Footnote 26], but everything else depends on him.

[注脚二十六。记得,这是克劳斯对『神圣』 (divine) 的定义。]

[Footnote 26.  Recall that this is Clouser’s definition of divine.]


He is, as the doctrine of creation implies, the origin of all things, the First Cause.


Absolute beings are fairly common in religious and philosophical literature.


The Greek Fate, the Hindu Brahma, Parmenides’ Being, Plato’s Idea of the Good, Aristotle’s Prime

Mover, Plotinus’s One, and Hegel’s Absolute may fairly be described as absolute beings, possessing the

attribute of aseity.

[注脚二十七。记得克劳斯对上帝的定义:『不依靠任何其他事物』的存有者。自存这个名词来自拉丁文的 a se,『从(靠)自己』的意思。]

[Footnote 27.  Recall Clouser’s definition of God as a being who is “not depend[ent] on anything else.”  The term aseity comes from the Latin a se, “from himself.”]


But the biblical God also has the attributes of personality.


He is not only absolute, but personal: he knows, loves, speaks.


So not only is he the fundamental cause of everything, but our relationship with him is the most important of all our personal relationships.


He not only makes us, but tells us his will, expresses his love, provides salvation from sin and tells us what he has done to redeem.


Belief in personal gods can be found in many religions.

[ 注脚二十八。但是,在哲学里却不常见。当然,那些与尊崇位格性神明的宗教有关的哲学,有时会承认这些神明。伊比鸠鲁承认神明的存在,但它们在他的哲学思想中并没有扮演什么角色。但是,连这个在哲学史上也是罕见的例子。]

[Footnote 28.  Not, however, in many philosophies.  Of course, philosophies associated with religions that honor personal gods sometimes acknowledge them.  (Epicurus admitted their existence, but did not allow them to play any role in his philosophy.)  But even that is rare in the history of philosophy.]


The old polytheisms of Greece, Rome, Egypt, Babylon, Canaan, India, Scandinavia, Germany, and elsewhere are religions of personal gods.


But those personal gods are never absolute beings.

Zeus and Hera, for example, had parents, and were subject to fits of anger and jealousy.


The gods of polytheism are not a se, not all-powerful, and certainly not paragons of morality and truth.


Only biblical religion acknowledges an absolute being who is also personal.

[ 注脚二十九。当然,这包括了基督教:我认为唯有基督教对《圣经》进行了正确的解释。但是,正如上文指出,还有其他宗教,例如犹太教,伊斯兰教,和基督教旁边的异端,如摩门教和耶和华见证人,都显出一些绝对位格神论的痕迹。]

[Footnote 29.  Of course, that includes Christianity, which in my view is the only true interpretation of the Bible.  But as I noted earlier, there are also religions, such as Judaism, Islam, and the Christian heresies such as the Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses, that carry some vestige of absolute-personality theism.]


So for the Christian, the Creator of the universe is also our Lord, our ultimate Judge, and our dearest friend.


So the God of the Bible is not only the First Cause, but also the ultimate standard of truth and of right.


More than this: the biblical God is not only personal, but tripersonal.

[ 注脚三十。我在《上帝论》,原著页619-735,用解经诠释了三一论的教义。]

[Footnote 30.  For my exegetical account of the doctrine of the Trinity, see DG, 619-735.]


He is one God in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


His oneness is important philosophically: the world has only one First Cause, one ultimate standard of truth and right.


But God’s three-ness is also important.


As we saw earlier, philosophical metaphysicians have argued among themselves about monism and pluralism: whether the universe is one or many.

Van Til’s view was that because God is both one and many, he has made a world that is both one and many: that is, no unity without particulars, nor vice versa.


Philosophical attempts to reduce the universe to one something, or to chop the world into “ultimate constituents,” either procedure as an attempt to gain exhaustive knowledge of the world, are bound to fail.

[ 注脚三十一。我会在本书第十三章,讨论范泰尔时更详细讨论。]

[Footnote 31.  I will discuss this in more detail in my discussion of Van Til in chapter 13.]

[3] 主权:三个主权属性,三个观点视角



What, then, is the relationship between Creator and creature, between the absolute tripersonality and those who depend on him?


I believe that the most fundamental biblical description of this relationship is lordship: God is Lord, and creation is his servant.

[ 注脚三十二。参《上帝论》,页21-115,和《系统神学》,第2-6章:我解释了《圣经》里主权的核心地位:这主权的本质则包括掌控,权威,和临在。《圣经》也用其他词汇指上帝,例如『君王』,『父亲』等,也是重要的。依我看来,这些概念和『主权』,都是不同的视角。]

[Footnote 32.  For my argument for the centrality of lordship in Scripture and the nature of lordship in terms of control, authority, and presence, see DG, 21-115, and ST, chaps. 2-6.  Other biblical designations of God are also important, especially King and Father.  In my view, these are perspectivally identical with Lord.]


In my analysis, the nature of God’s lordship can be summarized by the terms control, authority, and presence.



God’s control is his power to bring all things to pass according to the counsel of his will (Eph. 1:11).



His authority is his right to be obeyed, so that his control has a moral basis.



His presence is his nearness to his creation and his intimate relationships with it.



The most profound relationship is the covenant, in which God says, “I will be your God, and you will be my people” (Ex. 6:7; Lev. 26:12; Rev. 21:3).

我总结这三个词汇为上帝的『主权属性』(lordship attributes),它们之间的关系是:它们都是观点视角。参图1.3。

I describe these three terms as the lordship attributes, and they are perspectivally related; see fig. 1.3.


掌控Control                                                          临在Presence

Fig. 1.3.  上帝的主权属性The Lordship Attributes


Each of these attributes implies the others.


If God is control of all things, then he controls the standards for truth and right, so his control implies his authority.


And if he controls all things, he exercises his power everywhere, and (for an immaterial being) that constitutes his presence.


If God has authority over all things, then he has control, for he has the right to command anything (personal or impersonal), and it must obey.


For example, even in the original creation he made the world by issuing commands.


He commanded even non-existent things to spring into existence (“let there be light,” Gen. 1:3; cf. Rom. 4:17).


And his authority implies his presence, for his authority extends to all things.


His presence means that nothing in the universe can escape from his control or authority (Ps. 139).




The threefold pattern suggests that this account of God’s lordship may be importantly related to God’s Trinitarian nature, and I believe it is.


The three persons of the Trinity are, of course, “distinct but not separate.”


They work together in all of world history.


But they do play distinct roles, particularly in their relation to the world, and in the meta-narrative of creation, fall, and redemption.


In general, God the Father is prominent in biblical accounts of God’s eternal plan.


The Son, not the Father, becomes incarnate to implement that plan in obedience to the Father.


Then the Spirit comes to be “with” and “in” God’s people as he bears witness to the work of Christ.

These distinctions suggest that the Father is the “authority,” the Son the “controller,” and the Spirit the “presence” of God.


Of course, in all aspects of God’s work, the three persons are involved together.


The Son is “in” the Father and the Father in him.


The Spirit is in the Father and the Son, and they are in him.

他们是彼此内住的,神学家称之为 circumcessio, 或perichoresis 。

This mutual in-dwelling is what theologians call circumcessio or perichoresis.

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