
[III] 哲学,神学,宗教PHILOSOPHY, THEOLOGY, AND RELIGION (4-8) 神学的定义(傅兰姆)Definition of theology (Frame) 我把神学定义为: 『某位格将上帝的话应用在人生每一个层面上。』 I define theology as “the application of the Word of God, by persons, to every aspect of human life.” [...


第一章Chapter 1 哲学与《圣经》 PHILOSOPHY AND THE BIBLE (1-45) [I] 哲学是什么?WHAT IS PHILOSOPHY?  (1-3) 『哲学』字义  “Philosophy”: Meaning of the Word 『哲学』的字义:爱智慧;对智慧的爱慕。 The word “philosophy”: love of wisdom. 智慧:更高层次的知识:探索意义深远,重要,又实际适切的问题。 Wisdom = a heightened kind of knowledge – a...


[V] 三个主要分支(形而上学,知识论,价值论)之间的关系 RELATIONS OF THE THREE SUBDIVISIONS: METAPHYSICS, EPISTEMOLOGY & VALUE THEORY (13-14) [1] 我应从哪里开始学习哲学? WHERE DO I START IN STUDYING PHILOSOPHY? 一个刚入门的哲学家看到三个学习范围:形而上学,知识论,和伦理学,会问:该从哪里入手? A novice philosopher might look at these three...


[II] 为什么要研究哲学?WHY STUDY PHILOSOPHY? (3-4) 哲学读来有啥用?What use is philosophy? 这个年头,没有人为了找到一份高薪工作而去念哲学的。 One doesn’t study philosophy these days with the goal of landing on a high-paying job. 哲学有啥用处? What use is it? 亚里斯多特可能提供了最好的回答:『全人类,本质上,都想要知道。』 Aristotle – perhaps best...


[VI] 《圣经》的哲学BIBLICAL PHILOSOPHY (14-19) 我们既然从历史的角度研究哲学,就必须从起初开始。 In our historical approach to philosophy, we should begin at the beginning. 根据基督徒对万物的看法,起初就是上帝创造宇宙。 And on a Christian view of things, the beginning is the creation of the world by God....


[IV] 哲学的主要分支(范围):形而上学,知识论,伦理学(价值论) SUBDIVISIONS OF PHILOSOPHY (8-13) 形而上学:对『存有』的研究METAPHYSICS: THE STUDY OF BEING (VS. NON-BEING) 让我对上一段提到的,哲学三个范围,再多说一些。 Let me say some more about the three subjects mentioned in the previous section. 『形而上学』研究宇宙最普遍性的特点(most general...