
REDEMPTION Accomplished and Applied part 1-section 22 《再思救赎奇恩》第一部分第22 讲,我们继续看在保罗书信里面,慕理怎么找到经文的第二种的证据。 主讲:林慈信牧师_校对:刘加立_文字:Cherry Perhaps no text in scripture presents more plausible support to the doctrine of universe atonement than 1...


REDEMPTION Accomplished and Applied part 1-section 23《再思救赎奇恩》第一部分第23 讲,Chapter 5–Conclusion第五章–结论.就是这本书的第一部分讲道救赎的成就,赎罪大工这部分的结论。 主讲:林慈信牧师_校对:刘加立_文字:Cherry There is only one source from which we can derive a proper conception of Christ’s atoning work. That...


REDEMPTION Accomplished and Applied part 2-section 1 《再思救赎奇恩》第二部分第一讲 主讲:林慈信牧师_校对:刘加立_文字:cherry Chapter one–The order of application第一章:救赎施行的次序,the order of application . The provision which God has made in his providence for the sustenance and comfort of man and...


REDEMPTION Accomplished and Applied part 2-section 2 《再思救赎奇恩》第二部分第二讲 We continue with chapter one:the order of application我们继续读第一章:施行救赎的次序。 主讲:林慈信牧师_校对:刘加立_文字:cherry There is one passage of Scripture which affords us a great deal of light on this...


REDEMPTION Accomplished and Applied part 2-section 4 《再思救赎奇恩》第二部分第四讲, 我们来到第二章:有效的呼召正文的第一段The Author,就是呼召者,是谁在做呼召的, 主讲:林慈信牧师_校对:刘加立_文字:cherry In connection with the subject of this caption there are particularly two things to be noted.关于the...


REDEMPTION Accomplished and Applied part 2-section 3 《再思救赎奇恩》第二部分第三讲 We continue and we will conclude chapter 1–the order of application.我们继续也会讲完第一章–施行救赎的次序。 主讲:林慈信牧师_校对:刘加立_文字:cherry There  is another reason why we should believe that faith is prior to...


REDEMPTION Accomplished and Applied part 2-section 5 《再思救赎奇恩》第二部分第5讲, Chapter 2: Effectual Calling continued我们继续讲第二章有效的呼召, 主讲:林慈信牧师_校对:刘加立_文字:cherry We are in the middle of the  second section :the nature of the effectual call.我们在讲第二部分:有效的恩召的本质, a high,holy and...


REDEMPTION Accomplished and Applied part 2-section 7《再思救赎奇恩》第二部分第7讲 主讲:林慈信牧师_校对:刘加立_文字:Cherry Chapter 3: Regeneration. Continued.我们继续讲第三章:重生。Born of Spirit.从灵而重生。 It needs to be particularly noted what is implied in this familiar expression “born of the...


REDEMPTION Accomplished and Applied part 2-section 6 《再思救赎奇恩》第二部分第6讲–Chapter 3: Regeneration.第三章:重生。 主讲:林慈信牧师_校对:刘加立_文字:cherry We have found that the application of redemption begins with an effectual call我们已经学到,上帝施行救赎的第一步就是祂有效的呼召by which God the Father ushers...


REDEMPTION Accomplished and Applied part 2-section 9 《再思救赎奇恩》第二部分第9讲 主讲:林慈信牧师_校对:刘加立_文字:Cherry We begin chapter 4: Faith and Repentance 我们来开始第四章:信心和悔改。Let me give you a note–faith plus repentance equal conversion.信心和悔改加起来,就是回转,或者是归正。 Regeneration is inseparable...